The favorites, part five: my favorite moc of 2020!

Hello again, and welcome to the series where I show off some of my favorite mocs that I have. This week is a very special edition. In celebration of surviving 2020, I’m sharing my favorite moc that I made in 2020. This one doesnt have a name yet, but I figured you guys could help me figure one out! Leave any name suggestions you might have, and I’ll post when I decide what to call him. Now, without further ado, my favorite moc of 2020!!

Equipped with a pistol on his hip, a sword and a bayoneted fully-automatic rifle, this guy is a terror on… I dont know yet. Just like his name, I have no story for him yet. But he also has a motorcycle. Here are some pictures of it.

I call it the demon bike. Yes, his bike has a name but he doesn’t, I’m aware. Anyway, I love this thing so much. As always, comments and criticisms appreciated, and don’t forget to say name and/or lore ideas for this guy, see y’all later!

Edit: oops! I was so excited, I forgot to put a silhouette! Well, here’s one now!

Edit 2: finally came up with a name. His name is blight


I think this is your best Moc so far! The skull-spider green and dark red make for a unique colour scheme plus the bike is nice. As for a name maybe something to do with plague or carelessness as he has plague colours but also could be imagined hooning around on his bike wreaking havoc, the word callous comes to mind and could be a good name. Maybe study up on bike shapes though-it would look better as a low rider imo.


Nice motorcycle!

Name him: Snuffles

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I too, am a fan of the color scheme and motorcycle!

I suggest putting some spring green and red pieces in the torso, because now, there’s a lot of black there. The bike is quite cool IMO.

As for names, I don’t have many ideas (I very very rarely give my characters proper names). Maybe plague (as @Axelford suggested) or some variation like Plague Devil/Demon, or Plague Rider would work well.

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Is that a motorcycle.! Wasn’t expecting that.

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Definitely my favorite of yours as well! I love the use of the skull spiders!

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This is easily your best Moc. Good colour scheme, solid build, cool weapons, and A MOTORCYCLE

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Nice moc, i quite like the color scheme. Maybe you should put some more green on the chest area and on the bike., but overall I like this moc.

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Nifty looking MOC, you don’t see that green used very often. On the name, the story always comes first for me. If the name doesn’t fit with the story, there’s always gonna be a weird disconnect, like if they’re story is that they’re a demon straight from Doom, but you name them Snuffles, that doesn’t work. Now, of course you could design the story around the name too, which makes my entire argument null. Good MOC, at any rate.

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Well for the story part, I do know he is going to be some kind of hunter, possibly a bounty hunter

Also, thanks everyone for the kind words!

also, don’t you think it would be funny to have a demon named snuffles?



@T4k4nuv4 The Ben 10 joints have the stronger CCBS socket, right? And also, can we get a closer look at the torso?

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Yes, the Ben 10 joints do have stronger ccbs Sockets. Sure, I’ll give you a close up on the torso, just give me a moment

Edit: alright, here’s your close up


Nice building techniques! :+1:

Where is the sword piece and the chest piece with the Hero core from?

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Lord vladek from knight’s kingdom || is where the sword comes from, and I’m pretty sure that’s stringer’s torso armor…


I suppose that it would work in an amusing sort of way. Kinda like how this thing is called a Pinky. Snuffles it is! image


He looks like somebody that can “snuff” you out, that’s for sure.


That bike is *chefs kiss” amazing!
The rider is epic too!

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Thank you. Btw, for those wondering, I’ve finally come up with a name. His name is blight

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Dang, the color scheme on this is quite striking.

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Wow, two replies after three months. That’s a surprise for me

Also @Winger, that was exactly the point

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