Tenum, Toa of Aluminium

Most of them aren’t. I have a few lined up to post later. Varrix (Iodine) and Kidra (Mercury) are here already though. :slight_smile:

######I was hoping this toa would be wrapped in aluminum foil

but no, he’s pretty cool

For those who wanna see some cool science about alimunium…

I love this, reminds me of Takanuva from '03.

Nice, you managed to pull off a white and silver color scheme, my only complaint is the proportions of the arms, the placement of the elbow is a bit low.

Yeah, true. I’d definitely go back and fix that if I could.

Sweet! Now, only 103 to go!

What is the MOC pictured here? It seems to be a toa of iodine.

Such creative wings.

I’m in love with the wings… and the vehicle.

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Aye, that’d be Varrix.
He and Tenum aren’t friends.


But Dem wings. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with someone with those wings.

Varrix has jets :v


Wings are cooler. Is this a topic yet, Wing Vs Jet packs?

I got to say this looks great.
Though he looks like a woman. I don’t know why but he looks like woman.

Hehe. Well, he had to be fairly slender to fit in the cockpit. Plus, le-matoran in my storyline tend to be kinda genderfluid. XD

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The limbs look just a bit too skinny, but other than that the MOC looks great.

Looks awesome! Even though the colors are somewhat bland, the eyes and chest piece serve as a really nice contrast! 10/10 :heart_eyes:

Neat Toa. Especially like the wings with their unique look.

Love the speeder! It has a very good technical vibe in its appearance and I like the incorporation of the Bionicle tech in its build and concept. I think it would have looked a lot better with more green and less silver armor, but I would hardly recommend changing this build because you put a lot of hard work into the details and it pays off well!

Wait! Do you mind if I do Molybdenum?