The Saga of Saril

Hello friends! I’ve decided to try my hand at writing some Bionicle fic, specifically to give a backstory for my oc. The whole story is already written so I’ll be releasing it in parts here. I hope you enjoy!

(I have done my best to make sure this story keeps to Bionicle canon as well as it can. But if you spot any discrepancies, shoot me a dm and I can make tweaks, so long as it doesn’t fundamentally break the narrative)



Matoran Unit Ko-54411 sat at his desk, processing documents for an incoming delivery of telescope parts. Even this Ko-Metru sub-station kept him busy, with packages and couriers coming and going all day. Honestly he didn’t care much for it, and mostly kept to himself. But this was his assignment, and he was a dutiful Matoran. He supposed it could be worse, Le-2111 loved telling him about how hectic the big hubs usually were.

A commotion outside caught 54411’s attention as some of his coworkers headed out of the room. “Hey, what’s going on out there?” he inquired. “C’mon!” a courier encouraged. “The Turaga wants everyone to come to the Coliseum! Some big announcement?” Sounded a lot more interesting than this delivery. He joined the crowd as they all made their way to the center of the city.

The Coliseum was used often, typically for games of Akilini or arts festivals. But seldom was the entire city’s population gathered together all at once. Whatever this was about, it had to be important. 54411 made his way up to the section emblazoned with the seal of Ko-Metru along with his peers. It was a shame he couldn’t sit with his friends, but they were from the other districts. After everyone was assembled and situated the screens and speakers came to life, focusing on the Turaga as he began his speech.

“Gathered friends. Today marks the quincentennial of the founding of Metru Nui, and over these last few centuries I have been proud to watch our city flourish and grow. Your steadfast commitment to duty has given us strength, and your unyielding unity has given us heart. Today you shall be rewarded for your efforts by uncovering your destiny. I hereby declare this ceremony the first Naming Day!”

He paused for a minute as the crowd cheered, not sure what that meant but excited nonetheless. Once the applause died down he continued. “In the time before time, on the day we were built, the Great Beings bestowed upon each of us a name, etched into our very spirits. You likely do not remember yours, but look into your hearts and you shall find the answer you seek. Once you are ready, please proceed downstairs to the Coliseum floor where my assistants and I shall document and commemorate your true name. Oh, and one last thing. Once you are done, all non-essential personnel may take the remainder of the day off. This is, after all, a holiday!”

On ground level stood the Turaga and a pair of archivists holding tablets. From the long queue another Ko-Matoran stepped forward, looking a bit nervous. “Your designation?” one of them inquired. “Ko-54411” he answered. “And what is your name, dutiful Matoran?” the Turaga warmly asked. “I’m…Saril.” he said. The archivists recorded on their tablets. The Turaga smiled at him. “Wear your name with honor, for you have made your city proud.” “Thank you, Turaga” he said, before following the others to the exit.

“Hey! Over here!” a voice beckoned, one Saril knew well. Ga-13544 was one of his schoolmates in his classes in the water district, and the two had become close friends. “Hi! Good to see you!” Saril replied as he joined her. “So, um, what should I call you now?” “I’m Leisaa,” she said, smiling. “How about you?” “Saril. Do you like it?” Leisaa nodded. “Well Saril, we’ve got the rest of the day off. Whatcha want to do?” “Maybe a swimming lesson?” he asked. She scoffed. “I told you, you don’t need lessons anymore. You’re a natural! You’re the only Matoran I know from the other districts who’s as good as one of us.” “Let’s find out!” Saril said. “We’ll have a race. Loser has to do the winner’s healing class homework.” Leisaa gave a coy grin. “Alright, it’s a deal.”


The score sat Po-Metru 19, Onu-Metru 17. Delro’s team was behind, but he knew they had it in them to turn this around and proceed to the semi-finals. Before the next round began, he looked to the audience on his side and held up his disk, spurring them to cheer in excitement. Onu-Matoran didn’t turn out in droves to these games under the uncomfortable sun, but he saw a few friends among the spectators. “You go Delro!!” Saril and Leisaa chanted.

Most of the denizens of the districts of earth, ice, and water were more academically inclined, and so were under-represented in the arena. Delro certainly broke that mold, he was the only Onu-Matoran to make a career of Akilini. Saril and Leisaa only played casually, but some time ago they sought out Delro. He gave them tips and better disks, and they made excellent practice partners when the archivists were preoccupied. Over the years the three became good friends.

The referee signaled the next round, and all players mounted their riding discs. Delro took a deep breath. This next move would be risky, but it was the only way to pull ahead. One way or another this game was about to end. The buzzer sounded and the Matoran took off. Immediately the Coliseum floor began to morph, shooting solid columns into the air that took the fastest of reflexes to dodge. He signaled to his teammates to start their play. Onepu charged for the Po-Metru goal hoop, while Delro soared upwards. Onepu took the shot, which got close but was deflected by their defender. “Just as I predicted,” Delro thought. “Now here goes!” He dived at high speed at the hoop, launching a flurry of disks. He had been practicing rapidly reloading his launcher, and hoped it would be too much at once to block.

