This is my art submission for Canon Helryx Art Contest.
I tried to follow overall appearance and forms of the winner MOC, but also to incorporate “fish” elements in design, like “fins” on limbs and mask. Work is also inspired by canon Toa Nikila artwork.
Thank you for viewing!
I like how you took the winning MOC entry and managed to spin it into your own, stylized creation! Despite substituting pieces here and there, the inspiration is definitively derivative of the original MOC and I’m in love with how you managed to work someone else’s design into something you can entirely call your own. The mask (and general presence of fin-like elements) is also really cool. If there’s one thing that I could critique though, it would be the aesthetic of the mask. It seems a little reminiscent of the Felnas, and I’m not quite sure I could see it as the Mask of Psychometry or as Helryx’s Kanohi. Either way, great work!