We all remember the end of 2008. Lego revealed that Mata Nui was actually a giant, 40,000,000 foot tall robot, and all of the islands and cities in the Matoran universe were part of his body. The video of him waking up and rising onto his feet again is nothing short of epic. Even the idea of a giant robot the size of a planet is pretty cool.
But, if we’re being realistic, it’s not remotely possible for a robot like that to exist.
Scientists have studied land animals and the strength of their bones and muscles, and they have determined that the maximum weight for a land animal is between 110 to 1100 tonnes. In all fairness, the Mata Nui robot is not an animal. It’s…well, a robot. But that does not excuse it from these rules. Science has shown that, the bigger an object gets, the amount of surface area relative to volume drops dramatically. So a 40,000,000-foot-tall robot made of metal, dirt, water, plants, and Great Beings know what else would weigh an incalculable amount of weight.
Some people have theorized that skyscrapers, which are also made of a variety of elements, can be taller than they are. But the problem with this is that, in order to support the skyscraper’s weight, the base would need to be expanded. A similar principle MIGHT work here, but if an object is forty million feet tall, its base would probably need to be at least that length. And the Mata Nui robot is humanoid in shape, so its base is only a fraction of its height. Therefore, its legs shouldn’t be able to support its weight.
And that’s not the end of it. The majority of the 2010 story arc revolved around the Mata Nui robot (now controlled by Makuta Teridax) fighting the prototype robot that was being controlled by Mata Nui. The prototype robot was said to be smaller than the Mata Nui robot, but going by the comics, it reached the height of the Mata Nui robot’s shoulders. In any case, the laws of physics described above still apply to it. But the crux of the matter is their fight.
Their fight involved a good deal of physical contact, most notably when Mata Nui shoved Teridax into the path of Aqua Magna. But the punching and hitting…that should’ve done a lot more damage than it did. Even if we’re being generous and assuming that those gargantuan robots are able to generate enough force to move their limbs fast enough to punch like a human-sized being, those punches are still going to have a lot of force. A robot that’s 40,000,000 feet high…that thing’s gonna be punching with the force of a speeding asteroid! Even assuming that the robots’ metal plating is strong enough to resist those strikes, there’s still gonna be an unbelievable amount of kinetic energy transferred. Those artificial spheres that house Metru Nui and the other Matoran cities and islands would be destroyed instantly.
No wonder Mata Nui was pulling his punches in his fight with Teridax.