One disk soared through the goal. The defender reloaded and fired, but missed. The second disk scored. Then the third. The crowd was in a frenzy. Leisaa and Saril screamed in excitement. Just as the defender reloaded, the final disk passed him by…and bounced off the ring. Delro’s gamble would not pay off today. Such an aggressive tactic focused on speed over defense, and the Po-Matoran were taking full advantage. Three launchers approached his hoop at once, and Taipu only managed to block one. With the final point scored, the game concluded and Po-Metru were declared the winners.

“You played well out there today Delro,” Leisaa said, trying to cheer him up. The rest of the Onu-Metru team were already headed home, leaving the three friends to spend some time together. “I know, I know,” he grunted. “It’s just bad luck we got put up against Po-Metru. They’re unbeatable!” “I don’t know” Saril commented “They lost to Ta-Metru a few years ago.” Saril realized he wasn’t helping when Delro shot him a look. “Hey Frosty” Delro inquired, “Couldn’t you take a look through one of those telescopes and predict the outcome of next season’s games?” “First of all” Saril answered, “Don’t call me that. And no, even if I knew how, I doubt the Great Spirit is interested enough in Akilini to enshrine it in prophecy.” “Maybe he’s just a Po-Metru fan?” Leisaa suggested, grinning. The trio laughed. As the suns set and the lights of the city skyline flickered on, they looked into the stars and wondered what their future held.

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You could post each of the individual portions as short chapters in this topic to make it easier to read. Having it all condensed into a google doc isn’t the most convenient for Boards-goers to get invested in.


That’s fair. I guess I was hesitant since it’s 25 chapters long and thought it would be discourteous to spam the board. How about I rework this post into Ch. 1+2, and continue on in a day or two?


That would be nice. I should absolutely read your story, it sounds good!


I posted part 2 and it immediately got flagged as off-topic? I’m really struggling to understand how I’m supposed to go about posting this story. I’m not very experienced with this site and just want to share the cool thing I made.

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I flagged it.

When posting stories with multiple chapters, making a hundred separate topics for each chapter is heavily frowned upon as spammy and pointless when one topic with each chapter in the replies works far better and helps readers keep track of the story easier. It’s why I suggested it here:

You can check out one of my stories, The Wild Masks (starring Boards users), as an example of one that follows the formula I’ve described. I’ve posted a lot of stories (mostly pure trash ngl) on the Boards, and with this format I’ve never gotten in trouble with staff over it.


OHHhhh I completely misread that originally :upside_down_face:
Thank you for the assistance friend! I’ll post on this thread here now that I know what I’m doing


Okay here we go! Ch. 3+4


“Alright you chattering Brakas!” the Po-Matoran sergeant shouted. “Those smelt-headed Ta-Metru villains attacked our supply lines last night. A convoy carrying protodermis ore to be purified into Kanoka was raided. Well it’s about time we get back at them!” Saril stood anxiously in the back of the crowd. He hated this fighting. In fact, he had tried to dodge the draft multiple times to no avail. Even if he could run away, it’s not like he could stay with Leisaa or Delro. Water and Earth were considered The Enemy now, and he would be in immediate danger if he were caught wandering about their districts. So the best Saril could do now is go through the motions and try to avoid himself or someone else getting hurt.

“We’ve tracked the ore to a Ta-Metru foundry,” the sergeant continued. “It’s near the border with Le-Metru, so plenty of access points. We’ll march on the foundary and shut down their Kanoka production. Now move out, and let’s teach those fire-spitters a lesson they’ll never forget!” Saril sighed and followed in the rear of the squad. As they marched he flipped through his disks. 375, 521, 446. Nothing that could cause any serious damage. Maybe when the fighting started, no one would notice if he left. He could return to Ko-Metru and hide out until this war ended. If it ever ended.

Within an hour they reached the foundry. A few Ta-Matoran guards charged them, but were quickly incapacitated. But they didn’t account for the one that ran inside to sound the alarm. Sirens blared as a dozen Matoran took up positions above, launching a volley of disks at Saril’s charging squad. Most managed to dodge, but one unlucky Le-Matoran was struck and teleported away. They breached the doors and the Sergeant shouted, “Aim for the forge! We have to destroy it!” He and the others fired their disks at the machinery, weakening and freezing it until it collapsed and shattered.

With the deed done they turned to escape, but their path was blocked by the Ta-Matoran. “And where do you think you’re going?” one jeered and fired a Kanoka at the Sergeant. His form scrambled and reconstituted as some sort of four-legged rahi beast. Saril grimaced, hoping that would wear off soon. The assaulting squad ran to take cover. Disks flew back and forth. Saril barely blocked a Reconstitute disk himself, his launcher was twisted into uselessness from using it as a shield. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw it, a back exit! He signaled some teammates and they made a break for the door. But right before he made it, a Ta-Matoran jumped in his way.

