The Book of Dreams



No introduction for the robot man. Could it be intentional?


meesa have smooth brain


It okay to have smooth brain sometimes, son

Oh hey post 131


You have been blessed


I figured out the twist

Krelikan is cube but evil now who has traveled through space and time to fit into one of theses strange contraptions

I am so smart

Look how intelligent I am

Praise my superior intellect

for the uninitiated this is a very poor attempt at a joke, you have permission to laugh now.


Wow, I had no idea Martin Luther was so susceptible to space-traveling evil robot cubes. Just goes to show how eating dirt isn’t the most intellectual choice.

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It was, a bit… uh… Er complicated for me


Alright, I guess it’s time for me to step in and analyse the new chapter, though I’ll try to keep this one brief… I’m not dreaming of typing nonsensical ramblings without any hints of logic again for an hour straight.

NOTaHFfan going crazy part 3: theories

Remember when I said that the trashbag figure reminded me of Hawkflight’s self-MOC?
Well, guess what?

I was right all along! That even makes me think that I have more than two brain cells… two and a half, probably.

Now, I have a crazy noisy bizarre theory regarding Jethryn.

Cats can’t take wide steps, right?.. ahem… I mean, short people can’t take wide steps, right? Now, keep that in mind for a sec.

Hawkflight’s self-MOC doesn’t have a kanohi mask to speak of and instead is rocking a bare metru head with a slizer foot attached to it. Who else from the list has a bare metru head and also is short? GoodGuy2006!

So, my theory is: Jethryn is actually GoodGuy in disguise!

But my conspiracy theories don’t stop here.

Here’s another one: Tott is the one who hired Monopoly and Zero to sabotage both Cider factory missions from the first book.

It comes together perfectly: there was a month in between Bird’s mission and Pakari’s mission, Monopoly and Zero knew each other, Monopoly wore a puffy coat during the mission and mentioned (if I remember correctly) that he had been hired by a third party.
That very third party is… Tott.
Diero’s reaction also confirms it: he was frightened because they accidentally kidnapped Monopoly’s boss!

And then there’s this:

Tott is a cat confirmed!

Okay, I’m out of theories for today…

Awww you killed off Diero, meaning that he’s not an important character and I won’t get to draw him… what a shame.


oo, this one might actually be true, and it would explain why Monopoly acted the way he did in BoR, though if Tott hired Monopoly, then he should have probably known about Cordax in some capacity. Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure that Cordax was actually selected to go to the Cider factory like Pakari, Racie, Krelikan, etc.


Yes, you are correct. Cordax was indeed an official part to the second mission (unlike Winger, who essentially got there by accident). But, unlike Monopoly, was not a traitor (I think) and did not know that Monopoly was the one to have killed the rest of the squad. I think that the only reason Monopoly spared his life was because he liked the kid.
So, if Tott doesn’t know any of the non-traitor mission participants (he didn’t recognise Krelikan, for instance), he probably doesn’t know Cordax as well.

I should probably find the quotes from the book confirming my words, but nah, that’s not happening…


Ohhhhhh ok, that clears up so much of BoR.


i like this idea


these actually could work


We are actually theorizing about a story written on a semi-obscure website for bonkle nerds

I love 2021.


In which the characters are the users on the semi-obscure site for bonkle nerds.

And one of the theories is that the bipedal narrator is a cat.


That’s right folks, one of the theories here turned out to be true! Who knows how many more will turn out to be correctnot a cat


You said to keep the steps thing in mind, but the problem here is this trashbag figure is taller than the silver guy.

It’s an interesting theory for certain. Not going to comment on it in any other direction outside of mentioning the one glaring inconsistency.

You’re pretty much entirely right here… except for that.

I don’t see you doing any theorizing, mister.

'Course you’re welcome to join the fun, but I highly recommend you read the first two books before checking out this one, since the continuity runs deep.

EDIT: Forgot to address this.

I have quoted you on this :sunglasses:

Cordax was selected, but by whom? Was it the same person as the one who selected Pakari, Racie, Krelikan, etc.? Was it the same person (Tott) who selected Monopoly and Zero?

Well, he didn’t recognize Krelikan and he doesn’t know Cordax.

No further comment.

fake fan


I’m pretty sure this is it, because Cordax seemed unaware of Monopoly’s killings, though maybe he was just acting naive and was selected by the person who chose monopoly and zero because he did unleash Eilrach.



Ah yes, that moment when you can theorize about yourself as if they were a separate character.

Good times.

I’d also like to bring up something I said in bor that may perhaps be important

If I am to be trusted, Cordax is definitely responsible for something.

Perhaps he was the mastermind all along and orchestrated everything behind the scenes like that spoiler from hit Netflix series Squid game!

Or I’m overthinking this.

Or the true mastermind was the people we met along the way? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: