The Recorder, The Shadowed One scribbler

Many Bionicle characters have obtained a lot of moc over the years, even the most osbcure ones. But one character in particular didn’t received much attention, and this character is The Recorder.

So here is my interpretation of this character

I wanted to make him like a twisted mesopotamian or egyptian scribbler with their argile tablet. To give him a more twisted aspect, I gave him 4 arms, each carrying one of his tools: the chisel that can be used as a dagger, the hammer, the tablet, and a crystal talisman.

This Talisman is connected to another one detained by his master, the Shadowed one, and when one is vibrating, the other one vibrate as well, like they were intricated. This vibration indicate to the twisted scribbler when he’s needed.

Some poses

His tablet can be stored in his back when he’s not writing

Story moment of the character

Before the departure of the Shadowed one in “Time Trap”

“I have pondered and I have decided. The deaths of two Dark Hunters cannot go unpunished. Those responsibles must be struck down as an example to others who might contemplate such action”

“Have you discovered who these offenders might be ?”

"There is only one group of beings who would be so foolish as to do such a thing: Toa. I do not yet know if it was Lhikan or some others of his kind in Metru Nui who committed this act, but whoever they are, they will pay. Sentrakh and I will travel there ourselves to see this.

“You will go ? You will not merely send more Dark Hunters ?”

“Those who did this have been lost their fear of the order. Respect is born from fear…obedience as well. And so fear must be restored in the hearts of those who would stand against us.”

“Yes, yes, of course. After all, what Toa could successfully oppose you ? Your power is second only to that of great Makuta himself.”

“Second to…”

“Understand this, scribbler - I’m second to no one !
Least of all that scheming, arrogant, walking scrap of shadow…”

Breakdown photos





Capture d’écran (1905)

Plus a turnaround
The recorder file link: The recorder - Google Drive
My Pack: Scmdex Pack - Google Drive
Bionicle The Recorder Crystal Talisman by Scmdex - Thingiverse

I hope you will appreciate this modell. Every constructive suggestions to enhance the modell are welcome.

(Credit for the Shadowed One’s throne to SairinNoMaou)


I haven’t seen very many MOCs of this character, if any, but this one is really good. It matches the general aesthetic of all the old Dark Hunter models while still being a good build. The colour scheme is a good choice as well.

The custom head is particularly Bionicle-y.

Now that I look closer at the breakdown photos, the hands are really good as well, especially the versatility of the tool connection points.

I’ll admit I had imagined the summoning crystal to be a quite a bit smaller, but that’s entirely personal preference.


ooo this looks super cool!


Really nice, possible entrant for a hypothetical DB contest? :wink:

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I didn’t saw him on the list of the potential contests, but it could be added.


I didn’t realize that there was a “chronicler” for the Dark Hunters. This is really neat!


I’ve always imagined the Recorder to be small and spindly, and this fits pretty well. Nice job, I like the four arms and head build.


pretty cool loking.

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Very nice build. I like the idea of him having four arms; really gives him a spider-y feel, which I think fits the character.


really cool to see an obscure character like this getting some light

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