As soon as they made eye contact, Saril knew this one was in the same boat as him, forced to fight against his will. He looked very unsure and his hands shook holding his launcher. If Saril rushed the door, he might be able to simply push this Matoran out of the way and make a clean escape. He charged, but the guard fired. Saril felt a moment of terror as the disk struck, fearing what horrible effect he would suffer. He found himself…three inches shorter. This Ta-Matoran must be using weak disks too. Saril ran and made his escape, but gave the guard a knowing nod, acknowledging neither of them had their heart in this fight.

Three days passed. Saril hid in his home for as long as he could, until he was inevitably found out and dragged back into the war effort. He was so sick of this. He missed his friends. He was even beginning to miss his job. Who knew how long this fighting would continue. Saril just wished someone would intervene and put an end to it all at once.


Finally, a day off. Saril, and most of the Matoran in the city, had been assigned double shifts to make up for the damage done and the work neglected during the recent conflict. But Saril could not rest today, he had an errand that had been put off for too long. Most Ko-Matoran avoided the district of fire, where the heat of their furnaces and foundries permeated, but it never bothered him. Besides, this was important.

Eventually Saril arrived at the workshop of Nurhii, the famous mask maker. He felt at the crack in his Kanohi, relieved he would finally be replacing it. “Hello?” he called out as he walked inside. A Ta-Matoran was in the waiting area, organizing a large display of masks. “Greetings! How can I help you?” he said warmly. “I’m looking for Nurhii the mask maker. My Kanohi is damaged and I’m in need of a replacement.” “Ah, I’m sorry, he’s not in the shop today. I’m Vakama, his student. But if you’re looking for a new mask, I can certainly help!” Vakama beckoned Saril over to the display he had been working on. “These are very impressive,” Saril noted as he inspected them. “I like the artistic flair to them. Most masks I see around town are rather plain and angular. Nurhii did well.” “Actually,” Vakama admitted bashfully, “these are my student projects.”

Saril’s eyes lit up. He had found his mask maker. “Over here,” Vakama pointed “is the Ko-Metru section. Would you be interested in this white Hau, or perhaps an Akaku in a nice sand blue, or-” “Actually,” Saril cut him off, “I’m thinking a custom job.” He set two Kanoka he’d brought with him on the table. These were his best Akilini disks, and he had faith they would make for a quality mask that would serve him well. Vakama looked surprised. “Are you sure? These are Ga-Metru disks. The color won’t match your armor.” “That’s quite alright,” Saril said. “Let’s see what you can do, mask maker.”

Vakama worked for hours. A few times Saril excitedly peeked his head in to see how it was coming along, only to be promptly shooed away. A forge was no place for a Ko-Matoran. Finally Vakama entered the waiting room, holding a bright blue mask. Saril was in awe. Unlike his old, blocky Pakari, the ornate lines of this replacement curved and flowed into one another. It was a true work of art. “It’s perfect,” Saril admired. “The Kanohi Kakama. If you were a Toa, it would allow you to move faster than the eye can see. Though if I’m being honest,” Vakama said with a chuckle, “I’d be surprised if either of us were destined for that.”

Saril handed over his old Pakari and a handful of widgets as payment. “Goodbye Vakama!” Saril said with a smile as he exited. “And thank you! I plan to spread the word about the greatest mask maker in Metru Nui!”

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I’m going to be away for a little while so here’s the next couple chapters!


The din of construction equipment banging and whirring filled the air. It was making it difficult for Saril to focus on his work, and frankly, giving him a headache. For once he felt envious of the scholars, whose silent study in the knowledge towers was undisturbed by all this commotion. For the last several months he had been working with the Le-Matoran on the big upgrade to his station, a terminal for the new Chute System.

A few years ago the new Turaga took charge of the city with a singular focus: efficiency. The way he went on about it you would think it was the fourth virtue. He insisted the city’s output needed to grow, and the first step would be improving infrastructure to make work easier. So he and the Le-Matoran devised a system of transportation tubes, filled with flowing magnetized protodermis. “The flowing veins of the city” he called them. While they were a hassle to install, once online they would allow cargo and passengers to travel across the city at unbelievable speed. It was certainly working, and very popular with the Matoran.

His second innovation, however, was far less popular. Turaga Dume wanted a fleet of police robots to “maintain order”. He insisted it was about protecting the Matoran, in particular from Rahi escaping from the Archives. In practice, the Vahki drones primarily patrolled the Metru to make sure no one was skipping out on their jobs. Everyone was being worked harder, and everyone was resentful of the Vahki for it. The rollout had been a disaster, too. The original models would stun and incapacitate rule-breaking Matoran for days, and it took a fleet of the replacement units to get rid of them.

