The Nexo Knights Topic

Maybe, maybe not. There’s a well-based rumor going around that Jestro does appear in the summer wave, but in a different form that shows his “completed” transition to the monster side. Along with a large volcano castle.

Until the show or other media clarifies the details I wouldn’t trust information from the app.

i will admit that this image is funny


I doubt the General’s replacing Jestro… since he’s wearing Jestro’s crest. Still can’t wait for summer sets now… as well as all the stuff I have in the mail.

Netherland(?) site sinqel may have revealed the listings for the summer sets.
Here’s a compilation:
70318 De Globwerper 8,99 “Glob Pitcher”
70319 Macy´s donderknots 17,99 “Macy’s Thunder Mace”
70320 Aaron Fox´s aerojager 31,49 “Aaron Fox’s Air Hunter”
70321 Generaal Magmars belegeringsmachine 49,49 “General Magmar’s Seige Machine”
70322 Axl´s torentransport 80,00 “Axl’s Tower Transport”
70323 Jestro´s vulkaanbasis 129,99 “Jestro’s Volcano Base”

70336 Ultimate Axl 8,99
70337 Ultimate Lance 8,99
70338 Ultimate General Magmar 8,99
70339 Ultimate Flama 8,99
Prices in euros I’m guessing.

Going to say that the glob pitcher and and the Seige Machine come with the other two horses. Still only seven set for the summer wave… That base might be a big one yay and real cool that all the knights get vehicles, though Axls sounds like he’ll be riding a seige tower which is kinda cool.

That’s a cut price on the shop (dont know why), the actual price seems to be 129,99. That’s around £100/$120. That better be some amazing volcano, with surrounding walls. As for Axel’s tower transport, I’d love for that to be a rolling outpost.

Had a thought. In those pages we’ve seen from the Book of Monsters ther’s two monster who aren’t of a fire theme… maybe hints for the next line up for fall?

hey, i found this mini episode on youtube

Wasn’t I the only one reminded of this?


So I watched the first two episodes of the show.

I just realized: it’s practically a retread of BIONICLE.

  • Heroes have different colors and get powers from different Nexo thingies (AKA basically the golden masks) and they fail without the power of unity.
  • The fact that the main villain is manipulated by a greater villain entirely.
  • We have a big brute with a heavy weapon (Onua), a responsible leader (Kopaka), a green guy who enjoys extreme stuff and is a free-flying guy (Lewa), a female who is pretty good at fighting but also is the moral support of the team (Gali), and a guy who likes to fight but is kinda irresponsible and arrogant (Tahu). (The only one we miss is Pohatu.)

I’d need to rewatch it to point other stuff out, but I just found it very childish and there are so many cliches in the show. Still, it was pretty fun to watch because of how CHEESY it was.


Huh? You mean the power of a little girl and a dead old man shooting technomagic at them.

These are all tropes that have been around as far back as 1975 when the first Super Sentai came out


I too like to make outrageous statements


Because only Bionicle did that.

Except for that one time with Darth Vader.

And Vladek.

And Saruman.

And Kylo Ren.

And Two-Face in The Dark Knight.

And Megatron.

And a bunch of other characters I’m too lazy to mention.

Yep, totally just a retread of Bionicle.


so if that is true, then while i was at work, i then began to think of a dark theory about the Book of Monsters.

Basicly the monsters like Lavaria, Flama, Moltor, Beast Master, Whiparella and General Magmar, are all of the former users of the Book of Monsters who have all been turn into monsters after their constant use of the book and thus they suffered the same thing like all other monsters who where summond from the book, namely being draged into the Book of Monsters and be there until someone summonds them again. Heck there is the possibility that they also lost their memory after they where draged into the Book of Monsters for their first time.

So imagine that when Clay or any of the other heroes fight the more monster like Jestro, and they hit him with their nexo powerd weapons, instead of being harmed, he is instead dragged into the book of Monsters like the other monsters.

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So, guys, if you go to the Nexo Knights page on, you can find some 2016 characters but not sets. You can find, Flama, General Magmar, Whiperella, and Burnzie the big red giant in the first or second episode of Nexo Knights. Jestro calls up two giants. One is the Black one and his name is Sparkz. The red giant that Jestro calls with the Book of Monsters, is Burnzie.

Yah, this has all been covered in this topic already.

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Oh well here is Flama,

She is very angy.

Okay, and I just read the posts, I now know.

Anyways, I think this is a great figure, I was hoping they would make a fiery version of the 2015 ghost blade, I also love that transparent orange stone army warrior shoulder pads. I like that fiery ghost tail piece too. I :heart: this figure.

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Looks frikin sick

[quote=“Toa_Fjordisk, post:1487, topic:11247”]


It is a she, look on the website.

I says in her description “Miss Molten Lava.”

What about the gender makes it 0/10?