I’ve recently been working on building every known member of the Brotherhood of Makuta, along with a number of original Makuta and MOVs of other’s Makuta. I’ll be writing these as though they were excerpts from an Order of Mata Nui database written by Arc shortly after the Toa-Dark Hunter War. You should expect to see at least two more of these in the semi-near future.
Also, just some Guildverse lore things to clear up before I begin: Although Makuta have access to all 42 Kraata powers, it takes lots and lots of training, practice, and mental fortitude to actually master them (i.e., get them to level 6 power). As such, most Makuta only have a handful of Kraata powers that are at max-level, and the rest are somewhere between levels 1-3. Typically, the more Kraata powers a Makuta has mastered, the higher they are on the Brotherhood’s totem pole.
Additionally, it is possible for a Makuta to create what is called a “Familiar.” A Familiar is basically just a smaller, weaker Makuta, created when a Makuta imbues a Matoran with their own Antidermis. The process is similar to the creation of a Shadow Matoran, but can only be done once per Makuta, as they risk losing too much of their essence if they do it more than once. These Familiars are often used as servants, lab rats, and/or warriors, and are generally not treated particularly well. Due to their partial Makuta heritage, they have access to a select few Kraata powers chosen by their “parent” Makuta during the creation process, which they can only reach level 5 in.
Now, I believe that’s everything of import. Let’s get on with this.
Miserix (Deceased)
Kanohi: Darix, Great Mask of Mutation
Region: Destral (Formerly)
Role: Leader (Formerly)
Preferred Kraata Powers: Chain Lightning, Darkness, Disintegration, Laser Vision, Plasma, and Shapeshifting
Long ago, the Brotherhood was an organization of virtue, carrying out the will of Mata Nui much like our own Order. It was during this era of the Brotherhood that Miserix ruled. He was wise and powerful, and though he was not known for his goodwill, he was neither cruel nor power-hungry. It was he who decreed, shortly after the Matoran Civil War, that Makuta would be assigned to regions as overseers and keepers of the peace. At the time, it was a noble decision, as Makuta were not tyrants or warlords. Alas, they did not remain that way.
Miserix was overthrown by his second-in-command, Makuta Teridax, thousands of years ago. Following that, he was executed. There are some who believe Miserix may yet be alive; that perhaps he faked his death and went into hiding, and is now waiting for the opportune moment to exact his vengeance. I cannot say with absolute certainty that they are wrong; the exact circumstances regarding his death and Teridax’s takeover are shrouded in mystery. However, I find it profoundly unlikely that Teridax would not have ensured Miserix’s death. It simply would not add up.
Kanohi: Kraahkan, Elemental Mask of Shadows
Region: Metru Nui
Role: Leader
Preferred Kraata Powers: Anger, Chain Lightning, Darkness, Disintegration, Fear, Fragmentation, Gravity, Heat Vision, Hunger, Magnetism, Poison, Rahi Control, Shapeshifting, and Teleportation
Teridax, the eidolon of Shadow. When the Makuta were created, a competition was held for leadership. The winner was given the Mask of Mutation, the position of ruler, and the title “Brother of Mata Nui.” The runner-up was gifted the Mask of Shadows and the position of second-in-command (which subsequently earned him the coveted role of Makuta of Metru Nui). As Miserix’s right hand man, Teridax led the armies of the Brotherhood against the League of Six Kingdoms during the War of the Seven Armies and against the Matoran legions during the Great Disruption. During these campaigns, he gained valuable knowledge of the world and of the “art” of war.
Though never a gifted scientist, Teridax did embody other aspects of the Brotherhood: he was strong, clever, and above all, ambitious. It was these qualities that led to his eventual takeover of the Brotherhood. Yes, approximately four and a half thousand years ago, Teridax called a Convocation. Every member of the Brotherhood convened on Destral, where Teridax declared himself the new ruler of the Brotherhood. Unfortunately, that is all we know of that day. The specifics - why Teridax rebelled, how he convinced so many Makuta to side with him, and what exactly happened to Miserix - are all unknown. I believe that Teridax’s loss to Miserix all those years ago caused a festering hatred to grow within him, leading to the betrayal. I believe that failure still motivates him to this day.