“Alright now quick-learner,” Tuuli showed Saril, “these are the controls for the magnetic phase. If you pull this lever down-low, it’ll slow the frequency and make it easier to get on or off. Reduces the flow-current too.” Tuuli was a traffic controller from the air district, and was on assignment to teach Saril to operate the new chute station. “Or you can do like the Le-Matoran do, and jump-dive in at full speed!” he said with a proud grin. Saril chuckled, both entertained and mildly concerned by the Le-Matoran’s signature recklessness. “So if this thing is flowing with protodermis,” Saril inquired, “how are you supposed to breathe?” Tuuli laughed. “Afraid that’s not been thought-figured out yet. Best hold your breath! Still beats foot-walking, eh?” Saril didn’t know why he was expecting a more sensible answer. He supposed he would be getting a lot of use out of those swimming lessons with Leisaa.


Saril and Delro watched anxiously through the window of the Ga-Metru lighthouse, until Leisaa grabbed them and pulled them down to cover. “Do you two Akilini-heads want to get caught?” she hissed at them as quietly as she could. In the streets outside a large figure in green armor patrolled, looking for wayward Matoran. A Dark Hunter.

A few years ago, Turaga Dume had informed the population of Metru Nui about the bounty hunting organization known as the Dark Hunters. He said they were a danger to the city, and urged the Matoran to report any suspicious strangers to the Vahki. Most dismissed this as a move to make the Vahki more popular. Until the Kanohi Dragon attacked, and the danger of the Dark Hunters became very real. Now the conflict had escalated into all-out war.

For the last week Saril and his friends, like all the other Matoran, had been hiding to stay safe. He had taken a big risk leaving his Metru to come here at all, but he had to be certain Leisaa and Delro were okay. Curiosity was once again getting the best of him and he peered back out the window. A team of Bordakh met the Dark Hunter Spinner to take him down, but their Kanoka and staffs ricocheted off his armor ineffectually. He retaliated with his twin slicers, cleaving one of the robot enforcers in half and damaging the brain cases on two more. With his enemies dispatched, Spinner looked around for any other assailants. Instead, he saw a Matoran in a nearby building. Collateral.

Saril ducked and whispered to his friends. “He saw me. I’m going to make a break for it so he doesn’t come looking for you two.” Leisaa started to protest but Delro cut her off. The three fist-bumped as a goodbye and Saril charged out the door. If he could make it to the canal maybe he could swim to safety. But Spinner ran to intercept, and as he drew close Saril grew dizzy and started choking on the toxic air the Hunter emitted. “Where do you think you’re going?” Spinner said with a sickly smile as he picked the helpless Matoran up. “Unhand him!” a voice commanded from across the courtyard. The Toa heroes!

Spinner dropped his prey and turned to the challengers. One was clad in blue armor and the other in white. He hated Toa. With a roar he launched his Rhotuka at them, but one deftly dodged and the other disappeared from sight entirely. His vertigo vision was no good either, they moved too quickly to maintain eye contact. Saril watched in amazement as the two heroes called upon the elements, one soaking the Hunter in a deluge of water and the other freezing him solid. The Matoran was saved.

“Are you alright?” The Toa of Water asked. Despite her ferocity in battle she had a kind voice and protective demeanor. Saril just pointed at the lighthouse. “My friends…” “Are going to be alright” the Toa of Ice finished his sentence. “We’ll take you all to safety.” “You were very brave,” the Toa of Water reassured him. “What’s your name?” “Im Saril” he answered. She smiled. “I’m Toa Naho.”

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Ch. 7+8, back and feeling better so time for the next installment!


The Vahki forcefully ushered Saril through a pair of doors and into the hearing room. On one side stood his accusor, Toa Makari. Opposite him, Saril was surprised to see Toa Naho. Above them both sat Turaga Dume, who was the first to speak. “The defendant has arrived. Makari, as you are the one who insisted on this hearing you shall begin.” “Thank you Turaga,” he said. “This Matoran is not who he claims to be. He is lying about his identity and I believe him to be a spy.” Saril was in shock. “A spy? What are you talking about? I haven’t-” Turaga Dume frowned and held up his hand to silence him. “You will have your turn to speak. Until then, do not interrupt.” “As I was saying, Turaga,” Makari continued, “That Matoran is provably lying about his identity. I can see it for myself. The Kanohi Rode is never wrong. And every time I look at him it activates.” Dume raised an eyebrow. “And has your mask ever reacted in such an odd manor before?” “It…has not, Turaga.” Makari reluctantly answered.

“Hmm.” Dume mused. “Naho, your comment?” “Turaga, I find it strange that this Matoran is being accused of lying when he hasn’t made a single statement yet. Let us allow him to speak, and only then decide if he speaks lies.” The Turaga seemed to agree. “Very well. Makari, you may question the accused, and shall tell us how the mask reacts.” “Yes, Turaga,” he said. “Matoran, what is your name?” “I’m Saril,” he answered. Saril had no intention to lie, but was scared nonetheless. To his relief the Toa of Ice nodded. “Where are you from?” he asked again. “Uh…Ko-Metru?” Makari nodded again. “Have you had any communication with anyone from outside the city?” Saril shook his head. “Do you have any intention to undermine this city or the well-being of its citizens?” “What? No, of course not” Saril replied, rather offended.

