The Brotherhood of Makuta - Makuta Jormuntrax

I’ve made this moc for the Brotherhood of Makuta community project!

Name: Jormuntrax
Assigned region: None
Kanohi: Mask of Psychometry
Status: Dead
Weapons: Elbow-Blades

Jormuntrax was creating Rahi at the beginning, just like every other Makuta. When the Brotherhood went to war with the League of six Kingdoms, he worked as a spy, infiltrating fortresses of the Barraki and gathering information about their individual plans, of which Takadox would have no knowledge.
When Teridax declared the Plan, Jormuntrax joined him. Teridax then elevated him to the head of the intelligence gathering system of the Brotherhood - a job that mostly involved dealing with various mercenaries, spies and such, while travelling the Matoran Universe. He also dealt a lot with the Dark Hunters.
When the Shadowed One found out that Teridax had killed Nidhiki and Krekka in Metru Nui and declared war on the Brotherhood, Jormuntrax became an easy target, because many Dark Hunters worked for him - they joined forces and he was overwhelmed and killed.

(These are older pictures, outdated)

(These just for size comparison)


His head is strange but I love the build and colours. Quite an original concept too. The feet look little out of place though

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@TheMoltenKing Most of that is armour on the head, I didn’t talk about that. But yeah, It’s kinda awkward especially around the neck area. I’ll probably improve him when I’ll have more ideas for him.

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Looks nice, I really like the custom head. The front of his torso could use some more white in my opinion, but otherwise he has a good colour scheme. I just wonder what that orange tank thingie is meant to be - not that it looks bad, I just would like to know.

The story however …

You probably meant that he took Teridax’ side when the Makuta had to choose between Teridax and Miserix?

This unfortunately doesn’t work at all.

  1. Canon story rule - he has to die before the events in Karda Nui
    ( 2) Takanuva as a Toa would never kill an enemy willingly)

So you’ll have to change the Main Universe story to get Jormuntrax accepted.

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Would you please give me some ideas? I have run out of them recently :smile:
I’ll try to make it fit into the canon

Yep, I mean that

Edit: and the orange tank, I’ve had an idea where he used some kind of a substance to enhance the powers of his mask, but I’ve retconned it.

Sure I can think up some kind of story for him. Let’s see … What about something like this:

Jormuntrax was creating Rahi at the beginning, just like every other Makuta. When the Brotherhood went to war with the League of six Kingdoms, he worked as a spy, infiltrating fortresses of the Barraki and gathering information about their individual plans, of which Takadox would have no knowledge.
When Teridax declared the Plan, Jormuntrax joined him. Teridax then elevated him to the head of the intelligence gathering system of the Brotherhood - a job that mostly involved dealing with various mercenaries, spies and such, while travelling the Matoran Universe. He also dealt a lot with the Dark Hunters.
When the Shadowed One found out that Teridax had killed Nidhiki and Krekka in Metru Nui and declared war on the Brotherhood, Jormuntrax became an easy target, because many Dark Hunters worked for him - they joined forces and he was overwhelmed and killed.

Of course this can be formulated better, but what do you think? Does it fit your idea of his character?

@Gilahu It does. You got my idea perfectly, I’ll copy it in :smile:
Can the “orange tank” stay? If not, I’ll replace his main picture

EDIT: I think I’ll just do it
2nd EDIT: @Gilahu He’s done. I think this is his final form. See if you like it :blush:

Cool, I like the custom head design alot.

This is really creative and unique! I like it!

I like how the trans purple is used and the head looks alright.

I’m glad you like the story.

Also the tank didn’t bother me at all, but somehow the colour scheme flows much better without it … must be the symmetry.

Anyways, thanks for participating! I’ll contact you, when the project is finished and I post the picture and the text entry for him.

@Gilahu Glad I could participate! Also I think you forgot to add my character to the list in the main thread :smile:

Hoses 10/10


a wonderful design with a unique head and interesting proportions

Looks really cool. I really like the color scheme and build.

This MOC’s head design is great, the rest of the MOC is solid, and the colour scheme is beautiful! Overall, this MOC amazing!

This isn’t even my final form! (sorry, I had to)

The look of this thing is just groovy man. I really love his head design.

What inspired it?

Dang it, I was just about to make that joke.


It was unintentional, but after he was finished, I was looking at him and said: “Well, he kinda looks like a Sangheili! … THAT’S AWESOME!”