The Self-MOC Actual Roleplay Topic - Act I

“I was created with no element.”

“Instead I excel almost any other Toa with my physical and mental abilities.”

The maroon Toa turns and begins to slowly walk away.

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“I hail from the Iron mountains.”

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“I’m aware of the powers, but what are you, what is a…Toa?”

“Strange. I have heard of that place, but I don’t know when… or how.”

Oronix stops walking, almost in shock that Destrucus asked this.

“Toa are evolved Matoran, usually elemental warriors.”

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‘‘What the heck happened?’’

Ghosty gets up and looks around.

There’s a group of weird people talking not far from where he is.
He runs to join them.

‘‘Heyyy you guys. Where are we?’’

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“A Toa is a warrior, a champion. A protector, a hero. Most of the time. What are you, if not a Toa?”

“We know no more than you do.”


“Hmm. You seem familiar, have we met?” Hutere asks.

‘‘Oh great.’’

Ghosty turns to Hutere.

[quote=“Hutere_The_Toa_of_Air, post:49, topic:19631”]
have we met?
[/quote]’‘What? Probably not. I have standarts Y’know.’’

“everyone knows what they are. At the same time only the one’s that live there truly know the place.”

“I think we are not were we should be. I think the spiders had something to do with this. Oh not the spiders.” Darth says as he starts to look terrified.


Oronix, his back turned to everyone else, walks away to a small stone structure in the distance.

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“Hmm. So do I, and I believe I would not side with one so… you know, I can’t think of the word.” Hutere thought that if he had to work with some of these people, it would be no easy task.

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‘‘Spiders? I can handle those.’’

Ghosty walks to a rock and sits down,letting out a sigh.

‘‘Who are you people anyway?’’

Stoax turns to Ghosty, “No clue, but the sooner we find a way off this island the better. I should be at my hidden base right now with my team.”

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“Matoran?” Destrucus is even more confused. “I am a
Kaikaro Artangi”

It comes from the Maori word kaitākaro atarangi, which mean Shadow Player

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“I protect my home, Tokakoto.”

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“I am Darth The Lost One.”

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“I believe, at this point, we are all lost.”

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Everyone notices Oronix 30 yards in the distance. He is kneeling at what appears to be a small stone shrine, covered in runes. Oronix picks up a silver mask from the ground.