The "Let's build JtO Makuta" topic

I haven’t looked through the new posts yet, but here’s the link to the video (maybe a repeat link?)

I don’t know if the link works as I’m using a phone.


Well, this is going to be worth the $120. So many beautiful parts…

…'tis the stuff of dreams for an aspiring MOC-maker.


Ok guys so I have an unfinished parst list. It’s mostly accurate it’s just some of the quantities of Technic parts are off. However, I don’t know how to share it with you all. I have the list on bricklink wanted lists but I don’t know how to show it to everyone. So I could use some help

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Take a few screenshots (as many as you need) and post them here.

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I would but brinklink does show enough parts in the frame of a screenshot.

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Take multiple. Please make them overlap so we know no peices were skipped

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I’m just trying to figure out how this guy took these photos-


Just finished cobbling him together, but still without some finishing touches.

JtO Maktooti is just… awe inspiring. I thank the Bionicle team once again for their work on the theme as well as the alternative models.


Huh. Maybe he zoomed out a ton, then cropped it? Also, is that the list for MMvsSG?

No. It’s just a page of the two part list he uploaded. It has parts from all sets.

I’ll try to figure it out.

Alright here’s the list. This is NOT 100% complete. However it is a vast improvement from the previous one.

I really hope someone counts up all the parts and gives this guy a part count.



cough sorry. You saved me. Also, which set of these is used the least: MMvsSG, Tahu Uniter, or Umarak the Destroyer?

Also, I used Onua Uniter and Umarak the Hunter for the Shadow Spawn, and if I always took pieces from Umarak when available, and got another Umarak, could I get away with not getting another Onua?

That was a mouthful. Sorry

Edit: No idea of the part count, but one item was duplicated (2 of the same items both with 13 wanted) and one of the pics added up to 222 pieces. Otherwise I dunno sorry


I’m a little confused by you’re post but I’ll try to give my advice. Personally I think Umarak the destroyer is used the least in the three you mentioned. And for any other questions it really depends on you’re CCBS collection.

Also, any duplicates should be discarded. The amount of pieces is listed next to the picture and duplicates do not add to that.

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Lol, you are understood me perfectly! Do you think that after making the Shadow Clone, still owning all other duplicates sets for makuta, that I don’t need another Onua Uniter?

Ps what the blob is CCBS? BIONICLE G2 was my first BIONICLE, not counting a STARS Tahu I got at a little age for my bday

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The Character and Creature Building System.


Oh lol thx Itranc. Looked it up as I typed my reply to ThatchMac, realized after I posted :smile: :wink: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Okay I gtg now. Still answer my question if you can understand me… :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

And I want to become an author. Gotta improve my grammar game… cough 98 average overall and is in algebra 2 grades above his own cooooooouuuuugggggghhhhh spittle flies
:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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CCBS is the system Lego introduced in 2011 with Hero Factory, and later continue to use in several other themes, including Marvel, DC, Chima, Star Wars, and finally Bionicle Generation 2. Lego created the system to allow for easier construction of figures. And that is represented in the Title (CCBS Character and Creature Building System).


Kapura’d m8

NOTE: I rushed when adding this up, and it’s very possible that I made some mistakes. But based on the parts lists provided by @ThatchMac

In all fairness, there are a ton of pins, axles, and chain links…but dang, that’s still a lot.