Naho spoke up. “Turaga, is this not enough? Saril means no harm and is clearly innocent.” Makari snapped back. “The mask. Is never. Wrong. This Matoran is not who he appears to be, I am certain of it.” “Silence,” Dume said forcefully. “It is his turn to speak.” All eyes turned to Saril. “Um, thank you, Turaga,” he replied meekly. “I just want to say I don’t want to cause any trouble and I don’t know what I did to upset Toa Makari but I just want everything to go back to normal.” Naho gave a friendly smile. Makari gave a cold glare.

Turaga Dume pondered for a moment before speaking. “I find it strange that your mask is reacting in such a way to this individual, Makari. However, you have presented no tangible proof of wrongdoing. I do not find sufficient evidence to continue this investigation.” Saril sighed in relief. Dume stared at the Toa of Ice. “You will leave this one alone, lest I reassign you to a different district. Vahki, let the accused go.”

Saril sat in the Coliseum atrium. He was still somewhat shaken up over today’s events. The Vahki taking him from work, the accusations, it was all so overwhelming. Even though he knew he was innocent it was still scary, all those authorities arguing over you. “Hello, Saril” came a voice from behind him. “Toa Naho?” he asked, surprised. “May I join you?” She took a seat beside him. “I’ve seen you around Ga-Metru. More often than any other Ko-Matoran, I think.” Saril nodded. “I guess so, huh. I prefer taking classes there than with those stodgy astronomers. And my best friend Leisaa lives in Ga-Metru.” Naho smiled. “I think it’s a lovely place. I’ve felt at home there since I joined the Toa Mangai. And I get a feeling you feel more at home there too.” “Now that you say it” Saril answered, “I think I do. But…my duty is to Ko-Metru. I have a job to do.” “I understand.” she replied. “Though I always want you to feel welcome. Especially after today, if you ever need a Toa to talk to, I’ll be there.” “Thank you, Toa Naho” Saril said, “I believe I will.”


“Saril! Hey, Saril!” a voice called out. Oh great, Ehrye. Saril didn’t have time for this, he was already behind on processing this delivery. The courier slid over to his desk. “So I’ve been working on something that’s going to get Nuju’s attention for sure. That promotion is gonna be mine! I’ll have an office in the Knowledge Towers in no time.” He seemed quite satisfied with himself. “Mmhmm” Saril grunted, completely uninterested. “Really?” Ehrye said, annoyed. “Aren’t you curious how I’m gonna do it?” “No, not really,” Saril answered flatly. “Oh come on, this is a big deal! Everyone wants to be a scholar. Don’t you?” “No, not really,” Saril repeated. Ehrye looked taken aback. “Seriously? You’re fine with being stuck in this dingy shipping office forever?”

Saril’s patience had expired, and he raised his voice. “No Ehrye, I do not like it here. I do not like it in the knowledge towers. I don’t even like the cold. But I have a duty to Ko-Metru, and so I keep working here. Now go get back to your job so I can get back to mine.” “Fine.” Ehrye turned to exit the room. “Cross-wired freak” he muttered under his breath. And he had crossed a line. Saril roared in anger and leapt at him, knocking him to the ground. “You take that back RIGHT NOW!” he shouted. The commotion drew the attention of some Ko-Matoran passer-bys. And then the Keerakh.

In mere moments three Vahki were upon them. A disruption of this degree would not be tolerated, and everyone present knew it. Ehrye scrambled to his feet. “He did it! He attacked me!” He pointed at Saril. The Keerakh had no interest in blame, only order, and they hit Ehrye with their Staffs of Confusion. “Surrender or run…” Saril thought. Who was he kidding, he wouldn’t even make it out of the room. He lay down in defeat, and before he knew it, his mind went blank.

Matoran Unit Ko-54411 sat at his desk, processing documents for an incoming delivery of computer equipment. He didn’t have much grasp on where or when it was, but that was fine. He had work to do, and he was content.

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Carefully Saril slinked through the Ga-Metru streets. He kept a careful eye out for Bordakh patrols, if he were caught breaking curfew he’d be in huge trouble. But soon that wouldn’t matter. In time he found his way to a small dwelling on the edge of the residential zone, overlooking the bay.

Leisaa was startled awake by a knock at her door. This late at night, she had no idea who it could be. Thankfully not Vahki, they don’t extend the courtesy of knocking. Groggily she got out of bed and opened the door to find her friend Saril at the door, a dejected look on his mask. “What are you doing here?” she said as quietly as she could. He said nothing but had a troubled look in his eyes. “Never mind, just get in here before the Vahki see you.” She pulled him in and bid him sit down. “I know you, you wouldn’t come out here at night if it weren’t really important. What’s going on, Saril?” He sighed. “I’m leaving Metru Nui.”

Leisaa was in disbelief. “Are you serious? Why?” she asked urgently. “There’s something very wrong with this city, Leisaa. I can feel it, and I know you can too. The Vahki have been getting more aggressive. Matoran have been disappearing. We haven’t seen Delro in weeks, for Artakha’s sake. And all of this Turaga Dume ignores, tells us to continue working as normal.” Leisaa didn’t want to admit it, but he wasn’t wrong. “But we can’t just abandon the city!” she protested, “Toa Lhikan will protect us.” Saril frowned. “He hasn’t so far. And what about the rest of the Toa? They’ve disappeared too, one by one. Lhikan could be next.”

