The "Look What I Just Got!" Topic

Nice. The walmart I went to didn’t have the event. Apparently there was no staff for it.



Got these two yesterday.

Now I’m only one insecticon trio, but Skrapnel is almost $40 on amazon.


I just ordered my tr. kickback to go with my other insecticons and g1 insecticons. You could probably get skrapnel cheap on eBay.

Meanwhile I just got tr rewind, rid springload, and ghost rider


Do you already have TR Gnaw?

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No. If I find him in stores I want him but he’s not really important for me to own. I’ve heard they’re both pretty good though.


Well if you can find him, get him. its an amazing figure for its size.

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like i promised, here are the photoes of the sets i orderd:

by the way, did anyone know that the Flyer Beast have one scarred eye?

these monsters by the way are shown in the instruction manual to be able to be placed on the Queen Beast in a similar manner to the Splitter Beast, or possibly more like a child piggyback riding its mother.

if you look at the laser arm, you might notice that there was one small error that the seller made when they sold me these figures.

but anyway, the reason for why i bought four more XT4 figures when i allready have one, is, NOT because of parts, but because i had been planning on getting more of them for a while now, and with my photo comic ideas, i have been thinking of painint the extra XT4 figures and make them into new characters with different tools.

why are you asking? if its a joke, then, i don’t get it.


Alright. I just wanna talk about my new TR Gnaw for a little bit. He’s so tiny and adorable. I bring him just about everywhere. He’s even currently standing on my Laptop looking up at me as I type this. He’ll probably be the first toy I do in a personal toy review topic I have in mind, kinda like what @Sammythekat did for TR Blurr, only with my transformers collection.

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It’s the worst hf set

Here’s a pic.

He’s just so tiny and adorable and I love him. :relaxed:


i couln’t help it


I love this!


It’s scaring me ):

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But how can something so tiny and precious be scary?

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It actually kind of looks like that shark mech that Garmadon was riding in the Ninjago Movie trailer. Expect they made it a Bakugan


New keyboard, if any ones looking for a great budget mechanical keyboard, this ones got wireless bluetooth 4.0 mode, or wired mode, RGB lighting, and PBT keycaps, and aluminum backplate and it only comes in at $53! Heres a link if your interested:

Prefer the look and size of this to my last keyboard which was a corsair strafe (and this one was cheaper!) Its not using Cherry MX switches like the corsair but it’s still nice to type on. I’d say the Corsair is a better for gaming though.


It looks like your keyboard unlocked the power of the Toqger Rainbow Rush


So I brought Gnaw again, because he’s awesome, or rather, jawsome, or dare I say, Gnawesom.

I also brought his bro, Kickback, since I bought them together. I honestly wasn’t expecting much out of the little guy, but I must say I was very much pleasantly surprised. I love the way the legs transform, and I just adore the look of the grasshopper mode. My only real complaint would that the right shoulder doesn’t tab in completely in robot mode (You can see in the last picture), but that’s not a huge issue, seeing as I’ll probably display him in bug mode.

But there’s never just one Insectacon is there? So of course I brought along Bombshell as well. I must say that the two bug bots look pretty good together.

I can’t wait to complete my generations Insectacon team, by ironically getting the first one that came out. The only problem is that Skrapnel is horribly overpriced on Amazon, and completely out of stock on TFsource, and I doubt that he’s still in stores anywhere. So it looks like Gnaw will just have to serve as a temporary third member for now. But Shrapnel was the leader of the team, so I’m not really sure how that’s going to work out.


so today i bought these three Legends of Chima speedorz sets:

the store if anyone are wondering, had a good number of these three sets.

now i have another number of speedorz cards that, once scanned i can then add to the Legends of Chima wiki.