The Mystical Emerald-Man (Comic Book)

I wish everyone a very happy St. Patrick’s day!


Guys I cannot keep this secret anymore. So I am revealing Carolina’s true identity today! The vile enchantress Morgana le Fay.

Happy April Fool’s day!


Doing a drawing stream RN!


Half-way done with issue 10, here are some previews.



Looks good! I’ll be excited to see the newest issue!


Another sudden drawing stream.


The 10th issue is finally released! This one is a little esoteric and religious, admittedly, so I hope folks are ok with that. It is finishing up the story that started from last issue and hopefully ties up some questions that people likely had.

Come July we will be back to our regular Emerald-man programming though!


I really like Crom Cruach’s design. It’s a cool way to maintain the mythical nature of the character


Thank you! I based it off of Pictish symbols and Celtic runes. Originally he was merely a simple dragon but I felt there was something missing, and so I decided to make him look as if he was some spirit off of a Celtic rune.

There is also a version of him in the film Secret of the Kells which took a similar inspiration. I had not watched it until I was writing these issues, but I thought, “hey someone else had that idea, I am going to stick with it because it is cool.”


Both I and that film interpret Crom as a serpent because, in the St. Patrick myths, the top god of Ireland was Crom Cruach when Patrick’s missions began. Traditionally Patrick’s “driving of the snakes” is an allegory to his destruction of these idols and the collapse of the druids’ rule over Ireland. Of course, I take this literally in this comic because, well, I also take the other celtic myth elements literally. :slight_smile:

Crom Cruach’s name also means either “Twisted Horn” or “Twisted Mound (king)”. So what is a king of snakes, that often has twisted horns? A dragon, of course. That is what influenced me to make him appear as such.

Oh! Should also mention: the incident with Lurchu and St. Patrick in the comic is a loose adaption of an incident mentioned in Muirchu of Leinster’s hagiography. I based Lurchu off of the druid Lochru mentioned in there. (And his design may or may not be based off Christopher Lee as Saruman the White.)


Here is a commentary on this previous issue.


Nexus Technologies finishes rebuilding, continues with disastrous Teleporter experiment

-By Carl Waxer

June 28th, 2022

For those who remember, back in March, Nexus Technologies came under controversy after the destructive results of their teleporter. The team’s leader, Megan Matter, later went insane after surviving the implosion that ensued with the teleporter accident, and kept the Director of the facility, Jacob Enoch, as a hostage and evaded police intervention. Emerald-Man was spotted entering the building and apparently captured her. She was placed under custody in a max security prison within a vacuum chamber, courtesy of Nexus Technologies.

In charge of rebuilding from the wreck was Dr. Seth Dwarn, who gave the first run of his experimental TERMI Nano-Bots. (TERMI stands for “Terri-storing Electronic Replacer Maintenance Isobots”, according to Seth Dwarn.) The nano-bots had a limited role in rebuilding, but it assisted construction. Dwarn has said he hopes to give a full test run of his nanobots in the near future.

Now that the wreck has been cleared, Nexus Technologies rebuilt the facility in which the teleporter was placed. When K-Intune asked Director Enoch if he would abandon the teleporter project, he was not amused. According to him, “Nexus Technologies does not give up so easily”. This is in spite of the ongoing investigations of what happened to the company.

Enoch continued. “Science is always moving, despite the calamity of it. Should we have stopped any and all atomic research the moment the atom bomb was dropped? That sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?"

According to the director, he has given Dr. Seth Dwarn control over the project, though with heavy oversight from himself. The company hopes to get a second test run to get the project off the ground and working. Further questions on the safety of continuing this work were ignored by Director Jacob Enoch.


About halfway through with the issue! It’s time for some previews to assure you guys it’s not dead yet!

Also I have a submission for a new version of the “autism creature”.


Gollum after he found fast food.


Oh hey look its me.


I am nearly done with issue 11. We will probably see release this week depending on how fast I do my workload. However…

So here’s the deal folks: I’ve gotten a lot of comments on what the heck is going on with Carolina. I want to see what you guys think, and to solve the mystery yourselves. Those who can solve what is going on with Carolina before issue 12 releases? I will give them a shout out in the Emerald-Express that issue.

I want to see your solutions, and your proof, in the comments here!


OK fine I will release it early… Not even close to the 4th of July. Enjoy the issue my dudes.

Why do I do this to myself? No idea! Also it’s on TAPAS again. Enjoy if you liked reading it there.


The Fomorian is dope, is that based on a mythical being as well?


Indeed. They are a race of fey that dwell in the underworld in Irish myth. Very impolite and evil creatures.

Eochu there is their prince, though he’s only half-Fomorian.


I love the scene where the Fomorian just steals a bunch of hot dogs. It perfectly captures how desperate he is to be free from the underworld.


Here is a commentary for the issue BTW.