The Nexo Knights Topic

I’m probably going to sound like an idiot here for not knowing this before, but I only just noticed that the display stuff in the ultimate sets can be used as accessories to correspond with each shield. For example when Aaron gets his accuracy shield his helm and weapon can be swapped for a bow and goggled helm, or when Lavaria gets the fire shield she get normal legs and fire bow instead of spider legs and staff.

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guys if any of you where to get the app and to then try to scan the shields images from the set images that we have seen… yeah that does not work, apparently there are these code blocks on the side of the shields that must be part of the scan or else it does not work, the shield images from set photoes have these blocks removed, thus we can’t scan them, unless we where to have the actual sets to post the images from, so LEGO realised that kids could cheat and get the powers early by not buying their sets and instead scan the shield photoes, so they have unscanable shields on the set images.

I am trying to make a list of all of the scanable symbols, but it will take some time, so if someone did get the sets, then please take a good picture of the shield and show it to me, and i will see if its something that can be used.

so far, i have five (at least until i can get to the tv series) also, one of the five is the logo for the Nexo Knights.

“I have moved the list down to my newest post”

They are in a line, this is how the powers are alinged in the app game.

if anyone have one of the sets that contains a power that is not on the list, or have a link to one of the episodes, then please show them so that they can be added to the list.

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Any chance you could align them please? e.g. dragons in a line? Swords in a line?

Writing off the fact that Sir Fangar is literally responsible for everything

Anyways, my opinions on the show…

I’m honestly kind of mixed about this. You see, I didn’t like it, but I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. most of the characters seem flat and stupid off the bat(it carries Chima’s curse, evidently), the dialogue was often cringeworthy, and the story just looked like a retelling of the Chima pilots.

Just look at it;

Nexo Knights:

Knights: Wow! We’re finally getting our shields and stuff!
Jestro: Ooooh I’ll show them who’s a cool guy! :persevere:
Magic book: Hey bby want soma dah gud power stuff?
Jestro: Yeah, kinda… But I dun really want to hurt my friends.
Magic Book: Come on. You wanna get revenge on them for the humility they didn’t really cause you, right?
Jestro: Ok I guess…
-insert power trip
Clay: O no! Jestro Watr u doing?
Jestro: I’m a bad guy now mang screw you!
Clay: ok we’ll fite instead of working it out then!


Jestro: Okay am tuff gui now lez attack their castle!
-Army attacks
Knights: Oh no! Watr we gonna do? We actually suk!
Merlock: Don’t worry guis am Deus Ex Machina!
Knights: we win 'cuz we has deus ex machina on our side(not out of skill or wit)


Laval: Wow! We’re finally getting my harness and stuff!
Cragger: Ooooh I’ll show them who’s a cool guy! :persevere:
Crooler: Hey bubby want soma dah gud power stuff?
Cragger: Yeah, kinda… But I dun really want to hurt Laval.
Crooler: Come on. You wanna get revenge on them for the humility they didn’t really cause you, right?
Cragger: Ok I guess…
-insert (herbal)power trip
Laval: O no! Cragger Watr u doing?
Cragger: I’m a bad guy now mang screw you!
Laval: ok we’ll fite instead of working it out then!


Cragger: Okay am tuff gui now lez attack their castle!
-Army attacks
Gud guis: Oh no! Watr we gonna do? We actually suk!
Legend Beast: Don’t worry guis am Deus Ex Machina!
Gud guis: we win 'cuz we has deus ex machina on our side(not out of skill or wit)

I think you see what I’m getting at.

That said, I honestly wasn’t that shocked by how cringe worthy a lot of it was. Perhaps my standards were low, or maybe I’m just too apathetic about this line. Either way, I kind of doubt that it was simply better than Chima.

But hey, it could’ve been a better take on the same formula. I just highly doubt it


well it appears we may have found lego cthulhu.


if that thing had wings, it would be perfect


Ok, guys, i have been able to get more powers, but i have found out that there are powers that can be scanned from those fake weapons that you can get from one of those LEGOLand stores, and also if any of you have the Nexo Knights comics, please take a good image or even scan that part of the comic that have a power symbol and put it up here so that i can add it to the list.

“I have moved the list down to my newest post”

as you all can see, i have added some more powers, but i must look for them on set Reviews duo to the fact that LEGO uses an uncoded shield image on their set advertisements so that you can’t scan them there.

also, if you happend to see one of the Nexo Knight episodes before anyone else or if its released in a different language, then please take the image of the power, and show it to me so that it can be added.

and if any of you can do that, then Thank you, you have made life a little easier for some people who might not have the money to buy the sets or any of the other materials.

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it would probably have to be ultra build if it was released as a set.

NEXO Knights Shield Dev
NEXO New BAD Helmet
NEXO Scurrier Development
BRICK 2015
NEXO Knights Development Clay's Rumble Blade
I would of post it at the prototype discussion but it feels too early.


that black moltor scurrier looks great! Hopefully we get it in the summer with flama’s set.

I “might” buy some of the Nexo Knight sets, maybe the fortrex and the jestro castle, but im not sure, i mainly buy them just to have them with the few Chima sets that i have manadge to get my hands on currently, infact i had to go on Amazone just to find some of the older sets and its not easy to find some of them that can be send to Norway.

