somebody print this… please
ok I will do it
Yes Thank you
gosh dangit now I might need to print this
that was fast
I’ll set them up to print tomorrow
Printing is going to take 2 hours, assuming nothing goes wrong, but, I do have one small critique…
Scaling to about 20% seemed to be the right size, but be mindful of your units. Also, thanks for making the back flat for ease of printing, the only issue is that printing on the back will make the axle weak when attached to the head, but it will also make the best result for the actual mask.
Edited for Double Post- Prentice1215
If it’s too weak, I can add some support to the base of the axle
no, its not an issue with the model, just printing the axle vertically means the layers can be stressed and it can snap really easy, just a consequence of printing
35% is correct scaling NOT 20%
20% is tiny
It’s actually gonna take 6 hours
Edited for Double Post- Prentice1215
Just to make sure, I checked the correct scale in the one with the scope should be width= 5.288 studs/ 42.304 mm, height= 4.55 studs/ 36.4 mm, depth= 3.634 studs/ 29.072 mm
If that doesn’t work, try 39.37%
I find that scaling issues usually come from conversions between inches and centimetres.
going by rothanak’s numbers, cura just said 40%, so I’m starting the print over again at that, 39.37 is probably more correct, but printers are only so accurate anyway. now it says 8 hours to complete, so I’ll see you all tonight. Also, we may want to move this conversation to it’s own topic so we don’t spam this one
What printer do you use?
Right now I’ve got it printing on an ender 3, I also have an MP select mini, but it’s out of commission right now
sorry for the image dump, now, with those out of the way, I can talk about them.
they printed off looking great!
Until I had to remove the supports underneath, which broke all three pegs (exactly what I was afraid of) but for some reason, the akaku version held up the best (most likely thanks to the profile pic of our High Emperor(may he forever remain unaffiliated)), either way, all 3 got copious amounts of gorilla glue and are drying as we speak
since the akaku one faired relatively well, I went ahead (heh) and test fitted it on a metru head, and it fit ok, the post was a little loose, but I’ll chalk that up to printing inconsistencies. I’ll show them off on a moc when the glue dries, all I can hope is that I got all the axles on straight
Edited for Double Post- Prentice1215
Yesss… you created it.
agreed unless he decides to side with the RRR
Looks neat, my man.
This is great.
After the glue dried, I tried them out, the eye holes are a little far apart for both metru and mata heads, and the actual part fit is kinda wonky, but they work well
Yeah, I designed them with the eyeholes far apart on purpose because they didn’t look like a kakapo with them closer. Thanks for printing them, I wasn’t sure how they would fit.
Wait a minute…
BIONICLE confirmed??
Groundbreaking, Pakari./s