The Mystical Emerald-Man (Comic Book)

So little fun fact, her name comes from the name of Danu/Anu in Celtic myth, the “mother goddess” of the celts. (The welsh had a similar goddess named “Dôn”). The name probably means something like “river” and some celtic studies believes that the name of Danu probably comes from the “Danube” river.

Of course in my story is that is merely a namesake for the character.

As for the backstory, I think I will save it for issue 9 (which is hopefully not too long to wait; around March). I agree with DuneToa and the assessment of Leoxander on Discord, I have held off on Fetch for too long and I think it’s time for him to make his comeback.


ALSO before I forget, commentary for the most recent two issues:


The point about the crow is interesting. I had thought it was another manifestation of Danu, but it seems I was wrong…


A year ago today, is when I first uploaded this comic onto webtoons and globalcomix. Technically work began on it in mid-august for the first three issues and finalized scripting, as well as storyboarding.

IMO, the first issue was my first venture into true digital comic making. Ever since then, my process has streamlined, I have found ways to make the comics more efficiently, and the story is turning out as I had hoped.

So I am going to thank everyone who stuck around to read every single issue thus far. It has been a very long and productive year, 112 pages illustrated in full color. Nearly 200 pages in scripting. Three entire bristol notebooks of paper used to make those full color pages with the penciling.

It’s been a long road, and the road continues forward! So thank you, everyone, for keeping up with the story and being so supportive. :slight_smile:



Portland Police investigate string of mass identity theft

By Katie Ellen, June 14th, 2022

Have you had your credit card information stolen recently? It seems to be happening more frequently in the Portland Metro Area and Vancouver, Washington. The Portland Police Department has gotten dozens of calls of stolen identity cases, which police speculate may have been done through phishing schemes.

“Don’t click on random links,” the police commissioner stated. “Every time we deal with cases of stolen identity, it is often people clicking on random links or freely giving away their information to shady websites and scammers.”

While the Portland Police Department is advising people to watch their cyber security, one bank manager, Clive Howell of Multnomah Credit Union, reached out to K-Intune to give an alternate theory. According to Clive, he claims security footage outside of his credit union caught a man leaving his store removing an elaborate disguise. He believes the man was using the disguises to steal information and money from his customers.

Clive continued. “It seemed to be the same man both times I captured it. He was not wearing any elaborate make-up. In the footage, it was almost an instant that his disguise was gone, and he walked off into the shade, so I could not get a good look at him.”

“After he had disguised as the person, calls came in from our customers about unauthorized purchases within hours. Purchases of food, furniture, and industrial equipment. It has been a headache.”

Portland Police have tried to investigate Howell’s claims, but there has been a distinct lack of evidence. The security footage shown had a faceless figure. Howell swears he once remembered what he looked like, but could not put a name or face to him.

Investigations will continue. But for now, be careful who you trust with your personal information!


How about some previews? It’s been a while and I’ve silently been at work. I’m kinda happy how far I have gotten considering how busy it has been these last two months.



This looks really good. I can’t wait to see the finished comic!

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Finished page 11. I think during my little Christmas vacation I may be able to finish this one early. It has been a remarkably less busy year than I anticipated. So enjoy this spoiler for next issue.

Ponder whatever this means.


Have a happy new year gents, and enjoy a fresh new Emerald-Man if you are the wallflower at the new year party and want something to do.

Enjoy, and let me know what you all think!


Advanced Medical Solutions to be acquired by Caveyar Industries

-By Carl Waxer, June 15th, 2021

Caveyar Industries has recently announced a buy-out of Advanced Medical Solutions after the tragic passing of John Keller. The company had been looking for a change of leadership after Keller was murdered by Kevin O’Reilly last March. Caveyar Industries’ CEO, Alistair Caveyar, moved to purchase Advanced Medical Solutions and will be it’s new CEO.

Lord Alistair Caveyar, the prominent British entrepreneur, has in recent years taken interest in the expansion of his company beyond the scope of western Europe. He built his first laboratory in the United States outside of Los Angeles, California. Since then, Caveyar has been working with the United States government and NATO on experimental military weaponry.

After the incident with Dr. Kevin O’Reilly, AMS found themselves in further lawsuits that it was struggling to pay off. With the death of their CEO, criminal investigations began to increase, and the laboratory declared bankruptcy in May. Some would argue that Caveyar’s acquisition was a hostile takeover of the company. However, company staff at AMS have welcomed the change in leadership.

“Caveyar has promised us that he will place science first before any military contracts,” Dr. Odonata of AMS told K-Intune. “The man has a passion for the sciences. Many of us are hopeful that with his leadership, we will be focusing on innovation.”

Caveyar also attempted an asking price on Nexus Technologies after the controversies regarding Megan Matter in early March. However, the head of the laboratories, Director Jacob Enoch, rejected any sort of offer to buy the laboratories. As it stands, Nexus Technologies remains a private company, and faces a competitor with the rising Caveyar Industries.


Forgive me for reading this as Cave Yarrr


Been slowly working on Issue 9. As promised, this is the one that will delve into Danu’s backstory a bit. I plan to release it March, as February is a busy month for me. I am nearly half-way done already, though. I must say, I have learned to get faster at making these as of late.

And as for next issue, would make little sense to post anything with K-Intune News to keep you guys in touch with the upcoming story.

So why not some previews?

P. S. I want to address why I am now just getting into this part. I remember last year, @Pakari recommended starting the series on a slow burn with the druid politics and stuff. While I agree with his assessment, I wanted to save it for when I felt it would not get in the way of the narrative. (Because I ultimately feel it would have, despite how enticing such world building would have been at the time.)

I wanted Stephen’s story to be told first so things did not get immediately distracted from how this is, ultimately, a superhero comic first and foremost. Hence I needed to focus on those elements first. Now, we shall get a glimpse at the conflict of our secondary protagonist.

I’m also one who does not enjoy a slow burn when it comes to comic books and making them. Perhaps this is detrimental to the way I am telling the story in the medium. However, it is how I grew up reading comics, reprints from the silver age. Hence why the story goes quite quickly.

I hope it all makes more sense now in retrospect. I was not trying to ignore anyone’s criticisms. On the contrary, I have tried to listen to them. I only saved noting this for now because I didn’t want to ruin any surprises a year ago.


Wrote a commentary. Let me know what you guys think.


Just want to make it known that any critique, from me or anyone else, is entirely up to you to take or leave. I’m a very strong believer that, ultimately, any art should be fulfilling to the artist first and foremost.

Of course, if you feel a critique is valid and want to apply it because you feel it will improve your work, then that’s great as well. But if not, I wouldn’t be too worried about ignoring it.

If you’re having a good time and are happy with what you’re making, then that’s a win in my book!


I appreciate criticism when it is meant to be constructive, and that is what you did. Don’t sweat it!

The most valuable thing I have learned from what you said was to start incorporating paneling more into the visuals themselves. It has vastly improved the visuals, I think, to make the stories make more sense.


Gonna try to shoot for a drawing stream on Saturday. Time will be decided soon. Will be updated here, but likely will be around 3 or 4 PM.


Drawing Stream starting!


Alright so apparently I was too impatient to release this on St. Patrick’s day. Whatever! I hope you folks enjoy this one. It will address a few questions hopefully. The next part should be out in April or May.

Oh, and happy early St. Patrick’s day.


This looks great! I really enjoyed the art for Patrick’s vision. The stained-glass styled illustrations are quite unique, and they stand out well.