Don’t you just love it when you build a Moc then later realise it can transform? That’s what happened to me when I tried to make a dermis turtle with the incorrect pieces due to parts limitation.
In this mode he can use his rocket boosters on his feet to fly and he can control other dermis turtles to do his biding (without a golden mask!). He can wield his legitimate sword of pure dermis for battle.
Well that’s the Lord of Dermis Turtles. If you can figure out how to build this guy from the photos I invite you to do so as he is allot of fun and post it below if you want to.
The turtle mode is adorable. Just like the original.
And the robot mode is nice.
But I feel like you should add something onto those blasters on the legs that cause them to extend in robot mode.
Something like a clip attached to a 1 by 2 with a bar on the end.
I t would also give him a knee.