The RPG Topic

Some of the older games, I’d say, would qualify. But not the franchise as a whole, as Tesla seems to be saying.

We were talking about the franchise as a whole, but I threw in “yet” because as far as I am aware we’re still not sure what the upcoming game will be like.
Wiki articles are reliable as the next editor that changes it.

But if you read the actual article, you’ll probably be able to agree that it is an accurate description of the game. It’s not an article consisting entirely of “LOZ = NOT AN RPG, LOZ = NOT AN RPG” over and over, you know. It’s a thought-out analysis of how LOZ gameplay would be considered an RPG or not. Right?


Yes I do agree with it, (just in the future, take into consideration that wiki articles are done by editors that can change it how they wish, so dont take its info too literally if you would like, saying this in general) also that RPG discussion is quite indicative of this one we have now X)

Just in the future, take into consideration that in a debate, it’s bad form to neglect to respond to the actual argument and instead digress (to talk about the legitimacy of a source after the legitimacy has already been proven either complete or irrelevant…).


What was the best RP for customization and that felt the most like it gave you free choice?

Recently got Shadowrun Returns, quite enjoying it!
It’s a lovely cyberpunk/dungeonpunk RPG with the combat mechanics from XCOM!
I especially love how I could, potentially, play a dwarven mage with a shotgun and actually be pretty decently optimized!

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Edited Title -legomaster

Played a few RPGs here and there many times before. Mostly Pokemon and Final Fantasy.

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