I come back from my wonderful hike to find Bionicle lost and I couldn’t even get in a order on the Kakapo! (I was going to place orders on both.) Edit: Smh it’s sold out in my region ugh
Now uh, plenty of other people have said it well that such a loss does not mean the end support my project on Lego Ideas lol and it is still great to see all the energy and activity around such an event.
So seeing as I missed the funding for Bonkle, imma wait until the scalpers start selling Kakapos in my region…
Also might as well say, shame on the fans who keep saying: “cannot believe we lost to a bird.”
It is not just a bird, it is endangered, cute, goofy and represents the first opportunity New Zealand has had to have a set unlike say China. And it is just sad that people are so negative of anything not Bionicle and so critical. it is not the end of the world nor the Bionicle fandom, it is a a pity that Sokoda’s Idea has lost it’s second chance but it still does not warrant bitterness.
Smile, be happy, make more fan content, at the end of the day we do not need Lego’s support and if you do want it, create a project or support projects.
I find it funny how the set hasn’t even been produced yet, but those scalpers already list it for sale and say it is worth 1000$ without even owning it.
I think you might be overreacting a bit to what is probably mostly a joke.
Like, heck yeah, I’m glad for the guy who made, and all the people who supported, the Kakapo. Doesn’t mean I won’t make salty jokes about how bionicle lost to a typewriter and then a bird.
My bad for not specifying, it is a joke here but I’ve seen comments elsewhere that were not. And it is still insinuating that “a bird” is a poor contender to lose to, it is still as valid an idea as any.