This mask was in the Summer 2014 leaks and its back in a Official Picture!?
Anyone notice this?
Link to Official pic:
This mask was in the Summer 2014 leaks and its back in a Official Picture!?
Anyone notice this?
Link to Official pic:
Sorry but some one has already brought this up…
Oh. I just noticed it and It creeped me out.
Very interesting. This, and that one dark mask from the magazine are still very obscure. I hope we get more details about what they are soon.
This is sorta old news… But I’m not sure whether to close this, or keep it open just in case this mask keeps coming back up…
More than likely this is preliminary.
But its on the official site…
i think it’s just a mistake
That’s one heck of a mistake…
If its a mistake then Someone is getting fired!
Even that padestal looks like its from preliminary Tahu box art. (it glows red instead of blue)
It’s a mistake. That was a prototype depiction of the Mask of Creation, as far as we’re aware.
I think this Mask is a mask for 2016’s story.
Maybe they made the art for the stuff back around the time they made that prototype picture we first saw? (and never bothered to change it for… reasons)
I get the feeling there is more to this mask than we thought there was…
I don’t.
Why don’t you?
Me too.
shhh Chro I’m being cliche
don’t ruin my cliche