This is a Lego Ideas thing I tried to put up, but I was denied for making “remakes of previous sets”, so I was pretty bummed. This is my first topic outside of Brickonicle, so let’s see how it goes.
Yup, so this is Tahu. I wanted to make him very close to the original character, because he is so iconic. I redid his Hau like five times (that’s only barely an exaggeration) until I was satisfied. I gave him a “Slizer hand”, and a sword, and even a gear. I’m very proud of him.
Vezok I had some more fun with. Of course, designing on LDD isn’t the best mocing tool, or else I would have made a bigger spike mohawk, a different harpoon weapon, and used Aaron’s silver crossbow piece as a Zamor launcher. Overall, I’m happy with him, I’m proud of the face.
Sorry about the wacky images, I would have cropped them (it’s just I don’t know how). I hope you like these, because I’m bad at mocing. Have a fantastic day, and please leave feedback!
I’ve made my own Tahu before, which I’ll probably share here at some point. But I really like yours. Very small and compact. Being a primarily-LDD user, I totally get what you’re saying. But for the limitations, Vezok is pretty good as well.
Should I make more? If so, who should I make? I was thinking about making six bad and good guys (one for each color) (Please don’t suggest Onua Mata. Certain mask are difficult to replicate) (don’t worry about suggesting Ehlek, I’m doing him anyways)