Newest version of my Takanuva converted to metru build.
I rebuilded my ussanui and he fits withot problems.
Newest version of my Takanuva converted to metru build.
I rebuilded my ussanui and he fits withot problems.
This is a nice revamp of the Toa of Light. I like the way you made the upper arms.
One complaint, those ankles are not going to be well articulated.
Yeah, a flipping those visorak feet shin guards would do wonders
Tbh i dont really care that much about articulation, and i think that this shin design is better that way,.
Still a step ahead of his predecessor. (No Pun Intended)
Also, I don’t see how his ankle can’t bend backwards. Works like a normal humanoid leg. (The MOC)
Straightforward, but it works well. Nice!
Its not that it couldn’t bend backwards, its that it doesn’t have dorsiflexion. Its not like its anything deal breaking or anything, just limits posing. But its all the builder’s preference so its all good
which, to clarify for you @Kraata, is Takutanuva’s fancy way of saying “bend upwards”.
very nice, although my ankles hurt thinking about bending like that.
I guess that makes him Takametru
He’s not talking about the knees - he’s referring to the ankles.
Whoops, I meant ankles.
Well a person is supposed to optimally have about 20 degrees of dorsiflexion. Most Bionicle sets come with a lot more than that generally. But again, the creator said he didn’t mind it so it don’t really matta
you mean it don’t really Metru, right?
Very cool! Interesting shoulder design you have there. I dig the idea of him in a metru build
Wow, this works surprisingly well! Nicely done