The reason i have been considering it, is because i have been thinking on just having them with my Chima figures as a sort crossover, though i am annoyed that i can’t buy the “Merlok’s Library 2.0” set without getting another Lance, since i would already get im from buying the “Jestro’s Evil Mobile” set

so really here are the sets i have planned on getting:
-70335 Ultimate Lavaria
-70314 Beast Master’s Chaos Chariot
-70316 Jestro’s Evil Mobile
-70317 The Fortrex

“More power”

edit: added the last power from the Ultimate sets.
edit 2: added the Nexo Power from the LEGO Cub magazin.

no he really was not, he was not responsible for the dark tribes, he was not responsible for crooler to become evil. Infact all of the trouble of Chima could be argued to be the Phoenix Tribe’s foult duo to the fact that they tried to teach the old tribes of Chima and this caused Fangar to become what he is. so really if you wanted to, you could blame the Phoenix Tribe.

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He was indirectly; if it wasn’t for Sir Fangar’s coup d’etat, the Phoenix wouldn’t have launched the first illumination, inadvertently elevating Mt. Cavora and creating the chi water. As seen in the flashbacks, the modern tribes were still normal animals before that whole debacle.

I highly disagree with this. That’s like blaming Hitler’s elementary school teachers for making him into a monster. Fangar was undoubtedly a twisted individual without their help; their giving him access to knowledge simply gave him the means to launch an uprising. He was a tactile guy; there’s no way he acted like he was going to try and kill everyone before he actually tried, in fact, I recall Fluminox calling him one of their greatest students before his ambition set in.

You can’t just blame teachers who teach everyone for teaching malicious people as well, especially malicious individuals that act like good people until they get what they want.

Also, this is entirely off topic, so… My bad. :confused:

you can infact blame the Phoenix, but i will admit that you could more blame Fluminox himself, as if he had not stayed back and taken care of his son, then the illumination would have worked and noting wrong would have happend, everything would have been fixed.

But back on topic, what do you think of my collection of powers, if you could, you might also help me with collecting more, from comics, to the tv show, or even to foam toy weapons, and yes, there are scannable powers on those too.

if you want to play the app game, you can just scan the powers from my power list, and i did make it so that people could much easier get the powers that way.


that black moltor looking Scurrier or whatever it is called, do make an appearance in the app game in the second section of the game, after you have beaten Beast Master a second time.

also, Flama has in the app game a male voice that is made to sound like a groutchy female or something like that, you know that type of voice that is high pitched and is for the most part used for monsters. i don’t know if Flama does sound like that in the main tv series, but we just have to wait and see.

another thing, the Armor color of the Knights when upgraded in the app takes on a more S.W.A.T. looking color, bascily a mix of black and their normal colors, with glowing yellow stripes.

also, Flama is infact a male, i have finely come to a part in the app game where it prity much prove that Flama is infact a male character, which is kind of odd with the name Flama which sounds like a female name, but anyway.

Late on replying to this, but oh well. You really cant say any of this. The Nexo knights series has only had two episodes so far, you cant say Nexo knights has a big bad untill the 3 years is over, because we dont know that. The book of monsters might’ve been the one that caused unrest in the land hundreds of years before the Nexo knights, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to keep returning or even be the reason for the next lot of villains, unlike a certain Lion. We can’t assume the Book of Monsters is the reason for other villains, or even that there have been other villains in the land of knighton before. You really cannot make any of those assumptions untill we know who the main villain of the 3rd year is.
Off topic but still on topicEven then, Ninjago had a big bad, but he wasn’t the reason for everything. Garmadon was bitten by the great devourer, Pythor was a survivor of the serpentine war and felt the serpentine should rule Ninjago, Chen was a sensei who was banished for his role in the serpentine war and only acted when he felt like it and while this caused Morro to be unleashed, Morro wasn’t evil because of Chen or anyone else. While certain characters and events have knock on effects, events are only interlinked in a small way and are only linked with one or two other events. In Chima everything happened like Domino’s, and all because of Laval.

Yeah, hopefully we get a black version of the Moltor. Not the biggest fan of the red version though the black and lava version looks awesome :3

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want to know another thing, in the Nexo Knight app game, the general monsters like Beast master and Flama, all seems to have the boss and final boss status of a section and they fight in their normal set form and their ultimate form, i think i have only manadge to beat Beast Master and Flama, but Flama’s ultimate form seems to basicly have a large hammer on his back while using a flame colored version of the Ghost warrior blade from Ninjago.

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Images from the app game would help if you can get them? :slight_smile:

how do i do that?

please tell me, because i have never been able to get images from my phone.

also, Beast master’s first boss form is bascily just his set, form with him riding his Chaos Chariot, and his “final boss” form is as i said his ultimate form, minus his back pack which is strange…

also if you have any nexo powers from a comic or book or from a new nexo knight episode, please bring it to the Nexo Knight power list:

@Scarilian The eurobricks Nexo Knights topic has some pictures a few pages back. I can’t link them at the moment as I am a little busy but I can get them a few hours later if you can’t find them.

Edit: Had some free time, here’s ultimate Flama

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Looks good. Will the voice actors in the game be the ones in the show, because Lavaria has a brilliant voice, far better than the goofs that are the other monsters.

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