The "Look What I Just Got!" Topic

Normally, I don’t like to show off, buuutt… Soul of Chogoken GaoGaiGar!

It’s A Lot cooler in person, I just suck at posing.

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If it wasn’t for the price I’d want to get more soc stuff. As it is all I own in the megazord and Dragonzord. The price part is the reason why I haven’t looked into titanus to complete the set

now that’s cool

Yeah, Soc’s are very expensive; I hope to get Gunbuster one day, and maybe Goldymarge. Though I would like to see some more GaoGaiGar Soc’s released one day, Namely Genesic GaoGaiGar.

Got some cool sets yesterday


Is that a bootleg Kopaka uniter mask?

Edit: Upon closer inspection I noticed it is the Storm Beast version of the mask, so it isn’t bootleg. I thought it was the white and silver onve, and the colors didn’t properly blend together.

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looks official to me

Have been wanting these two sets for a very long time now…next step is to create a mr snail to fly the sonic boom :sunglasses:
Edit: and find some hearing aid batteries (for the light brick engines) man they’re hard to come by.


yeah I stopped trying after a bit. You could probably get some online.


I caved.



so cute


I just got Jedi: Fallen Order! Unfortunately, I have a lot of yardwork today, so I won’t be able to download it until probably sometime tonight (and figuring out how to download it will be an adventure, since I’ve never tried to download a game as new as this…).


I know you can get new legs and stuff for studio series wheelie but why when we already got a perfectly good legends class wheelie

I just wish he had 3mm hands to hold the new slingshot.

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Sealed Toa mata lewa.

If there’s a cloud 10, I’m currently on it.

Also got some used and abused bonkles


I guess someone was really fond of decapitation.


Nice find. I believe someone referred to opening a sealed Mata canister as “cracking open a cold one” with the boys.

Consider carefully as to whether you’ll open it… @Eilrach has opened several sealed sets such as metru mataron and it’s difficult to live with :slight_smile:


Shhhh I already made that joke in the video I recorded

I have no regrets


how could you betray my trust like this

I confided in you under the impression that you wouldn’t just call me out the first chance you get


where might i find this?

also looking through you youtube playlist… please don’t tell me you like gooseworx. i like being the only version of myself in existence.

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I may or may not post it.

I watch some of their videos on occasion but I wouldn’t call myself a fan.

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