Tempest - OOC Topic

they are, and several people have noticed others’ revenants quite a bit at this point


@MakutaOisli Oh right, so your character can’t break his prison unless he meets the win condition, which would be learning the lesson that Pernille is educating him on. That’s her ability, unless yours has a counter to it of course, but reading through your ability sheet all I say was deafening silence, which wouldn’t apply to illusion breaking.

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He’s not breaking the illusion, i just thought that since this is all in his head, he could still move his body outside of it, and still talk. i will edit it to be closer to the rules, however.

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Oh it’s not in his head, it’s an illusion that traps him personally. The match itself is magical flavor text, it goes out when the character dies or learns the lesson.

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ok but only he can see it, right? So thereby, he should still remember where pernille is, and be able to do this stuff?

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It’s not an illusion he can leave, it feels real.

Take for example the illusions used in the Arkham games, to Batman, they feel real, and the logic of them is the logic of the dream/illusion, not of the real world. If that was the case he would just reach out and grab Scarecrow. Go with that.

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ok, got it.

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Yea, the matchstick is outside the illusion, and the mirrors are silver not glass btw.

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So is Henderson just bound to the camp area for a while or did Henderson also blink away to the illusion zone as well?



Henderson’s still around; I’m honestly not sure what would happen if he tried to leave

Syn’s tied to him, not the other way around, so if Syn’s trapped in the illusion I’m not sure what would happen if Henderson tried to pull him along. @keiththelegokid any comments on this?


I mean the illusion would probably move, it’s tied to the match itself, and that is a magical item, that while not easily destroyed is easily moved.


I’ve been looking over the actions taken in the rp, and I’ve concluded that, while it demonstrates Pernille’s abilities very efficiently, the matchstick used on Syn does count as an autohit, and should be avoided in the future by allowing the affected parties at least one post to respond to the attack before committing to it.

In the meantime, probably best to let Syn out of the illusion just so he doesn’t get left behind or I have to actually be creative with my solutions


How does one dodge an illusion exactly?


If you could look away in time, or if the spell was interrupted midway?
@Ghid , I dunno, im spitballing here.

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It takes time to strike the match and time to throw it at the ground. I’m willing to let this instance stand, since it serves as an example of her powers for the majority of the cast to witness, but in the future time must be allocated for people to be able to respond so she can’t simply inflict this on whomever with no possible chance to retaliate.

Actually, it might help for you to lay down some ground rules for area of effect, opponents who aren’t grounded when it goes into effect, what happens if someone walks into the area, what happens if the target catches the match, etc. just so other players know what they’re up against.

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Throwing it at the ground really isn’t part of the activation but I see your point, in reality the ideal position is to not get so close.

The target catching the match wouldn’t really matter, technically to other people who she’s not trying to catch the illusion space is just really bright.

It’s not a flashbang, and if you could stop the match from being lit that would be interrupting the spell halfway.


At this point Monte has directly addressed Pernille multiple times to let Syn out

That’s helpful info. I wonder what would happen if someone destroyed the match? :thinking:


Yea, Pernille thinks he’s a false angel.

I mean it’s implied it’s stronger than a normal match, but it could work. Does anyone have things that can break magical items?

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Doesn’t matter; in order to ensure Oisli’s exceptionally stubborn character isn’t locked in there for eternity (or is forced to make a very out-of-character character change), I’d like him out. Pernille can find whatever justification she wants for it.

Unfortunately magical items per se don’t really have any established existence in the rp - they’re regular matches in spirit and form, except they never burn out on their own. Perhaps as you said it might take much more effort than it would a normal match, but they’re not invulnerable.

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Henderson would be the key to getting him out at this point.