The Legend of the BIONICLE: Celebrating 20 years of Lego stories

Yeah you make some good points better to take the high road and all. Unfortunately it’s my experience that you have to confront the bullies head on if you want them to stop. other wise you just end up regretting having not done anything about it. However in this case maybe the best thing to do is just to not acknowledge it. I don’t know.

I still firmly believe the set would have at the very least reached the bare minimum if it had more time. I mean, come on, is it realistic to expect 3000 people to pay 120$ in the span of less than 12 hours? Of course not.
On top of that, we still managed to get about 1500 pre-orders, which isn’t that bad considering the limited time. So Bionicle haters can’t claim that the set sold “abysmally” either.
Originally, the given crowdfunding time given was of 41 days, which sees perfectly reasonable, and I firmly believe the set would have eventually reached the target if the time wasn’t reduced from 41 days to 12 hours. That is ridiculous.
Turning this into a competition was a terrible idea on LEGO’s part. In my humble opinion, they should have just simply allowed all 7 projects to be produced, as long as they reached the minimum amount of orders within the given time limit.


There is also one from Christian Faber:

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So what is going on, then?

I don’t see how this could possibly be anyone’s fault besides the Bionicle community’s, yet you’ve spent this entire topic trying to paint us as the victim of some grand bullying conspiracy against Bionicle.

Unless there’s something I’m missing, the only thing this blame-shifting does is hurt and embarass the Bionicle community’s reputation elsewhere.

Honestly, I was expecting it to be done in a few minutes, especially given how long people knew about it beforehand. I figured everyone would know what they were buying and get it right as the pre-orders opened. (Website crashes notwithstanding)


… which is?

Some random people making fun of the community? Happens all the time. I’m sure members of the BIONICLE community have made fun of Castle people in the past.

It really just seems like unnecessary blame shifting, when it’s no one’s fault that BIONICLE fans couldn’t raise $360,000.


Yeah, it’s totally not realistic for that to happen. I don’t see how anyone could think that’s feasible, especially not after it happened to five other sets just yesterday.


tru lol. I think at least part of the problem is that a lot of us bonk fans are younger and more broke than other AFOLs tho. Either way, RIP

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My point still stands. We didn’t even know this was going to be such a hard competition, and we didn’t even know what the price was going to be before the funding already started.
Plus, given how they allocated 41 days for the crowdfunding process, I don’t think LEGO expected any of the sets to sell out that fast either. I have a strong suspicion a lot of those fast purchases weren’t even genuine, but rather from scalpers who wanted to make a quick buck by reselling those things, given how listings for them started showing up on eBay for 500$+ as soon as they were sold out.


I don’t get what you are trying to say here. The price was likely to be between 100 and 150 USD when going of data from similar stuff. And I don’t think the Kakapo fans knew more than us before the ‘competition’. The support just wasn’t there. Sure Bionicle would have gotten more preorders with more time, but how many preorders would the more expensive castle get hypothetically in that time if there was no max. limit? Or the bird?

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For the castle, at least, I’d have been more surprised if there wasn’t any scalping. Still unfortunate, though.


On the one hand, we still got quite a few number of preorders in quite a short time, and with over a month? Who knows?

On the other hand, $360,000+? Ehhhh…


thats like about double what 4 years of my college will probbly wind up costing, it’s not THAT much

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my man

that’s a you thing

Do we have date when we get a refund? I wanted the money back so I can participate in other round of this BrickLink thing.

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You didn’t get charged unless it was going to be an actual set.


Well that’s unfortunate but it saves me some money for getting some other stuff I have on preorder elsewhere and what I need to buy the hydro bounty

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Really? I payed with a debit card and in the bank app i got a notifications that the transaction was made.

Ok, I’m guessing you’ll probably get refunded.

Not trying to victimize anything. Simply trying to point out some things that nobody wants hear. For starters why was it a race contest to begin with it doesn’t make any sense. I believe it was just another unofficial voting poll. Why else would they have castle in as a contender. Sorry if it comes off as I am trying to play the victim and spread negativity around but it’s just the way I see things.

This is probably nothing, but I leave it here nevertheless.