Leisaa was silent for some time. When she finally spoke her voice was unsteady. “So you’re leaving me all alone.” “No, I…I mean that’s not what…” Saril stammered, taken off-guard. “Why don’t you come with me?” “Because” she snapped, “I haven’t forgotten my duty to Metru Nui. I will not abandon my home.” “But this isn’t my home!” Saril pleaded. “I’ve felt out of place in Ko-Metru my entire life. It’s like I was built to be somebody I’m not, and even if the city were safe, I can’t keep this up. I just can’t.”

“Well then, I think you should get going Saril,” Leisaa said in a tone both bitter and mournful. “Be careful of the Bordakh, they do sweeps on the hour.” Saril stood to leave. “Goodbye Leisaa” he said. “You’re a good friend. I’m going to miss you.” She didn’t answer.


“Well look what we ‘ave here!” one of the brutish sailors growled. “An uninvited guest!” He tossed the unwelcome passenger to the deck. Saril cowered and assessed his situation. All of them were at least twice his size, even if he knew how to fight he wouldn’t stand a chance. And there was nowhere to run, it was the ship or the sea. “I say we feed this one to the Takea” the sailor said with a cruel grin. “Hold on, Melkem” another interrupted. “Not until I question him.” This one was taller, leaner, more distinguished. A Steltian noble. “Yes, Captain Kohdorak” Melkem complied.

The Captain leaned in to look Saril in the eyes. “Tell me, Matoran, where are you from?” “K…Ko-Metru” he anxiously stammered. His interrogator’s eyes lit up. “Ah, a star-reader! Perhaps you can guide us to fortune?” “I, uh, never…learned…” Saril trailed off, realizing as he spoke this was the wrong answer. The Captain frowned and snorted. “Well then, Ko-Matoran” he said condescendingly, “what good are you to me?” Saril’s mind raced. “I do know how to use the stars to navigate,” he answered frantically. “And I know shipping routes! I worked at a transport hub.” The Captain’s interest was piqued. “A navigator, hmm? Very well then, Matoran. You shall pay for your voyage in service on my ship.”

Saril sifted through the pile of tablets before him, trying to make sense of this mess. Maps, itineraries, shipping manifests, all strewn about. This wouldn’t do at all. By habit he began to sort and organize, trying to inventory their current cargo and plan the most efficient route to its destination. “First to Nynrah” he muttered, “then a stop in Xia…and from there, south to Hodea Nui.” This new route would save them at least a day. Maybe the crew wouldn’t be so hard on him if he made himself useful.

Saril’s concentration was interrupted by a knock on the cabin door. One of the other sailors let himself in. He was as brawny as the others, but seemed somewhat less gruff. “Hello there, Matoran” he greeted. “I heard from the crew about a passenger aboard. It’s not often we see your kind out on the sea. And even then, usually the blue or green ones.” Saril wasn’t quite sure how to answer. “So, do you have a name?” the crewman asked. “I’m Saril.” “Im Kesqel. Nice to have you aboard, Saril. Looks like the Captain’s put you to work, eh?” “Yeah” he answered. “I think I found a way for you to pick up and deliver your cargo quicker.” Kesqel looked impressed. “Not bad for your first day aboard. I’ll tell the Captain.”

For four days they sailed. Saril studied their star charts and steered the ship true to course. Deliveries were made, payment was exchanged. He never left the ship, the Vortixx and even the Nynrah Ghosts didn’t seem particularly friendly. Once the final port was reached, Captain Kohdorak acknowledged his good work. “You have been of service to me, and I consider your voyage paid. You are dismissed.”

Saril stood on the shore, staring out into the ocean, lost in thought. He knew he had to leave Metru Nui, but honestly didn’t have a plan as to where he’d go now. “Something on your mind?” a voice came from behind. Kesqel walked up to join him. Saril sighed. “I feel so aimless. I don’t know where to go from here.” “Well,” Kesqel suggested, “you did fine work these last few days. Maybe you’d be interested in staying with us a little while longer?” Saril contemplated the offer. Perhaps this would be a good way to see more of the world? If nothing else, it would be free passage to sail until he found an island that felt more like home. He gave Kesqel an affirming smile. “Well then, welcome to the crew!”

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Days turned to weeks. Kesqel gave Saril a Matoran-sized fishing spear and taught him how to use it. Saril knew how to navigate, but Kesqel taught him how to actually steer the ship. Melkem, on the other hand, was more interested in teaching him to fight. Saril was small and quick, making him hard to hit and a good sparring partner. Weeks turned to months. The crew was becoming endeared to their Matoran member, probably in part because he worked hard and never asked for a cut of the profits. Saril seemed content enough sailing the seas and visiting new islands.

