The Board War

For this I am accepting players until midnight 4th April 2016 (British time)

The Game
So I created a map and thought I could turn it into a war game.

So there is a country called Graice and it is embroiled in civil war. It is split between 9 provinces. Kinglands, The Lands of the North, Naragzir, Tegar, Sana, Ashhurst, Sira and Caerno

I hope to have 2-4 players for each province, if there is insufficient players, some provinces won’t have players and be declared neutral.

Each province has a certain number of troops it can field. I will upload basic stats and a map (in segments) if this gathers enough interest.

Now in your team’s you simply wage war against the others, I will open a pm for each team where you can discuss tactics etc. I will also update you on your armies progress etc and strength.

Moving armies will take time, 2-4 days for example, however terrain, weather and whether you take the road will determine the time taken. This doesn’t occur in real time, one day = 3 days in game.

Alliances are acceptable but if you betray your team, there is a chance they will receive word.

Scouts are available as well but may well be caught.

Surrender is allowed if you would rather not lose.

If your capital is captured you have lost.

You can divert groups of troops from a larger force.

Trees provide cover, as do enclosed spaces and mountainous areas. Just use common sense, if still unsure just ask me.

I will upload the map and province statistics tomorrow if they gains enough interest, so you’re able to choose your side. The game will begin the day after.

You can still join tomorrow don’t worry!!!

You only get 5 actions per day.

I will upload a timeline of events at the end.

If you’re interested just tell me below and I will add you down and inform you when province statistics and the map are up. If you have anymore questions just ask.



EDIT: forgot to mention, all the variables (weather, time etc) will be generated using probability charts I have created. And I also won’t be aiding teams, even if they make a complete judgment, unless it’s about how something affects the game, so it keeps the fair and unbiased (hope you agree). Of course questions are allowed.

EDIT 2: also battle results are determined with factors and probability as well, such as army size, composition and cover.

And in your team’s you can elect a leader if you like and they take the titles, e.g.: Lord of Ashhurst or King of Tegar or Protector of the Kinglands (this is optional). The rest will be referred to as lord/lady, general (you get the idea). Tell me your preference in the PM if you like because users command armies if they want.

EDIT 3: I’m guessing this is obvious but just want to clarify, laying siege to a tower, fort or castle will be more difficult than defeating an army on the field. Each fortification has a defence fort which I will inform you of in the PM but you can station armies there as well. Towns are easy to conquer but cities are fortified and require swinging, therefore the defendants have an advantage


So can I be from the “Kinglands” because I’m a king?
Because I am interested…

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May I join?

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If that’s your choice already, just remind me tomorrow. Do you want to be added to the players list?

@TFM101 of course

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Fantastic, and yes…

There you go

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Sounds interesting.

I would like to join.

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I would like to join, not saying I will be any good

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Ok. Keep tuned for the option to choose a side.

@MavezIgnikari thanks, same as ^, I’m hoping it’ll be fun.

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Quite side?

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@MavezIgnikari sorry, choose a side

Okay, will it be after around 36 players have joined?

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If it gains enough interest, teams are picked tomorrow and it starts the day after. People also have all of tomorrow to join. Like I said, if too few people join, some provinces will be neutral, but so far it’s looking positive for at least 16-ish people I’d say

seems cool. I’ll join

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Ok, hope you enjoy the game. Check back tomorrow to pick a side don’t forget

I’ll take up another game; after all, there’s nothing wrong with playing too many!

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Welcome aboard :slight_smile:

Uploading the map tomorrow. Moves work in that:
If you want to station an army at say, Caerno. I will tell you how many in game days it will take (1 day = 3 in game). So if takes 3 game days, you have to wait 24 hours.

Diverting troops is also a move. So if I have 60,000 troops, I can divert, let’s say, 24,000 to another location.

Armies meeting means a battle, there is a chance your army decides to retreat and salvage itself though.

I hope that makes it clearer. Hopefully the intricacies will become clearer as the game progresses