The Favorites, part two: Sir Takanuva, the banished

Hello again and welcome to part two of this series where I show off (most) of my favorite bionicle mocs that I’ve made. Part one is here The Favorites, part one: Lewa Nuva revamp if you want to check that out. Now, on to the moc!

Sorry about the terrible picture quality, but I’m too tired today to retake them. Anyway, I’ve had this moc for several years now (probably like 7 or so, idk) and it has gone through several iterations before this one. Before I made hunter, my self moc, this was the closest thing to a self moc that I had (of course I had never heard the term self moc until I joined the boards for the cannon contests). Takanuva has always been my favorite toa (well except for a few years when it was Kongu, but that was before I was invested in the story) and will probably remain that way, at least for toa that exist in the cannon. Anyway, here’s the silhouette for next week:

As always comments and criticisms appreciated, see yall next week, or on Tuesday if you follow my toa ultima series. Anyway, bye!


The build seems to be pretty OK, if a bit average. I think you should unify some of the textures and spread out the silver of the mask. The hand design seems way too large for the rest of the build, as do the feet.

I’m not really a fan of the ridiculously oversized sword, even within the parameters of fantasy. Maybe just remove the side sections completely and fancy up the hilt of the main blade.

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Well the reason the sword is way to big is because it was built for someone much larger. Originally he had a staff, which later turned into a kolhii staff, which I then got rid of entirely. Also, the hand thing. I was trying to recreate axonn’s hands and I had no idea how to do that, so this is what I came up with. Also, I built this when I was like, 10, and the general build had remained the same since. But I was super proud of it at the time and I still like it a lot, I guess it’s kind of a nostalgia thing for me. It was hard to even re armor this guy every time, but I did it because my story with him in it kept changing, and I felt like he should change with it. Also, he was originally silver and white.

Edit: sorry for the rant, I’m tired and hangry so it put me in a bad mood

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I think the giant sword is fine, kinda has the cliche “giant anime gun sword” look. I’m glad you’ve kept this built up and just improve it gradually-because it has some good aspects like the feet and shoulder pads plus the general concept.