The Board War

I’m in.

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Which province? Or are you not fussed? BTW begins the 5th April

I would like to suggest the Lands of the North, but I’m not sure that’s allowed…

Final warning


You have 30mins to pick your team or I will be forced to pick your team for you

@Hutere_the_Toa_Of_Air there’s no problem, it’s not the number of players, it’s how you play the game

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I’ll join Ashherst.

Just in time. That’s fine. I’ll add you to the PM, you might want to stay cos I’m adding the story now into each pm

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Do the armies have medieval weaponry, or modern?

Medieval, forgot to mention it was that setting. I thought maybe cavalry gave it away


K thanks, didn’t see cavalry up there, I’m gonna have to look again.

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Cavalry is of course weak to archers

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Figured as much, horses aren’t the most armored creatures.

Yeah. It’s like a cycle cos then soldiers are weak to cavalry but strong against archers

Makes sense and balances well Can’t wait till it starts.

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You can start discussing in your partnership if you want. Oh and fleets carry troops and battle other ships. 1 ship = 1000. Ik it’s a lot but I have to keep the numbers simple

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I’m leaning towards either the Lands of the North or Sira. Choose one for me.

I picked Sira so that one doesn’t have 3 whilst another has one

I choose the kinglands

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Just in time. Added you to the pm, hope you read the rules


So you all now have your team’s and team pm’s etc.

So there has been confusion, I don’t think I explained the game well.

So all events in game occur quicker than real life. 24 hours = 3 days in game.
Now first thing everyone must do is station troops within their orange borders using the map, either in pm’s or this topic, the map will show you where your borders are if you use the number grid, the pictures are order. I will try and upload a video showing the map if I can. Now you don’t have to group all your forces in one place, like risk, you can spread them out but they must equal your overall army size shown in your statistics. You can mix up the composition of an army, so rather than just placing 2000 foot soldiers here and 500 archers there, you can place a force which has 2000 foot soldiers, 500 archers and 1000 cavalry, keep it in multiples of five please. E.g. 500, 1000, 1500 etc. so it is simple. Just tell me the composition and I will keep track of it.

Now when scouting, you don’t have to worry about a specific number, simply state, scout Tegar or Naragzir (you get the idea) and I will tell you how long in game it will take. So if I say it takes 3 days that means it takes 24 hours. The further you send your scouts, then more at risk they are. Scouting does 2 things, it tells you where some of your enemies forces are and how long they are and rough composition (these can be slightly wrong). For example: 2000 strong force and composition was 1000 foot soldiers, 500 archers and 500 cavalry, and a rough location, e.g. near stag wood or close to the divide mountains, the position will probably change however as your enemies move their forces around. You don’t have to worry about patrols, as your scouts fill that duty. The second function is tell you their allegiance, support the crown (loyalists), secede (independents) or fighting for the crown (tyrants). The Kinglands are automatically loyalists. Apart from tyrants, if you share an allegiance with someone, they can be classified as an ally. You can learn the allegiances of other provinces without scouting, it just takes a longer time. NOTE: you don’t scout the shared province, it is a neutral zone.

Now you can make your own alliances in game with treaties, these will take a few days in game to set up, both parties will agree on the terms. This is achieved using diplomats. However if you break a treaty, the other party will quickly hear about it.

Moving into another person’s territory will probably be seen as war unless they granted you safe passage, they might be lenient if you’re allies though. When in another person’s territory, you will probably try to beat their armies in battle, either by force or by trying to block them off and defeat them, scouting is useful for this. This doesn’t cause province boundaries to move. NOTE: the shared province is a neutral zone and no battles can take place.

Seiging a fort or castle etc. will take longer than simply defeating an army, forts have their own forces and the protection of walls and defence weapons. Cities are also like forts and have to be seiged but towns do not. Towns are singular dots whilst cities are shown by dots in circles. Your cites and forts are listed in your statistics.

Moving armies has variables, the weather and terrain can affect as can the size. You also have to specify how quick you want an army to move. Faster moving armies will be more exhausted and therefore easier to defeat in battle. The bigger an the slower. I will tell you how long an army will take to reach its destination, though the weather may take an unexpected turn, such as a storm and kill some of your army or hinder them, sometimes both. If you take the road, you will be quicker but more exposed and easier to scout. Roads are red and black (there is no difference). You don’t have to worry about pillaging either, soldiers automatically do it in order to feed themselves. Play close attention to your own weather, it affects how quickly a force can march through your land, therefore a stormy province is harder to gain land in than a sunny one as it takes longer

Battles are also affected by terrain and weather. If an army is attacked whilst it has cover, from woods or mountains etc., then they will have a defensive boost. It may take a few days in game for a battles results to reach you, even longer for enemies, unless scouts are used.

Ships can carry troops as well as partake in sea battles, storms are the main threat to ships. 1 can carry 1000 troops.

When you defeat a province you gain an army and fleet boost depending on its statistics, so a larger fleet statistic means a larger fleet reward for defeating it. Defeat can be done in different ways, you can either capture all cites, defeat all the armies or capture the capital. If they still have forces after defeat, they become yours. Surrender is possible if you don’t want to be defeated but can mean heavy losses on land.

You are able to change your armies direction, though it may take a few days in game for the army to do so. You can also move some forces out of larger force, e.g. take 300 foot soldiers from a 2000 strong force and send them in a different direction.

You get 5 moves per day. Moving an army is classed as a move, as is scouting or sending a diplomat. Positioning troops at the start is not counted as a move.

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You guys have 6 hours to make your moves, otherwise I won’t have enough light to take pictures of the new positions so you guys can keep track of where your forces are.

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