As leader of the Brotherhood, Teridax has instituted a number of changes. The organization has gravely shifted away from Mata Nui’s light. Few Makuta still work to create new Rahi, and those that do are focused on creating monsters and beasts of war. Instead, Makuta have become warriors and dictators, administering their regions with protosteel grips. Additionally, whispers have been spreading of a Brotherhood plot to overthrow the Great Spirit himself. I cannot ascertain the validity of these rumors, or even if such a thing would be possible, but I believe they are not entirely without credibility. It is worth keeping a close eye on the inner workings of the Brotherhood. I fear something dark is on the horizon.
Kanohi: Vexun, Great Mask of Scavenging
Region: Karzahni
Role: Warrior
Preferred Kraata Powers: Accuracy, Cyclone, Gravity, Rahi Control, Teleportation
Icarax is among the most power-hungry and vicious of all Makuta. Despite this, he ironically cares very little for controlling the realm he was assigned, Karzahni. Perhaps he simply does not value the island’s misshapen inhabitants? I know not. What I do know is that Icarax’s skills in combat are second to only Teridax in the Brotherhood, and so he is often called upon by other Makuta to battle powerful foes. According to my intel, he is rather selective about who he aids and why. It seems to me that he has no tolerance for weakness, and will only assist those who are high on the Brotherhood’s echelons. Furthermore, he will only act if he deems the threat said Makuta is facing to be a worthy challenge for him.
My sources in Brotherhood say that Icarax cares very little for Teridax’s leadership, and he has apparently tried to rebel against the Makuta of Metru Nui in the past. Why he remains in the Brotherhood and has not been imprisoned or executed, I cannot fathom. I suppose only time will determine Icarax’s ultimate fate.
Kanohi: Jutlin, Great Mask of Corruption
Region: Xia
Role: Warrior/Diplomat
Preferred Kraata Powers: Anger, Confusion, Fear, Limited Invulnerability, Shapeshifting
Antroz is among the highest-ranked in the Brotherhood, known to many as Teridax’s First Lieutenant. During the Brotherhood’s military operations in their early days, Antroz used his incredible strategic mind to lead legions of Rahkshi and other soldiers to victory. In recent years, the Brotherhood has not needed to muster its armies, but I am told Antroz keeps his skills sharp in the market wars of Xia.
As the Makuta of Xia, Antroz has overseen many trade deals between the Vortixx and other species. His sharp mind has aided him here as well, and he has proven to be quite the diplomat. Antroz’s ability to negotiate, manipulate, and blackmail have led to him becoming the public face of the Brotherhood, brought in whenever there are disputes with great powers like the Dark Hunters, Metru Nui, or Stelt.
Interestingly, it seems like Antroz has not completely forsaken his sense of honor like most Makuta. In battle, he refrains from using his abilities, preferring to overcome his foes through physical strength alone. Outside of the battlefield, though, he has no qualms with using his powers to affect others, sewing fear and anger into the minds of those sitting across from him at the bargaining table to make them easier to manipulate.
Kanohi: Shelek, Great Mask of Silence
Region: The Heartland
Role: Scientist
Preferred Kraata Powers: Illusion, Insect Control, Mind Reading, Rahi Control
There are none in the Brotherhood more skilled at creating Rahi than Mutran. He has made dozens - nay, hundreds of Rahi throughout the course of his life. Rarely does he bother with petty distractions like politics and leadership. No, he spends his days isolated in his spire, conducting experiments with (and occasionally on) his Familiar, Vican.
Mutran’s lack of interest in his assigned region means that the Heartland, a region in the Southern Continent containing Rota Nui, has mostly been allowed to govern itself. The only requirement for the villages there to retain their freedom is that they must occasionally pay fealty to Mutran. Whenever the Makuta decides he is in need of new test subjects, each village must send him a Rahi or a Matoran to experiment on.
Although Mutran does not care much for his fellow Makuta, he does keep a close eye on his fellow scientists, especially Makuta Chirox. My sources say that Mutran never passes up an opportunity to humiliate, show-up, or otherwise inconvenience Chirox. I suppose even the most scientifically-minded of us have our weak spots.