The Loop (RPG)

“Sounds fun” George said sarcasticly “Have we tried deflecting them? A mirror-covered suit is fancy and it could possibly work. Also, knowing all the ways we died could be really useful”


“Sounds lovely.”


“Where would we even find something like that.”

“James has bled out and been blown up Twice. Austin has been incinerated, crushed by rubble, and decapitated. Adele actually has only died once in my presence, and you do not want to know how. Dr. Agler has a track record of being maimed by debris. George was flung out of the sanctuary twice and blown up as well.
Ryan has broken his neck, asphyxiated and was also blown up… And that’s Just the deaths I have witnessed.”


“Well, that’s a comforting thought,” James said, sarcastically.

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The morbid news about how he and his groupmates had died did not phase Dr. Agler, for he had seen many horrific thinks in the past.

"Consider this. I think that it is plausible that some citizens from other sanctuaries have noticed the time loop as well. Perhaps we could convince the President of Sikkkerhed to ally with several other sanctuaries, and fight together against the colossus. We’d be more likely to beat it if fleets of airships and thousands of armed people could band together.

And should we fail, it wouldn’t matter much because time would reset anyway. The biggest issue of course would be convincing the government. Hmm… have we got any concrete evidence of the existence of the loop or the colossus?"


Alexander scoffed. “Jacklyn? Help us! As if! she wouldn’t even glance in our general direction.”

“No. How would you even prove that sort of thing.”


“We’re almost at my lab, it’s just around this corner and down the alleyway” Ryan says, also not particularly phased by the horrific deaths Alex had described. “I’ll have to get you all visitors passes, I’ll run up ahead and get them ready” he says, then rushes around the corner to his lab.

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“Sounds good.” Alexander fell back “Adele you better keep your mask on.” he advised. @Winger


Ryan opens the door to his lab and walks up to the front desk. He flashes his ID to the lady behind the desk and says to her “I need 7 day passes please. I have a few guests who are going to help with my research.”


She flashes him an annoyed look “Their Full Names?”


“Oh, dear I forgot about that, one moment please!” Ryan rushes back outside back to the others. “Excuse me, I Hate to be rude, but I need all of your full names.”

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“Adele Morrows.”

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“Alexander E Nessuno.”


"Not an issue at all, my name’s Je-I mean Francis Agler.

Dr. Francis Agler."


As the others said there names, Ryan scribbled them down on a piece of paper.


“James Trevor Edwards.”

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“Nice who know I will die alone” David mutters under his breath, “oh an’ my full name is David von carolinensis”


“George Roberts”

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Austin Reimer.

Austin breaks his silence. “We’ve been wasting a lot of time here. If we want to stop the loop, we should get going.”

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“Ah, there we go. Thanks! I’m going ahead to get those passes. See you in a jiffy!” Ryan Runs off again, and back into the building. He lists the names off to the lady at the front desk.