The Brotherhood of Makuta - What About a Community MOC Project?


Robotic arm (can hold kraata.)
I’m probably gonna add the story later today. (Sorry for sideways pics, they will not be used in final.
Makuta Kratune was very loyal to Teridax, though he often hid away and invented weapons for the brotherhood. The invention they ever cared to use was a slightly faster blaster disguised as another. He managed only 2 big things, a more spider-like set of rahkshi armor, and modified limited invulnerability armor for his assistant Arhkaata. He perished after successfully replicating a kraata-kal, which killed him and fled to an unknown place.

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One thing, The mask of Scavenging is red, are you intending to use a paint job?

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… too simple build, I fear. Legs and torso are really basic. The arms go in the right direction, though. I like the look of the Ehlek head inside the chest. Also I really appreciate the use of Mata green.

But you really should make the MOC have the complexity of a titan build - which is most easily achieved by making limbs and torso more custom built. Currently he might look like a set streight out of 2008, but ideally he should rather reach the complexity of MOCs like these:

Also this ;P. Although it would be totally ok, too, if you put, for example, a Miru on this MOC and declare it a Mask of Scavenging. That’s totally acceptable for this project. Nonetheless, in this case I think I would prefer that you use the original idea for a mask power you had - simply to keep things more diverse.

As to the backstory:

Basically works, I guess, although I’m not a huge fan of him creating a second Kraata-Kal.

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I was planning to paint it but if that’s not allowed, I will just do the krescite. I will definitely work on the legs, I even thought they were to simple.

You can, if you want to. It would make things kinda difficult for me when I’ll revamp your Makuta, though, as I personally don’t like painting parts.

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I see you shotrened the name of the mask of convinience to Pirit, (which is probably for the best). However, I never thought of the power as being one involving pocket demensions, but one involving the alteration of the wearer’s destiny to find what he’s seeking quickly as long as he wears it. Perhaps you could change his mask to an Ictha, which seems more like my original vision of the power.
(The power was inspired by how long it took the parts to build that MOC. Seriously, even Kohuru (who never got excepted) didn’t take as long to find the parts for, dispite how much more complex he was.)
Also, I’m gonna snatch up one of those Makuta to be assigned. I recently started work on a MOC that’s coming along pretty well (upper boddy, head done, arms/hands nearing completion) and he looks like a Makuta. As for story, would it break cannon for him to have been Misirix’s old avisor before he died? If so, he could wear the Ierwan, Mask of Tactics. Oh, and this one’s not kohuru.

Didn’t know you were doing this. Will you be doing this for every Makuta design?


Well, all I had to work with was something along the lines of “Manguopo thus always had the pieces at hand he needed” if I remember correctly.
I must honestly say that I find my version more useful, but if you want I can change the mask’s power according to your idea?

Ok, I’ll put you on the list.


Everything of importance is mentioned somewhere in the first post :wink:

Although I should maybe mention by now, that I’ll try to revamp every single Makuta, but if I’ll actually be able to do that… we’ll see. Since I’m doing about 5 MOCs a year revamping every Makuta would take me approximately another 18 years :stuck_out_tongue:
Still it’s already pretty awesome having nearly 10 completed and looking at tthem all together.

That reminds me:

I’m thinking about a new rule banning the use of white as a primary or secondary colour for Makuta MOCs. (You’d still be allowed to use white for details) Because the thing is, I currently can think of at least 10 Makuta using white to a greater extend. That’s a tenth of the whole Brotherhood. Also I still associate white quite a bit with the element of light or at least “good” guys.

Any opinions on that matter?

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You can use your own digression for the mask power. What I meant by that statement was that he always found the piece he needed without much difficulty, no matter how improbable that might be.

Also, here’s some WIP pictures of my Makuta (the legs are place holders so it could stand for the photos.)

src="/uploads/db5640/original/3X/a/5/a59a64f6472a48c5c7ca080a6af0dd7f9f18677f.jpg" width=“690” height=“388”>

Apologies for the picture quality, but at least this time I’ll actually have access to white backdrop and good lights for the final MOC. Oh, and the head is supposed to be a mask shaped like a lizard head. The last two shots are just there to show the build under the cloak.

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Mizerix himself was white, as was Krika, Pridak, Thok, and Strakk, so I think white is a pretty amoral colour. That being said, if too many MOCs are already white, some diversity wouldn’t be a bad thing.

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You might want to try to make the arms look a little better shaped. Right now they look like you just threw together a couple parts which kinda worked with each other. Especially the fact that they use 7 different colours (counting pins and axles) might be something you want to change. That spiky addon on the upper arms seems to be in the way - maybe try to somehow add it to the outside of the arm?

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Okay, so I just read your comment about the arms after I made some prototype legs. First of all, I agree that the red spikes stick out, and I’ll try to work with them. I was just trying to do something custom for a change. Anyway, here’s the MOC as it stands now:

I realize the legs seem short compared to the arms, so I may try and shorten the arms with your suggestions in mind. Also, the colors on the legs are temporary- I want it to have more dark red, and maybe even some trans orange. But what do you think; should I scrap the arms and make them shorter to match the lags, ore work with the existing arms and make longer legs?



Definitely make the legs longer - the problem isn’t the comparison between arms and legs, but rather between legs and torso. The arms are actually well proportionated compared to the torso, but the legs can use up to 8 units of length added to them, I’d say.
The sides of the torso seem a little gappy, too, you might want to try filling in some of that.

Actually what bothers me most about the arms is the light grey and yellow. If you have to use light grey due to parts shortage you could maybe try adding some pearl light grey (the silver colour used from 2006-2010) parts as armor or something to the MOC - this makes light grey parts stick out far less.

This MOC could also use bigger feet in my opinion

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Okay, I’ll work on it. The feet were just thrown on so he could stand.

Okay, so I don’t know how to modify the torso to do what it needs to (the ehlek piece in the chest is to represent some sort of antidermis pod) and I haven’t found anything online to modify it and meet what is needed. If you or anybody has any tips, please let me know.

You mean using that Ehlek head like a Tridax pod or what?
Anyways, complete custom torso is always an option - especially since your torso is a little too basic. Granted, it might not be easy - building a proper titan sized custom torso takes 3 to 10 hours even without any function in my experience - but it definitely should be possible.

Maybe use gears and stuff? Basically all you need to “throw” that Ehlek head would be some “ribcage” keeping it in place most of the time and then some function which at the same time opens up the ribcage and pushes the head from behind, I’d think.

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Longer legs:

(Click on the images to see them in full.)


My own two cents; they look pretty solid, but I’m not sure about the toes.



Interesting build. Seems good, though - although it could use some recolours if you can manage. Also the hips could need some covering, but otherwise nice.

I have to agree that you should try to think of better toes, though. If you want you could try out this foot design or this.

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I can try out some kind of skirt design attaching to the torso, and I could probably work out something like the second foot design. I’ll also try to get it more black and less light grey, but unfortunately, there’s just not many dark red versions of the pars in the legs that I own.

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