The Loop (RPG)

“Go on…” James said, intrigued.


“We’re trapped in a time loop.” your host looked at the confused maybe even shocked faces of your companions. ” For the uninformed a time loop is when- well a visual interpretation might work better.” Alex grabbed a piece of paper and drew a line “this line represents time, linear uninterruptible, clear beginning and end. Now.” he erased the middle of the line and drew a circle in its place.
“This circle represents the time loop; notice how it’s not connected to the line or time itself; it’s a bubble well we’re trapped in this bubble.” Alexander finished as he took a sip of his tea he didn’t seem to care if you understood what the hell he just said in the slightest.


Dr. Agler takes a moment to think

"Well if that’s the case, I still have many questions. How did we get into this ‘bubble,’ and why were we (gesturing to the rest of the group) the only ones to have noticed it?

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Adele sits, but does not accept any of the food.

“So wait. If it’s a loop, does it - and so any actions we take within it - reset? And why are we the only ones that are cognizant of it? And what does any of this even have to do with us? And by the way, who even are you?”


Austin eats the food quickly, as he had not had much to eat the last couple of days.

Do you know what caused the loop? I don’t know about the rest of you, but I know that something like this never just happens.

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“To be completely honest I think we’re being allowed to be aware.”

On February 14th I intercepted a signal and sent out letters to gather a team to research and track down its source.

“Last reset We traveled to the docks in search of the signals origin and This Thing “Boarded” the sanctuary and started wrecking anything and everything in sight.

Nessuno placed a crude drawing onto the table, it was strange looking to say the least the sketch says It’s 21 meters tall with a wingspan that was easily twice that. You’re surprised it even functions, if you had so much as glanced at the technology used to keep the city afloat you might recognize how similar this looked to the Before’s technology.

“We Tried to stop it but…” your host shivered “It killed all of us."

“I’m certain this Thing is the cause.”


Again, Dr. Agler takes some time to think.

"This all seems very… unusual, almost unbelievable to me, and well, to be frank, I still have a million inquiries. But I’ll trust you. To address the elephant in the room, however…

How do we destroy the loop?"

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"Burst the bubble, so to speak?

“If the ‘Thing’ as you call it causes the loop, would destroying it do the job? It will it just reset again?”


“Wait I don’t get it, we are in side the bubble of space and time thing which means we’re not on the ‘timeline’ is that right?” David called out from the back of the room


Alexander laughed “I don’t know, but it’s the first lead we’ve had in days.” he took a bite of a cracker "As for the thing’s name I’ve dubbed it the colossus.

“As far as we know.”


“So does that mean that if we were able to get out of the bubble, it would be like it never even happened?”


“Is there anything else you know about this ‘Colossus’?”

“I believe.”

“It can fire beams from its eyes and if you can’t tell from Its wings it can fly.”


“So when does this ‘loop’ reset?” David called out from the back of the room


“10:35 pm”


As soon as Alex mentioned the time loop, Ryan had started scribbling furiously. When he saw the colossus. He scribbled even more furiously. Then he pulled out his notes and started comparing, taking a sip of tea and a bite of a cracker

At the mention of 10:35, he wrote that down

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"So …

“Have we been through this before? Like, in previous loops? Did I die?”


“Three times.”


Ryan heard this and wrote some more down, then raised his hand

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