The Book of Tears | ARMAGHIDDON

Actually not unrealistic, given the influx of immigrants in the 1800s.

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I had this perfect meme prepared to illustrate my concern about the lack of new chapters but


But he didn’t exactly decay though, he just sort of, you know, melted

So they arrive and me confuse.
We’ve already established that these Dreamers are controlled by the Tott Ghid, they pretty much are the Tott Ghid, so why are they are fighting Sonus? We know that the Tott Ghid decided to capitulate. Are they fighting Sonus back to save their lives? Are they attacking him because the Tott Ghid changed his mind? Or is this just a show, an act put up by the Tott Ghid?

How much does Rac know about Dreamers? I thought that they weren’t exactly common knowledge in this world. While she traveled with Tott he didn’t explain what they are, but she must have overheard Renner and Diero mention them on the boat, so I guess she might have a very vague idea of what a Dreamer is, so wouldn’t it make more sense for her to call them “Ghid-looking things” or something, because a Dreamer is a term that she had briefly heard once or twice?
I’m probably being too picky with such unimportant details

Or maybe this is a setup for a plot twist that Racie had been the actual villain of the story all along, and I just cracked the biggest mystery of these books!?

Wasn’t his knife returned to him by Pakari and Bird along with Wunger’s gadgets before the faceoff against Volume?
Anyways, it’s really funny that Cordax is saying this, considering the one time when he threw a tantrum after a person got stabbed to death with it.
Very in-character for him.

I also find it incredibley funny that this was the first thing Winger asked the guy who had just gotten melted to death and then resurrected from Walhalla.
Seems like something he would 100% say. Again, very in-character

The skeleton gifs, my beloved, are now finally an official part of the book

This guy seems completely unfazed by the fact that his skin, blood and organs had completely melted off of his skeleton. He was more concerned about his clothes disappearing. Kinda weird, right?
I’m definitely reading too deep into this and being picky, come on, this was done for comedic purposes, you stupid genius of a book critic!
Please ignore this “criticism”


They will surely have more than three lines and will not die a horrible death immediately

So, we’ve got a full character description now. No user resemblance has been spotted so far

Typical reddit mod habitat

This definitely isn’t foreshadowing

This is in top three Best Cordax Descriptions

My theorising skills almost got praised
Time for a celebratory dance

Classic NOTaHFfan:
-is onto something
-doesn’t follow through and stops right in the middle before reaching the desired conclusion

Like, I got the fact that Corpse’s “enhancements” were important and the creation process of Dreamers right, I just never connected the dots

We got welsh skeleton cowboy Diero, obama fried chicken Willess12… what other unholy abominations will our collective brains come up with?

Cool! I wanna be post 666

Just checked and it also looks like this is in your top three most liked topics right after BoD. Congrats man!

There's a star maaaaaaaan waiting in the sky

he ordered the swiss melt but asked to hold the swiss


I don’t see any Ghid-esqe details described. Can you cite any instance of Ghid-controlled Dreamers from before/BoD?

I cannot confirm or deny allegations that Rac knows anything about the dreamers

Now if we can only use this info of him being kinda weird to determine which user-

oh right.

I like how the chair morbs with him

look a discord user


Misread this as boards members getting married, now I wanna see Rukah’s polish wedding in this story.


who would rukah marry? :face_with_monocle:


Rukah, of course.


the spanish skeleton is me mk2

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you realize that " El Cadáver Tonto" translates to “The Dumb Corpse”, right?

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i am dumb and most people here wish i was a corpse

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So, you need that metal and Sonus to create a Dreamer, correct?

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Aww man I wanted to use the Bowie one… For a filthy weeb I have a pretty good taste in music, don’t I?

This fffire is out of control We're going to burn this city Burn this city (well, the sun isn’t made of fire, but eh that’s close enough)

What. Those aren’t the Ghid Dreamers from the moon?

Must be a typo. Do you mean “from/before BoD”, “from before BoD” or “from before (look in BoD)”?

If it’s the first or third, then yes, there were Ghid-controlled Dreamers in the cider factory that Diero sent to the moon; if it’s the second, then maybe, the concept of Dreamer didn’t exist before BoD, but N01 in BoR might have been a Dreamer

Right… I forgor
This might be an important plot point, now that I think about it.

I have this theory that the knife is actually a really important object, because it is a Rukah, and Ghidsus in the flashback had a silver sliver also named Rukah (it’s crazy to think about the fact that we’ve reached a point where such sentences make full sense. Truly a moment of all time) and obviously one user cannot represent two separate things in these books, unless the user in question is the writer. So, they must be the same thing. Although a knife made of silver sounds really dumb, you can’t do the stabby-stabby without it bending or breaking

Maybe I’ve been the foolish corpse all along because the answer has been under my nose this entire time in the book signups topic, since March of 2022.
I feel so ashamed of myself

This 100% confirms my theory about AI being N01

El Cadáver Tonto Is Traykar, which confirms my theory that he isn’t @GoodGuy2006

Funny? Yes, El Cadáver Tonto is a bit of a clown if you ask me;
Undead? This one’s pretty self-explanatory :skull: :skull_and_crossbones:;
Man? Well, yes;
Dog? That’s where the problems begin, because that’s something that our friend El Cadáver Tonto definitely isn’t.

