The "Let's build JtO Makuta" topic

If Makuta were to be released as a set, he would be about 50-70 dollars.



I can’t figure out how to attach the shells on to theses shoulder assemblies on this guys Makuta Wrecker of Doors | Flickr


It requires a lot of finagling and moving shells. Just experiment with different positions. I remember being really confused and than eventually fining out I needed to push the whole assembly closer to the arm effectively flipping.

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Thanks I’ve tried that but nothing’s working, I’ll just try working on a different part for now

Has anyone else found the knees to be really weak when you have your finished Makuta ?

I’ve found the entire model rather top-heavy. I’m surprised that the tiny feet can hold the entire thing up!

The knees do seem a little off, though…

yeah, its the only problem I’ve got with the model, it makes posing him really hard even if I’m only adjusting the top half

Still better than the $120 or so needed to buy the component sets. :stuck_out_tongue:

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oh yeah, apart from the knees he is absolutely glorious


It’s worth getting an Umarak Hunter, an Ikir, and a LoSS.

Also, anyone know which pieces (other than the drill) are used in Makuta that can’t be found as an extra in Ikir, the Hunter, LoSS, MMvsSG, or Tahu Uniter? (Purposely not U the Hunter)


which is the aprox. price of all the sets together.

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would you be able to post a picture of YOUR model?

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I’m waiting for Ikir and UtD in the mail, and I already have an extra Ikir, but I’ve sacrificed UtD to the Doomarak Combiner. Should I wait until I have all the sets in hand, or can I start now without taking apart Doomarak (I can live without Ikir for a few days). Thanks! :slight_smile:

I built my Makuta, but I can’t connect the chest part that has the shield piece and trap piece.

@Zorglorfian you don’t really need UtD for Makuta. I’m most likely going to get a few pieces that I need from Umarak, such as the silver skeleton, the horns, and the jaw, as well as a few other internal pieces off of Bricklink.

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What part is that?

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probably the gunmetal ribcage

Yes that one. It is on his back

awesome thanks for that :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the one set for this thing I do have.