Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Fantasy RP sign-up

You say that now…

Name: Alexis (Just Alexis)

Age 32

Personality: Alexis is quick to act and will often not think enough about an important decision before following through with it, despite this Alexis’ on-the-spot decision-making soon made her renowned for her skill as a helmsman. She rarely panics in the face of danger and will often take it with a calm attitude, however, her social skills are sorely lacking and she often will come across as passive-aggressive. Recently Alexis has picked up the habit of keeping a journal, though she rarely writes in it.

Weapons: Alexis only carries a knife for utility purposes as she feels that her fire magic is enough to defend herself.

Armor: Alexis wears a well maintained
Chain mail shirt accompanied by leather grieves

Job on a ship: Helmsman (can be changed if needed)

Backstory: A man standing in a field of golden reeds, his hand outstretched in greeting.

A contract in front of her, a sharp pain coming from her left hand.

An empty battlefield, distant screams just far away enough to not see the source.

And a name


These four things are the only things that Alexis has been able to remember since she awoke on the shipwreck-littered beach three years ago, A tattoo of an eye on her left hand being the only thing that brought some sense of familiarity…The feeling of Being Watched…

Appearance: Alexis has shoulder-length black hair and green eyes. She wears a grey coat with a cut military cape resting over her shoulder. Alexis is nimble and dexterous And stands at 6ft 2in

Before you ask @Ghid

  1. I do have a full backstory written and I am in the process of getting it all together and pming it to @Winterstorm345

  2. Yes I will post a story topic for this character and it will include her reasons for joining the crew.