The Brotherhood of Makuta - What About a Community MOC Project?

Ok then, since you failed to show me any WIP progress you’ll hereby be removed from the list. You can’t claim another spot (unless you do come up with a near complete WIP that looks amazing enough). If you manage to upload a MOC while there are still spots open, though, I’ll probably accept it as long as it fits the rules.

@LeKrahka, @EmperorDuckie, @ToaPanda

As a reminder: You have one more week to get your MOC finished or give me a good explanation why it isn’t yet and how long it will take you still.

@Toa_Vladin, @Miraku, @darkbrick999, @ReeseEH

If you need help concerning backstory, just ask.

Rules and list in post 1

There are 3 Makuta to be assigned again


Ok so I’m out? I can prolly salvage what’s left of mine. I was having trouble photographing it

Like I said - as long as there are still unclaimed spots left, create a topic with your finished MOC and we’ll see.

Rules and list in post 1

There are 3 Makuta to be assigned again

I should be able to take pictures this weekend; just started a new job.


It’s up:


3 left? Neat, sign me up.

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Can they be system? Or does it have to be bionicle/ccbs?


Sure, I’ll put you on the list for a non-canon male Makuta then. Makes ure to read teh rules if you haven’t already.

No, they have to be Technic/CCBS

Rules and list in post 1

There are 2 Makuta to be assigned again

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I’ll do one!
Is there a specific Makuta, or do I make up the name and backstory, etc.

You have to make up everything - your Makuta has to be male and the backstory has to fit the rules, though.

I’ll put you on the list then.

Rules and list in post 1

There is 1 Makuta to be assigned again

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Is there any space for a 2nd Makuta of mine? I’ll try to improve this one


Given that the project is coming close to getting finished I’d rather like to see if anyone else is interested first. Should more spots open up again or no one shows any interest within the next… three days you can do another Makuta, though.

Rules and list in post 1

There is 1 Makuta to be assigned again

No problem ,I understand you.

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I think I’m interested, though I’m unsure how to do the backstory

I’ll help you if necessary. Basically all you need to come up with is your Makuta’s name, his mask power, what was his “job”, and how he died - in accordance to teh project rules and canon lore.

So, shall I put you on the list?

Rules and list in post 1

Yeah, I’ll do it

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Alright, on the list you go for a non-canon male Makuta then.

Rules and list in post 1
All Makuta are currently assigned

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One final question, is digitigrade legs allowed?

Absolutely. If it’s not mentioned in the rules it’s always allowed.

Rules and list in post 1
All Makuta are currently assigned

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