The Board War

Yes, I’m going to post updates showing you your armies, but blocking out the other players of course. I’ll do that after every day


Thanks for joining (had to repost this, ran out of edits)


When my small mind wraps around the rules, I’d love to play! :smile:

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Can I be fighting for The Lands of the North?

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Mind if I join?

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Not at all

@TFM101 remind me tomorrow in case I forget.


Ok, thought I should let you know that I think this has gained sufficient interest and therefore I am definitely uploading the map etc. I’ll do that in a few hours (12 tops, cos school and stuff)

So the map is very large, therefore I’ve split it into 12 sections.

This shows the layout:

So part 1

Just a blank ocean
Part 2

Part of the Lands in The North

Part 3

Same as before

Part 4

Same as before (again)

Part 5

This is Sira and part of Sana

Part 6

Part of Sana

Part 7

Rest of Sana and Caerno

Part 8

This is most of The Kinglands

Part 9

This is Ashhurst

Part 10

This is Tegar

Part 11

This is most of Naragzir

Part 12

The rest of Naragzir and the Kinglands

A complete map, but you should be able to work out where all the provinces are based on the section grid etc.

Just zoom in to read everything on each picture (except the final one)

Province factor files


Capital: Tiern
Army: 60,000
35,000 foot soldiers
15,000 archers
10,000 cavalry
Fleet: 137 ships
Forts: Anil Castle, Hanwood Castle and Fort Wyrnburne,
Cities: Peyfield, Badun, Holy City of Pontypyr, Liandrau, Shayham and Moley
Weather: fair
Possesses the largest and 2nd best trained army in the land, weather is fair
Players: @Lobstroke

Capital: Clacherth City of the Frozen
Army: 40,000
30,000 foot soldiers
5,000 archers
5,000 cavalry
Fleet: 226 ships
Forts: The Frost Fort, King’s Watch, Craydon Keep and the Rage Fort
Cities: Mawold, Essealquar and Antril
Weather: Cold and stormy
Has the most disciplined army in the land, Stormy and cold weather and mountainous. Hard to invade but large and thinly populated. The largest fleet
Players: @TFM101


Capital: Naragzir the City of Miracles
Army: 54,000
36,000 foot soldiers
7,000 archers
11,000 Cavalry
Fleet: 33
Forts: Haythorp Hold, Fort Irstham, Athsig Keep
Cities: Woodheath
Weather: Cold in south, fair in the north
Whilst it has few cities, it is densely populated and has a large cavalry, as well as plenty of woods for cover
Players: @MavezIgnikari


Capital: Tegar
Army: 48,000
20,000 foot soldiers
24,000 archers
4,000 cavalry
Fleet: 109
Forts: Cremor Keep and Castle Bruna
Cities: Karne City of Rings
Weather: varies
Whilst it has few cities, it has many towns and lots of forested areas with few open plains
Players: @Zelohak


Capital: Essealon the City if Four
Army: 53,000
26,000 foot soldiers
25,000 archers
2,000 cavalry
Fleet: 167
Weather: mild but coastal storms
Forts: Castle Mandon, Hiley Keep, Paham Castle, Castle Glenfort and Castle Bruckstone
Cities: Wyley, Hippia, Haybluff City of Honours, Heapool and Ottfield City of Gold
Filled with cities and forts, this huge province boasts a large army and has plenty of cover but is open to attack in many directions
Players: @Mistah_Grammaticul


Capital: Fort Ashhurst (residence of the royal family)
Army: 57,000
34,000 foot soldiers
11,500 archers
11,500 cavalry
Fleet: 114
Forts: Fort Ashhurst
Cities: none
Weather: rainy but warm
Whilst it has no cities and few forts, it’s geography gives it much defence, with it’s forests, mountains and deserts. It’s densely populated eastern edge means it can field large numbers of troops.
Players: @Runa


Capital: Sira
Army: 46,000
19,000 foot soldiers
24,000 archers
3,000 cavalry
Fleet: 145
Forts: Citadel of the Emperor, The Citadel of the Tyrant and the Ruins of Castle Ravencroft
Cities: Udnow
Weather: Cool and cloudy
With it’s well protected cities and forts and forested areas, Sira is a more difficult to attack than it looks, it is also relatively easy to defend
Players: @Marendex_T17


Capital: Caerno City of Bells
Army: 53,000
23,000 foot soldiers
28,000 archers
2,000 cavalry
Fleet: 122
Forts: Wyne Keep, Ashgate and Scarwood Keep
Cities: Wabrygg, Spohill, Eriad, Giwold City of Peers and Djeba
Weather: Warm in the trees but can also be dark
Dense forests mean a slow trek with a marching army. It’s dense population and plentiful cities also mean a large army but it is open in many directions.
Players: @Chilly_Productions

I think they’re quite balanced, tell me if you agree or disagree.


Can I still Join
since I was Semi WiFiLess and could not access the Boards Properly yesterday

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Absolutely, check back in 5 mins and you can probably pick a side, if I have them done in time


Why have I been summoned here? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thought you might be interested, never mind then, I’m guessing you’re not

By the end of today (doesn’t matter what time zone) you must pick a side or I’ll randomly pick one for you :slight_smile:

I filled yours in already guys, tell me if you want to change :thumbsup:

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I didn’t say I wasn’t, though.

Could you just sum it up in a sentence or two? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have been summoned. Cool.

I’m definitely interesting in this kind of Risk/AoE type of game. How’ll rounds work?

Join a side. In a pm discuss with fellow teammates, if you have any, moves etc, and move your armies around the board and try to defeat everyone else. Kind of like risk but more complicated as battles are determined by weather, terrain etc.

@ToaSonus everyday in your team’s you can do 5 moves (e.g. send a messenger, move an army or fight a battle), and every day equates to 3 in the game. Does that make sense? I’m not sure it does


Eh, I’m not a fan of those kinda games.

Thanks, though! :smiley:

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It makes sense. When will the game start? I’m going to be pretty busy this week.

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Tomorrow, today is people still joining and picking teams.

Forgot to mention, I will tell you how long a journey takes in game. So if it takes 6 days in game, you will have to wait 24 hours. I’ll update you on progress of the armies and you can change there direction. You have no way of knowing where your enemies are without sending scouts.

So are you in? If you’re in a team it shouldn’t be a problem, this will probably take a few weeks at least

Alright. I’m in. Can’t resist this kind of thing.

Thanks, I’ll add you to the list. Which side would you like?