It was just shy of a year into his voyages that the Great Cataclysm struck. It began like any other day. Their ship was close to port on the Northern Continent, carrying a handful of passengers from Stelt. The sun was bright, the seas were clear. There was no warning when the bioquake hit. In an instant the whole world shook, more violently than anything any of them had seen before. Storm clouds appeared from nowhere, turning the sky black and releasing a torrent of rain. The sea churned and waves crashed into the ship. Several times they nearly capsized. Captain Kohdorak shouted commands at the crew, which Saril couldn’t hear over the deafening storm. But he knew he had to act fast, and scrambled to the wheel.

Navigating through this hurricane would be a fool’s errand. The sky was illuminated only by flashes of lightning, and fighting against these waves would destroy the ship. The only way they were making it out of this would be riding the storm. Saril closed his eyes and felt the movement of the sea. The current was pulling starboard, so Saril spun the wheel to match their heading. The vessel surfed the length of a gigantic wave, making it out unscathed. But they were picking up speed, and this game was getting more dangerous. They crested another wave, and for a moment the whole ship soared through the air. Another flash of lightning illuminated what appeared to be the coast. “Land ahoy!” Kohdorak hollered. Saril aimed straight for it. This would be a bumpy landing, but at least they’d be out of the deadly sea. The entire crew braced for impact. Saril should’ve braced harder. As they crashed into the shore he was thrown to the deck, hitting his head and blacking out.

The Matoran awoke to more cloudy skies, though the sheets of rain had thankfully been reduced to a light drizzle. “Ah, he’s awake!” Kesqel said as he walked over. “That was some good sailing out there! Good thing you learned from the best, huh?” They both grinned. “So where are we?” Saril asked. Looking around, he couldn’t even see water. “I’ll tell ya where we are,” Melkem growled, “the middle o’ nowhere! The water receded and we’re all stuck here, aground. Thanks a lot, navigator” he said with a huff before walking off. “Don’t mind him” Kesqel reassured Saril. “He’ll calm down soon enough.”

A few hours passed before Captain Kohdorak returned with supplies. Some Regenerate Kanoka, a bunch of Levitate Kanoka, and even more rope. Once the damage to the ship was patched up, they used the disks to lift it into the air. “Now what?” Saril inquired. Kohdorak tossed him a rope. “Pull” he commanded, pointing at the distant coast.


“What’s that over there?” Saril asked, pointing off into the distance. Something had caught his eye, something moving in their direction. “I don’t see nothin’” Melkem squinted as he stared. “What’s this now?” the Captain had overheard and walked over to investigate. “Over there,” Saril pointed, “I think it’s another ship.” Kohdorak gestured for someone to hand him his looking Kanohi. It was a powerless mask, but the extra-large scope let him see considerable distances. He put it on and his demeanor immediately changed. “Oh Karzahni…” he muttered, then bellowed as loud as he could, “Zyglak!! To your battle stations!”

Kesqel and Melkem ran to the port-side repeating disk launchers and began loading them with Kanoka. The rest of the crew grabbed blasters they had picked up from Nynrah. Saril grabbed his fishing spear and just tried to stay out of the way. He’d heard horrible stories about the Zyglak, reptilian monsters whose corrosive touch could dissolve anything. He wanted desperately to run, but with nowhere to go, Saril braced himself to fight for his life.

The Zyglak ship was close enough to see now. It was messily cobbled together from scrap and parts of the ships of their former victims. Saril tried not to think about the bits of Matoran armor welded to its hull. “Fire at will!” Kohdorak roared, and in an instant a volley of Kanoka and Zamor and Rhotuka rained down on the Zyglak ship. It seemed to have taken heavy damage, parts were sloughing off into the sea. It slowed down, but did not stop. The Captain frowned. The Zyglak had no ranged weapons, but if even one made it aboard it would be a catastrophe. As if to punctuate that thought, a Zyglak threw a crude spear that landed on the deck and burned a hole through it.

All the crew reloaded their launchers as fast as they could. The Zyglak ship was uncomfortably close. Acting as one the crew fired another wave of ammunition. Kesqel seemed to get a lucky shot and something on their ship exploded. Several Zyglak were thrown into the sea and the oncoming boat began to sink. Saril sighed in relief. That was far too close. Suddenly he was startled by a claw reaching for him as a large reptilian form climbed over the side of the ship.

“Matoran!” the Zyglak hissed with rage. Saril was paralyzed with fear. Before he knew what was happening, the Captain struck the intruder in the back with a Rhotuka. This only had the effect of drawing its attention, and the Zyglak lunged at Kohdorak. The Captain parried with his blade, but it rapidly rusted and dissolved. With no other option he grabbed the Zyglak by the neck, and with a yell of pain and rage he threw it overboard.

The fight was over but Kohdorak was badly hurt. Saril snapped out of his panic and rushed over. “Let me look at it! I have medic training.” The Captain had no time for pride and showed Saril his hand. The armor and even organics were badly corroded, there may be no salvaging it. Kohdorak seethed from the pain. “Hey Captain,” Saril said, trying to keep him calm, “how would you feel about a hook?”


