(I know I said this will take a while to upload, but… I felt motivated enough to scan all drawings already so why wait?)
As I’ve already announced yesterday in the project topic, I’ve finally managed to complete the second (personal) goal of the Brotherhood Project (first goal was getting the project completed). I’ve drawn every single entry into the project (except for the original Krika since the pictures were lost - instead I drew my revamp of him) - 100 drawings total - over the last… 4 years.
I’ve said so multiple times before and will do so again now in case of misunderstandings - I’m not a very good artist. This whole drawing thing was mostly to my personal amusement. So don’t get mad at me for screwing things up here and there . And I did screw up some drawings. The reason why you see those is because of a single rule I set myself at the beginning of this undertaking:
Only one try per Makuta
Of course I redid small aspects of the drawing while drawing, but when I reached the point where something looked bad and redoing it would have meant erasing half of everything I did up to that point I decided to make the best out of what I had instead of leaving giant splotches on the paper from erasing. The reason I didn’t start anew was simple - 100 drawings are a lot for someone who usually scribbles a bit with a pencil once or twice a year. I wanted to get this finished in a reasonable time - and it still took me 4 years. At least personally I think that for the most part the drawings turned out alright.
What I can otherwise say about the drawing…style, I guess, is this:
- I tended towards staying close to the MOC design
- originally I planned to do simpler drawings, but eventually abandonded that, so the early drawings (first 20 or so?) do lack detail in comparison to the later ones
- anything that’s different from the MOC is either artistic liberty or me having messed something up (
) If you’re really curious about what it was/what I thought while drawing a certain picture, feel free to ask. By the way CCBS MOCs were more likely to be hit by artistic liberty.
- I suck at coming up with mask designs. At least I was able to draw from a few sources in some cases.
- except for Kindrix, Miserix and Teridax, the pictures are sorted by name, not by when they were drawn - due to my “one try” rule I also didn’t change any names that were modified since.
- the individual Makuta were drawn in the order in which they were originally uploaded for the most part
- I didn’t bother with colouring since my experience in that regard goes towards zero. I didn’t want to mess anything up even more
- the aim was to make all Makuta about the same size. Let’s say my aim was a little off at times
I guess that’s everything I have to say for now. Feel free to comment or give criticism.
First off - group picture. You can get to the individual topics through the links in the topic linked above, but the pictures won’t work anymore in several of them, so have this:
(the MOC picture of Jasax is lost)
And… group picture:
So, to start things off - a short overview of how my drawing style changed over time:
Here’s Kindrix, by me, as the first drawing, Miserix, MOC by @Toa_Heatwave, as drawing number 50 and Teridax, MOC by @Payinku, as drawing number 100
And now the rest:
Based on the MOCs by @MakutaTexxidos, me, @Lord_Tuma, MysteryMuffin
(Aplekisa’s name was changed to Apaliska since)
Based on the MOCs by @Styrofoam, @StudentScissors, @Ahkmou
(Aveeccious has been changed to Avecious since)
Belgahn’s mask design is based on the design for the Mask of Charisma by RSG.
Based on the MOCs by Willess12, @ToaPanda, @Distraxx
(Boldorah has been renamed Vozatth since)
Based on the MOCs by @Sushiyoda, @ReeseEH, Xing1870
Based on the MOCs by @Racie02, @Leoxander, @ToaNoah_Wafflemeister
(Crytoss has been renamed Karangu since)
I got help on Chisk’s mask design from Sammythekat
Based on the MOCs by Toa_Vladin, chikenbond (uploaded by Windfall), @Timeline15, @TBT_Emerald
Based on the MOCs by Silver_Falcon, @AdamusTheFirst, Chronicler
Based on the MOCs by LurkingEhlek, @Gringat
Based on the MOCs by Styrofoam, P1gNinja, @pizzacheetah
Based on the MOCs by Toa_Heatwave, @ToaPanda, Willess12
Based on the MOCs by @Condraxis, me, DG_Eddie
Based on the MOCs by @Solaris, RedHuna101, @Kardax
(Jsasax has been renamed Jasax since)
Based on the MOCs by @Povak, @Abyss_Lockstrider, Toa_Radrix, Condraxis
Kidrov’s mask design is the Mask of Rahi Control by RSG.
Based on the MOCs by Payinku, me, Leoxander
Based on the MOCs by @darkbrick999, Timeline15, Povak
Based on the MOCs by @Irrie, MakutaTexxidos, me
Based on the MOCs by Povak, MysteryMuffin, @Hawkflight, TBT_Emerald
Nebunie’s Mask design is based on Scorpion_Strike’s design
Based on the MOCs by @Nogus101, me, The_Wanderer
Based on the MOCs by @Kikoa, @Wolk, Gringat, @Sciencegiraffe
(Reppirax has been changed to Repirax since)
Sammythekat again assisted me with Repirax’s mask design
Based on the MOCs by @Cyclopian, @Sammythekat, @LegoDavid, SmeatyFlavor
Sadakon’s mask design is heavily based on RSG’s Great and Nuva designs for the Mask of Conjuration.
Based on the MOCs by chickenbond (uploaded by Windfall), Styrofoam, TBT_Emerald, The_Wanderer
Based on the MOCs by @Samtastictogo, @Maarlfox, Chronicler
(Straintol has been renamed Orexus since)
Based on the MOCs by @TheRed1s, The_Wanderer, @Miraku
(Tethis has been renamed Akima since)
Thiren’s Mask design is heavily based on RSG’s design for the Mask of Rahi Control.
Based on the MOCs by @Jemoph, Toa_Heatwave, @Whovian41110, Racie02
Based on the MOCs by @TotalMaddness, Windfall, @EvilLobsterKing, @Holi
Based on the MOCs by @Inertiic, Racie02, AdamusTheFirst, Maarlfox
(Venarak has been renamed Vekaron since)
Based on the MOCs by darkbrick999, MysteryMuffin, @SteampunkTahu
(Wreigth has been renamed Wamruu since)
Based on the MOCs by Sushiyoda, Willess12, @Aegyptiacus
Yandra’s mask is based on Chisk’s and thus by extension on @Sammythekat’s design.
And before you ask, yes Yandra’s mask has no eyesholes. This is because that was mentioned in the backstory. If I’d draw her again I’d give the mask eyeholes. Looks weird without.
Based on the MOCs by Racie02, @PotatoAlien, Willess12, Mr.Monopoly
And that’s it. I really hope I didn’t make any mistakes or forgot anyone…
(unfortunately I can’t @ more than 50 different people, so I threw out a few @ before the name from people who haven’t been online here for at least about a year)
By the way, if you think these drawings are super bad and you can do much better - feel free to! I’d love to see better drawings of these characters!