Maybe he will somehow get to steal Renner’s helmet or maybe his bone structure will get restructured at some point to make him fit the description better

that’s the best youtuber in the world for ya
It’s no good to morb alone, it’s way more fun when someone morbs with you


A TTV Message Boards story: Marriage Edition (BoM) when?

@Rukah please confirm or confirm. Denial is not acceptable

Sonus, nuclear explosion, powerful furnace, Wario… basically anything that’s hot enough


Ah. So I can use my toaster now?

When @Ghid decides to write Victorian fiction.

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probably once Ghid has optimized the Stable Marriage Problem for the people involved in Bo_.


I actually don’t like most of david bowie’s stuff that one is just a strange exception

If I didn't care more than words can say


I mean from before (in this book) or in BoD (the book of dreams).

:pensive: we live in a susiety :ocean:

I want to comment on this but I caaaaaaaaaan’t

There’s more coming bro but the groundwork’s already laid, it’s just not as obvious as some other things were

Do not read if you are not someone

yeah I’m kinda surprised he didn’t remember requesting that. there’ll be a big reveal of it later on, so for the people who actually read this, shhh :wink:

I cannot confirm or deny allegations that no he isn’t.

He’s also not Goodguy, because that would allow Goodguy to not read the book to find it and at this point watching half the book’s cast come out and bombard him with reasons to read it is extremely entertaining



It’s very difficult for me to compete with Wario.


Actually, same. Besides Starman I only kinda like Space Oddity and Let’s Dance… just kinda. Also, Under Pressure, but that doesn’t count because it’s a Queen song that just happens to have Bowie in it.

Ironically, I like him as an actor a lot more. He was great as Tesla in Nolan’s Prestige… Nolan movies were actually good back then

Wow I’m getting really carried away, so I guess-

I see the crystal raindrops fall And the beauty of it all Is when the sun comes shining through

I don’t remember any Ghid/non-Ghid Dreamer instances from before in this book, but there was an entire army of non-Ghid ones in BoD, controlled by G-man himself. It must be them, right?

Okay, I’m gonna use the deductive method, Sherlock Holmes style

The users that haven’t made an appearance in the book are: Monopoly, Senit, GG, Heyzorks, Traycar, Dune, Wild, ToaNoah and Atobe.

-we can cross out GG and Traycar right away, obviously
-Monopoly, Wild and Atobe, because they all already have roles and characters can’t switch them
-Zork, because I already have a theory about him

We’re left with three options: Senit, Dune and ToaNoah. I’ll exclude Senit and Dune because the character description doesn’t match their self-MOCs, pfps or personalities whatsoever, so we’re only left with ToaNoah, which seems pretty plausible because this user is mostly a mystery to me. They were mostly active before I disgraced this site with my presence, so I don’t know much about their personality. I haven’t been able to find their self-MOC, so I’ve only got the pfp and requests from the signup topic to rely on…
Uhh… Ehlek head, lightning powers, green… the Dreamer has green eyes, so he might have green lightning instead of Diero’s blue flames. He’s also a corpse, which might be a reference to the user’s account being kinda :skull:

I can make some connections, but they’re really wonky, but I’m out of all other options, so…

I think it’s safe to say that the good old days are back, ain’t they? I hope I didn’t just jinx it :crossed_fingers:

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no I accepted Ghid’s discord friend request I have to run

Don’t worry about it. It’s very difficult for anyone to compete with Wario

So, I just realised a funny thing: we’ve got theories, we’ve got fanart (both drawings and music), we’ve got fanfics (mostly produced by cordax and a secret person I’m not allowed to talk about), we’ve kind of got an adaptation (Wild’s docs), we’ve even (unfortunately) got shipping now (Rukah x Rukah, thanks Racie)… the Bo_ series pretty much has a fully functioning fandom now!
The only things missing from the set are a fan-made wiki and a convention of some kind.

Also, I’ve been wondering if there are any people outside of the Message Boards that know about these books


Bo_ fan meetup night at BFVA this year?


I'm not the imposter, It's all in your head

Well, yea-

What’s the color of Ghid’s eyes again?

ghid is online

I can think of no man better
but that is also terrifying


i actually showed an old friend of mine the part of the first one with me in it once


There are about ten songs with this line. Which one is this a reference to?

The sun may rise in the east, at least it’s settled in a final location


Oo0hhHHhhh I get it now. The colour of a dreamer’s eyes corresponds with the colour of the master’s eyes


My theory… it was perfect


Even more terrifying than the fact that you know who and what I’m talking about

Someone shall carry around a phone with me in it