The seas were calm that night. Saril stared at the stars, making calculations and plotting their course. Sometimes he wished he had asked for a scope to be installed on his mask, that would have made this a lot easier. Looking back up he noticed in confusion that there was a star missing from one of the constellations. Before his eyes, one of them went out. Then another. Then another. “Captain?” Saril called out, beginning to panic. “Captain!” Several members of the crew stepped out on the deck to investigate the commotion. “This had better be important” Captain Kohdorak growled. Saril was just pointing up. The crew looked at the sky and their eyes widened in terror.

They all watched as the stars flickered out one by one. To say this was a bad omen would be the understatement of the millenia. They went out faster and faster, until none remained. The sky was gone, replaced with an empty black void. The breeze stopped blowing, and the air began growing cold. No one was willing to speak it aloud, but they all knew. The Great Spirit Mata Nui had died.

With no starlight and all their lightstones extinguished, Saril and the others fumbled around the ship in complete darkness. Their heartlights gave only the faintest of visibility, until one of the crew managed to start a fire on the deck. They all huddled around, the only source of heat and light. “What now, Captain?” Melkem asked worriedly. Saril had never seen him scared before. Kohdorak sat in silent contemplation for a minute. “We make for the nearest shore and take shelter with whomever we find. This calamity affects us all.” He looked at Saril. “I think I am beginning to understand your Matoran virtue of Unity. Now where to, Navigator?” Saril remembered their current heading, before the lights went out. “We were en route to Stelt,” he informed the crew, “but the closest island now is Oodina. Normally I would avoid that place, but we don’t have much choice now.” “You heard him!” the Captain ordered. “To your stations! We will not lay down in defeat!”

Barely had the words escaped his mouth when there came a booming noise reverberating through the sky. Then an explosion of blinding light. As Saril’s eyes adjusted he felt warmth returning to the air around him. Daylight. “The Great Spirit…” Kesqel muttered. Indeed, Mata Nui lived once more. After the crew shook off their surprise, they all yelled in excitement and joy. They had faced the end of all things and did not waver, and just as the Great Spirit was given new life, so were they. Saril’s thoughts drifted to an old Matoran word…Ignika.

The following night, Saril was relieved to be greeted by a sky full of stars. But something had changed. A new constellation had joined the rest, one in the shape of a Kanohi Akaku.


“Ye know, one time I took on a whole team of Toa by myself. Knocked three of em out cold, I did” Melkem bragged. All the sailors knew not to believe a word of his stories, though they entertained nonetheless. “Ah, Toa aren’t so tough anyway. So self-righteous, always going on about duty and all that.” “Not all Toa are so bad, you know,‘’ Saril retorted. “I used to be pretty close with one. She gave me my most prized possession.” Melkem laughed. “Ya mean yer lucky rock? Sure thing, lad. Who could ever ask fer more?” “Hey now,” Kesqel responded, “Saril might be a little…strange, but he’s really proven himself around here and- hey, what’s going on over there?”

Saril peered over to see Captain Kohdorak on the pier talking with a strange group of travelers. Their leader was a big one in gold and blue armor, and they seemed to be escorting a Vortixx in a cloak. “Wonder what all that’s about,” Melkem grunted. After a few minutes of bartering Kohdorak seemed to be arranging to take them somewhere. “You don’t think the Captain’s gonna let them use the ship, do ya?” Kesqel wondered. “Oh, I don’t think we need his permission,” a creepy, raspy voice answered. From among the visitors a bizarre sea creature stood before them, glowing red eyes staring intensely. Saril immediately felt a wave of dizziness hit, struggling to keep his balance. His vision blurred and he was completely disoriented, outside of one perfectly clear command.


The next thing Saril knew he was in the water, still dazed. The dim light of the surface was uncomfortably far away. Nearby was Melkem, floating limply. Saril swam over and tried to pull him up, but it was no use. The Matoran was only half his shipmate’s size, he just wasn’t strong enough. Desperately Saril took out his fishing spear and jabbed Melkem in the arm. That seemed to snap him out of it. The two swam up to the surface and immediately gasped for air. “Where are the others?” Saril pleaded. Their ship was rapidly departing, and Kohdorak lay unconscious on the dock. “Can’t worry about that now. To the shore, lad!” Melkem commanded.

Soon the sailors dragged themselves to safety, and Kohdorak stumbled over to join them. “Those stone-rat scum-sucking thieves” the Captain cursed. “To Karzahni with you!” He shook his hook at his ship disappearing into the horizon. Saril surveyed his crewmates. Besides being waterlogged, they were all unharmed. Except. “Wait, where’s Kesqel?” Saril worriedly asked. There was no sign of him. Kohdorak looked out into the sea in disappointment. “I think we lost more than our ship today.”

Saril was distraught. Kesqel was his friend, his mentor. He wouldn’t have survived a week beyond Metru Nui without Kesqel’s guidance. “That fish freak piraka,” Saril swore. “Someday I’m going to find him, and I’m going to make him pay.”