The Brotherhood of Makuta - What About a Community MOC Project?

Far from it.


Well I would, but the only form he exists in is a modification of my Onipa MOC, because thatā€™s the body he lives in.

Not anymore, but when I said that it was true. Iā€™ll probably make a topic eventually.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get to entering.

I took a stab at it, but couldnā€™t find the inspiration nor parts to complete it. You can go ahead and take me off the list.

Just out of curiosity, why this one? I can see the reasoning behind the others, but this one I canā€™t fathom.

Iā€™ll make my makuta topic when I get a new camera, itā€™s already been done for like a year.

Sure Iā€™m interested! Thanks for the offer :smile:

Well, the story is interesting enough, but the rules for this project say he has to die before the events in Karda Nui. I also had a quick look at your Onipa MOC and have to say, that it doesnā€™t fulfill the ā€œtitan sizedā€ rule, either. And of course I would prefer a MOC of the Makuta how he looked just after Mata Nui created him.
So, I can put you on the list for a Makuta Reppirax, but youā€™ll have to change the story a little bit and also build a fully new MOC.

You can find all the unassigned Makuta at the bottom of the list in post 370 as ā€œto be assignedā€.

Ok. If you feel like it, you can always join again, as long as there are Makuta left.

I put every mask there that was used more than once (and the Mohtrek because of story stuff). Two Makuta are already wearing a Mask of Fear. As for the name, I took that from the first one with it.
In the end I donā€™t want more than two Makuta wearing the same mask because when I draw them it would look strange if so many of them have identical ā€œfacesā€.


Ok, a few questions.
1: He kind of was dead before the events of
Karda Nui, seeing as he doesnā€™t exist in his own form anymore. Does that count?
2: Yeah, Onipa isnā€™t a Titan MOC but an arguement could be made that the Makuta form that I havenā€™t posted of him is. The Makuta form has giant wings and a big tail, so do you think you could class that as a Titan? Even if itā€™s not, neither are the 2008 Makuta
3: Do the pictures have to be of a before death version?

Uhh sure.
Been slowly getting back into MOCing.

Currently have ~2 projects, I can put together something for the Makuta soon.

ā€¦just need to figure out how in the world I can make parts appear like theyā€™re floating for Project Pathogen, whenever I can actually finish that.

Iā€™ll send you the edits when I have a moment. Possibly later tonight.


  1. Well ā€¦ The way I understood it, is that his Antidermis is somehow bound to Onipaā€™s body. And since the Antidermis pretty much IS the Makuta, Reppirax is pretty much alive.

  2. I just can decide that when I see the pics.
    The 2008 Makuta all got/are going to get revamps.

  3. Of course. Otherwise @Lobstroke would get through with an empty picture, because nothing of Vamprah remains. :laughing:

So, shall I add you to the list?

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@Gilahu my MoC is done, I just still donā€™t have a name. Should have one soon though.

Thanks. I will create Makuta Chisk, male.

When I said before death, I meant before his body being destroyed. It would have been wierd if I was just asking to give you a picture of a Makuta corpse. I was asking if you wanted pictures of the Reppirax before he was destroyed, or if the form of him that has taken over Onipa would be fine. (Obviously not if you deem him to be too small.) My edit to the story will be in the original post. So yeah, you can add me to the list.

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Sorry, but that doesnā€™t work either. You canā€™t put Antidermis back together into a Makuta, I mean weā€™re talking about gas that spread itself due to diffusion all over the Matoran Universe - and is mixed with the remnants of other Makutaā€™s Antidermis at that.

However, if Iā€™m allowed to make a suggestion: Keep the story as it was but add that Onipa finally was able to get rid of Reppirax - killing the Makuta in the process.

The MOC has to be of Reppirax himself, before he lost his own body, though. But you can add a link or a pic of the Onipa version, of course (additional stuff is always nice).

Iā€™ll put you on the list.

Ok, Iā€™ll put you on the list.

List is in post 370, be also aware of the new additional rules there.

But his antidermis would have been solid at this time, because Mata Nui created the Makuta with solid antidermis, only the Makuta in the swamp below Karda Nui had gas antidermis because of a lot of mutation, even check out this quote from BS01

ā€œIt was from this pool of liquid that Mata Nui created the Makuta species, turning the liquid into solid matter.ā€

So reviving him wouldnā€™t be THAT hard. Would this work?

P.S. I just figured out a way to make a MOC of him before losing his body without building something comepletely new, repurposing an old MOC that I never really used in a story. Iā€™m pretty sure you would say that itā€™s Titan sized too. So you can expect pictures either tomorrow or the next dayā€¦probably.


The ā€œevolutionā€ of the Makuta was like this: Mata Nui took gaseous Antidermis and made it solid, creating the Makuta. Somewhen after Teridax took Miserixā€™ place as leader of the Brotherhood, the Antidermis of all the Makuta began to turn gaseous again, though.
While their Antidermis was solid, they needed to ā€œeatā€, ā€œsleepā€ and could be physically harmed. For example they could be killed by being chopped into pieces by a sword.
After they turned gaseous again, they didnā€™t need ā€œfoodā€ and ā€œsleepā€ anymore and could just die by a) their gaseous Antidermis being destroyed (usually that just could be done by high temperatures and similar stuff (Energy Storm, for example) or a Makuta being absorbed by another one) or b) being too long without a body which would cause their Antidermis to disperse - killing the Makutaā€™s identity.

So, if I read correctly Reppiraxā€™ body was destroyed prior to Teridax being the Brotherhoodā€™s leader. That would mean Reppirax still was organic.

Reviving Reppirax is fine, but that would still mean heā€™s pretty much alive now, even if he was dead at some point in the past.

What about this:

Reppirax was severely wounded, perhaps by Gorast, who used her Kanohi Felnas to let Reppiraxā€™ powers of Quick Healing run wild, making it impossible for him to heal himself properly. Gorast eventually defeated him and took his mask with her, as proof of his death - but somehow Reppirax barely survived and was rescued by his followers/servants (secret organization sounds a little too big for my liking). Those kept him alive, until the point where his organic Antidermis started to turn gaseous. But still the aftereffects of the use of the Felnas made it impossible for him to live without aid of something other living.
Then comes the point where his Antidermis gets infused into Onipa and there you go.

Reppirax still needs to die eventually, though. In the ā€œmainā€ Universe, that is. The one where most of the canon story takes place. You can always add, that he somehow survived in an alternate Universe, but his main Universe form has to die.

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Well I like your version of the story, but other parts of my story with Reppirax and Onipa kind of depend on being after the 2010 ending of bionicle G1, with this whole thing being that Reppirax WAS dead during the events of Karda Nui, because that was before he was revived.

Mine is finished.


Make it Alternate Universe. I know Iā€™m somewhat stubborn on that point, but this project aims to be as much canon as possible.
There are actually some people who did MOCs for this project and let their Makuta live on in an Alternate Universe.

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Iā€™ve finished him, Iā€™ll upload him tomorrow. :smile: