The Battles of Some: Signup/OOC Topic (Late signups welcome!)

Neighborhood already started celebrating a couple hours ago. For those State Side - have a Blessed Independence Day!


I just realised that thereā€™s more Ace art I drew that I completely forgot to share in here with you all

Since in the original piece that I made she wore the jumpsuit only partially, I figured that I needed to draw a version of her fully armed up and ready for action, as well as a version without the jumpsuit

Nah man, I really enjoyed reading your first post. I think itā€™s a great start!

Weā€™re still being trained on Tales of Glory and Valour: The Seafarers, aka the best fantasy RP on the Boards that everyone should totally join, to this day :smirk:

Oh yeah, right, itā€™s a thing yall do. I wish I could join in on the fun, But I ainā€™t from the right side of the world. Have fun!


How dare you accuse me of being late and/or behind! It hasnā€™t been 24 hours yet, Iā€™m still technically within the first day! :stuck_out_tongue:

Would have had something sooner, if I wasnā€™t out celebrating the Fourth a day early with the fam. Didnā€™t get home and in bed until almost 1:00 AM.


not calling ya late, just giving you time, with the holiday and all. hope you enjoyed the time with family, Im out to do that this afternoon myself, meaning if I dont get a post out today, expect one sometime tomorrow


Nah you still can, just go eat a hamburger and imagine what a low income tax looks like :sunglasses:

This is the part where I would link to the signups but Iā€™m not that pretentious

About time you shared this one :triumph:

I donā€™t know how youā€™re able to draw this sort of stuff man, thereā€™s so much going on here with the pose and mannerisms of the character that I simply canā€™t wrap my brain around the process behind making this


kinda want to cut out the quotes and run that through a character/word counter, cause dang that one might actually be a bit longer than the first post

also definitely not going to push because of the holiday, but generally if we could keep a pace sort of like this, give or take a day or two, we should be able to make really good progress in this RP and keep it alive till its finished


oh I intend to post at least once a day if it can be helped :goo:


sweet. maybe I should start writing the thing I did all this worldbuilding for now, cause if there is ever a second tBoS RP, itd be running alongside that


This is a pretty good pace, especially for my first RP like this.


Oh yeah, Im honestly really loving how quickly everyones getting posts out, and theyre all super good quality, yours included




The contractions in this dialogue need a few apostrophes. Other than that, no complaints so far!


Anders Brenn full portrait is finished. Colors may not be entirely accurate to character description since I ran out of colored pencils.


Low income tax? I hardly know her

Unfortunately for you, I am

Pretentious is my middle name. Nota Pretentious Hiffan :sunglasses:

For as long as I am on vacation, Iā€™m gonna try to post in the same day that a reply to me goes up

I totally didnā€™t fall asleep before I had a chance to post, and didnā€™t have to postpone my post until today


Post coming fairly late-ish tonight, hopefully dune can get in before then. Worstcase, Ill give him his own follow up post once he does so we can keep pace


I think this is a legal double post since its an update
spiderus, yell at me if Im wrong

I unfortunately wont be able to get a post out tonight, or possibly tomorrow due to some issues with the well at my house and my basement having the threat of water in it as a result, along with some other life stresses this afternoon.

Hopefully Ill be able to just get it up sometime tomorrow, since I will be out of the house (fortunately and unfortunately) for the weekend


Make up your mind!!! :rage: smh


which way are you heading, towards the meeting point or towards the squad? from the sounds of it Im assuming its the meeting point, but I just need clarification on that before I get the post up. Both ways are totally fine, given your characters slightly rebellious backstory

also weā€™re back boys, well got fixed this morning


Yep, heading for the rendezvous.


not my best work, but its alright Id say

also 100th OOC post lets go


Some art that I made of Ace and Vitus (I have been told by Nota that this is canon now)

Vitus wouldā€™ve had shading too but it was like 1 AM that I finished this and I was so tired :disappointed: