The Brotherhood of Makuta - What About a Community MOC Project?


In general - sure! However I would ask you to just do another one if by now your pics aren’t blurry because of the camera anymore. So?

I’ve also been thinking about Erevor and his spider legs a little more and … honestly I’m not that happy with that anymore. The MOC definitely is accepted, but in terms of the drawing I would like to give him only two legs so he doesn’t stick out that much. I could of course make up some “normal” legs for him, but I would offer you to update the MOC with just two legs yourself.

Updated list is in post 586
Rules can be found in post 586 and additions in post 1

Sorry about the pics. I have a new camera, and the pics for my rahkshi of magnetism were taken with that. Could you tell me if they are still to blurry?

I’m not the best judge on whether something is blurry or not, but this camera doesn’t have it’s lens scratched.

I could build new legs for him, but they will probibly end up rather simplistic due to lack of parts.

I’ll try though.

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The second and third pic of that Rahkshi are a little blurry, but if you can manage to keep all blurryness at least from the main pic of your Makuta, it should be ok. Take a few pics of the same pose and then look through them which one is the least blurry and use that.

I’ll put you on the list for another male Makuta then.

Updated list is in post 586
Rules can be found in post 586 and additions in post 1

I’m currently working on something for the Boards anniversary contest, but once that’s done I’ll start working on my Makuta as soon as possible.

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Ok, I’ll now add the “Makuta kill Makuta rule B” from post 649 to the official rules.

And here’s another thing … I already gave you a sneak peek of how the Makuta’s entries in the “Book of the Brotherhood” will look. Well, here’s a sneak peek of how the drawings will look. (More information about all of that in post 374 and post 470)

I’m by far no master artist and haven’t drawn anything like this in years, but I hope nonetheless that you’re not disappointed.
In general I can say about all the drawings I have done so far (26, if I counted correctly) that the result will look better if your MOC doesn’t use CCBS or a Tridax pot chest, because … I really suck at making up details. But I’m decent at drawing what I can see, at least. So, you’re warned.
On to Mutran (The MOC’s topic should be linked in post 1):

Updated list is in post 586
Rules can be found in post 586 and additions in post 1


ok, looking at this and…

i’mma make a mutran drawing, based of your Mutran MOC, and then let’s compare.

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If you haven’t already drawn mine, I can do it if you want.


I’ve already done Xirok, you can see it on the list. Also I want to do them all myself to keep the style the same (and because it’s kinda a reward from me to you for participating)

But of course I won’t hinder anyone from drawing any Makuta of this project themselves and showing the pictures around. Although probably this would make my drawings look bad at some point … I’m better with words than with drawings.

But at least I can’t imagine anyone doing 100 drawings of MOCs like I’m planning to do. :wink:

Updated list is in post 586
Rules can be found in post 586 and additions in post 1


are they gonna be coloured/shaded in the final version?


Well, I would if I could. Thing is, I don’t trust myself with not ruining the drawings in the process. I have absolutely NO experience or skill with shading and colouring … and you can’t remove colour with an eraser.

Updated list is in post 586
Rules can be found in post 586 and additions in post 1

Wow. I’ve been checking in on this project, and I have to say I’m amazed. Whereas most people build their MOC and left within days, you remained dedicated to this project even after most people left. This isn’t really the community’s project, it’s yours. I give my full support, if you need anything let me know, and I await the project’s completion.

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Okay :relaxed:

I’d be willing. just hit me up on the PMs after the TTV anniversary contest.


Well, thanks!
I guess what drives me on is the (admittedly) very, very slight chance of achieving something big with this project: No more and no less than making it part of Bionicle G1 canon lore. Now that would be a dream come true.

But at the very least I will be able to say to myself: “You have motivated people to work at this project and at least for them and you this might become inofficial canon lore.”

Seriously, wouldn’t it be great to have your creation and your name made a part of Bionicle? Although I have to admit that the MOC counts more.


Well, like I said, I won’t hinder you in any way to do this, but it won’t keep me from doing it, too.

Updated list is in post 586
Rules can be found in post 586 and additions in post 1
New rule in post 586


I know that in my headcanon and in my AU these Makuta are all legit. It means something to me that you’re so dedicated and organized with this project, even going so far as to make advanced rules as it goes on to encourage variety and keep it more realistic. This is my favorite project on the Message Boards.


Oh yeah, this is definitely a part of my fanon BIONICLE EU.

As for it becoming canon, I could almost see that actually happening. At the beginning, I never would’ve, but now, it actually seems almost possible. Especially with your handling of it. Of course, It would all depend on Greg Farshtey, I think, and whether he would even want to add something so big to canon. Especially a complete list of ALL Makuta. But one can still hope…

Wait, when did this become the Praise Girahi topic?





Well, I also have to thank you two for your continuous support of this project, when we’re already at it.:smile:

But let’s keep all the congratulations, acknowledgements and stuff for when this project actually gets finished - only 43 Makuta left to do. :wink: And then we all really deserve some praise.

To be honest there are two things nagging at me about this project and the possibility of making it canon, though:

  • I feel like I was too rash at accepting some MOCs - because some of them really don’t look very good or the picture quality is rather bad - because how can you make something canon that looks ok at best and/or can’t even be properly seen on the picture?

  • Using CCBS for a G1 project. You probably all know by now that I’m no big fan of CCBS, but I just can’t see MOCs using CCBS fitting into the G1 universe in terms of actually being canon. This has been a problem for me since the beginning, but 5 years after the old Bionicle/Technic system was cancelled I felt like there was no way to get a poject this big to completion without allowing what people can buy nowadays. And I still think this way, but I’m still not perfectly happy with it …
    Mhh… I think I’m going to express that again in a new “rule” right away.

Updated list is in post 586
Rules can be found in post 586 and additions in post 1
New rule in post 586

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aww, crap

that means I’m gonna have to redo Sachel and Shamsel.

well, at least i’ll be getting a tridax pod launcher in soon.

just no tridax pod.

ccbs fits in just fine IMO, if used sparingly. I don’t think you should be accepting outright hero-factory builds, but the pieces themselves look no less “Bionicle” than anything else.
Heck, the hero factory universe started with Bionicle’s system, then changed after the first year. Neither system belongs to either universe, the way I see it.


I can’t speak for the MOC quality, but as to picture quality: your idea of doing drawings for the Makuta can actually solve that. If you feel your own drawings aren’t good enough for a Canon project, you could look for someone who is really good at art.

Besides, you can count on one hand the instances where a “canon” picture of a character is a MOC that doesn’t have a BIONICLE background, which required sending the MOCs to LEGO to professionally photograph, or a white/grey background. Those few exceptions are outdoor photoshoots that could be a BIONICLE Location, like Krakua, or a floor like the Judgement Cannon.

So while the MOC’s themselves probably can’t be technically canonized, if drawings based on the MOCs are used, then the characters and their general look, which was based on a MOC, can be canonized.

As far as CCBS goes, I personally don’t think limiting CCBS is really an issue. I think that it should only matter that the MOC is good and looks like a Makuta, which really is a very loose description. And I think a smooth, polished look really works for a Makuta, who were often rather regal beings. But that’s just my two cents.
