Nice. I have em too, but my Tahu is missing his left arm, and I had to replace it with a blue one.
Why do they limit the age to 99?
today i finely resived the final part of Ninjago’s “Dark Island Trilogy”
Nice mane, I’m planning on finally getting the Toa Mata and the Mctoran soon, like I always wanted them and when I was younger it was a lack of cash, but now it’s just Iv’e never really got around to it.
I’m envious. If you don’t mind me asking, how much did you get them for?
From what I understand it’s basically just Australian Craigslist so you can check that and probably be able to find some bionicles being sold.
$90 AUD for the 6 of them so $15 AUD ($11.50 USD) per set
Matau and Uxar are completely new to the collection, everything else are sets that a simple bricklink order completed (with a couple exceptions).
Uh… Vhisola… that’s not how you use the mask of time.
Walmart were giving away a polybag on the right for free.
Please tell me they’ll be doing this tomorrow too…
I got some random goemon super famicom game, a gba link cable, and some snes football game
And I thought Chima had the most ridiculously large unwieldy weapons
what is this?
Dish Soap, because I eat too much garbage.
DUDE! I’ve always wanted the Lego dish soap set! How’d you get it? I thought it was only available in Ireland and only 500 copies were made?!
today’s bricklink order:
i was also going to get the bulk drill machine… but the seller could not find it, so i had it refunded.
and for those asking, yes i have resived the sets today, im using the bricklink list to show the sets. i will take photoes later.
Nice job, really. I bet they’ll look good on your Overlord Makuta…
envy intensifies