The Battles of Some: Signup/OOC Topic (Late signups welcome!)


going to say the same thing I told Olisi here:

wasnt particularly planning on having our solar system in here, but definitely not against it. I can jive with that.

where would his home be, and how close is he to being able to return? what brought him so far from it?

this section could use some rephrasing, its a bit of a mess to read.

this section looks good, except for the number of magazines you have. Id ask that you cut that down to 3 for the time being

this dude sounds like a walking, talking pile of pouches. could you slim down on some of this? even with all the wonderful technology available in this setting, one man still cant be a true jack of all trades, both in knowledge and in carrying capacity versus fighting ability. with gear, sometimes less is more.


no aliens in here really, everyones something pretty close to human

Though people are definitley different around different groups, and can change, this comes off a bit too “kinda everything” to me

I definitely love seeing some additions being brought to the setting, but this pushes a bit towards a full secondary setting or slight override on the world Ive laid out. Additionally, things like teleportation and nanites havent been present in any of the other characters, nor in the signup post. Im going to ask that this get cut down significantly, or removed altogether

also expect the GMPCs in the next day or two, Ive been holding off on them to make sure my time on the boards is spent getting things out to you guys


Sounds good - I’ll make the changes and repost asap. It probably won’t be until until sometime tomorrow though.

Bynari (again)

going to give you this again, and ask that you take a look at Olisi’s character and my original feedback on it here

again, I am going to ask that you cut this down a bit. while he may have been special forces at one point, going off of the updated character backstory, he hasnt been properly conscripted for for some amount of time, and while I have no issue with him retaining his hardsuit, he would not have access to specialized military equipment. I would additionally like to create some level of scarcity for the party, so Im going to say 100% that you will have to choose between A tourniquet or some other equipment that would make sense for him to have (first responder radio/equipment, civilian grade alternatives to recon equipment he might have had in his service, or whatever else that you can think of that would fit in.
still like the sunglasses tho :sunglasses:

probably separate these two groups. the likelyhood of him serving with the same group he was discharged from is very slim, and while Im still not at all opposed to our sol system existing in this setting, I would keep them separate from the two factions involved in this RP (which you of course didnt know, so dont sweat that, just making the decision known now)

nice detail, I like it

I definitely will not cook with that…
not at all…

Overall looking better than the first time around, but a bit more work before Id accept it. As always, feel free to ask away with any questions you have either in this topic or in PM


I’ll work on it tomorrow. I’m going to be on call this week so I may not be able to respond quickly.


Hey all, just want to give an update since things have been radio silent lately. Ive been working with Bynari in PMs to get Rad ready to go, and hes now at a point where he’ll be approved once a few discrepencies leftover from older iterations are fixed.

If anybody would like to make a last minute signup, I plan on putting together the first post this sunday, so aim to have a draft up by then (I will be busy the next two days, as I often am this time of the week, so I may not see it until then)

Since it has been a while since the signups went up, anybody now no longer interested or able to join, please let me know so you dont get included in the first post

If all goes to plan, we officially rock and roll sumday or monday


Let’s Go!!!

I went through and found the discrepancies in the character sheet, and made the requested changes. Looking forward to a final approval and for the RP to start!


the writing has begun…

I had a change in plans so something that was supposed to be on Tuesday is now tomorrow, meaning I may wait until then to get the post up so I can be more free to respond, not really sure just yet


Rad is approved

also s h i r t moment


just say shirt ugh smh :triumph:


sure thing…
master-only thing or something?


pure genius only :sunglasses:

What do you plan on the opening being? mid-combat, or interim? :eye: :eye:


boy wouldnt you like to know

if youd like a particular start for your character you know how to reach me with your dumb wonderful ideas


I’m curious how a mid-combat interaction with the characters would play out; especially since they haven’t officially met yet.
Will it be a Mexican standoff? Will there be witty banter and classic one liners?
No matter, I’m stoked



going to drop this here, TLDR dont worry about some of the choices made in writing for the first post, it was only for the first post




Sweet … more Wikileaks


This gives strong “itll be fun they said” vibes


Can’t say that it was unintentional :smirk:


I need to step up my game, everyone is going hard with their character interactions.

This is going to be fun


We’ve been trained well on Togav :smirk:


lesgo we got all but one in the first day
Ill give @ajtazt till friday before posting, but be sure to enjoy the holiday for all you fellow american idiots out there