The Self-Moc Mission

Had no intention to submit someone else’s work. That being said… I’ve greenlit Barafu V.2.

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Awesome mocs, can’t wait to see the rest of them!


Agreed, these are so fun!



Awesome! :clap:

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Alright, Batch 3 is finally here. We’ll start with a closer look at the two I’ve already revealed.

  1. @Barafu

Barafu was the first Moc I built for this batch, and was also one of the easiest. The actual build process didn’t take long at all, but finding the pieces took quite a while. I have two Jango Fetts, yet it still took me ages to find any of my sand blue CCBS shells. Barafu is also the first Moc of this project to feature shoulder articulation.

  1. @ProfSrlojohn

Another fairly simple one. I began by beefing up his chainsaw arm, inadvertently creating a feature in which all of the blades spin by turning a single knob on the side.

I could’ve stopped there, but once I built his head I found that it looked like a really cool monster head from the top, mostly due to the Rahkshi head’s teeth, so I created a transformation function from there. Now ProfSrlojohn can turn from a regular dude with a chainsaw arm to an alien monster thing with a chainsaw arm! It’s a bit more complex than just flipping the head around, though, you also completely unfold his legs and flip around some cannons on his shoulders. This transformation also reveals the previously hidden neon green spikes all over him.

  1. Korrix by @SomeBionicleFan23

Korrix was the first Moc to bear a 3D-printed mask, and therefore also the first to receive a substitute mask. Korrix’s Matoran form wears an Akaku, so I gave him one here as well. Other than that he’s a fairly simple one, being a Metru build just like the original Moc.

  1. Tohru by @The_Blue_Panda

Tohru shouldn’t have taken as long as he did, but, as you know, I had a lot of trouble locating his mask. Once I did find it, however, things picked up again and I was able to complete him rather quickly. I’ve always been a fan of Tohru’s original design, so it was basically a matter of downsizing him to fit the scale of the others. This Tohru also sports a black cloak rather than a white one, but The_Blue_Panda has stated several times that it should be black but he just doesn’t have the appropriate cape pieces, even going as far as photoshopping the white tissue black.

  1. Tumeke by @TheCobaltCorsair

Tumeke was another build that required a replacement mask, since I don’t have a blue Kakama, instead wearing a blue Pakari. He, like the others, didn’t take too long to make, with the lower torso easily taking the longest.

  1. Self Moc by @Dadertrix

This guy marks the first Moc in this project to not actually have a name. Regrettably, I based him off an earlier version of the Moc which had a jetpack, not realising there was a more recent version without the jetpack and featuring a large cannon arm instead. I’d already finished the model by the time I realised, so unfortunately this one is based on an outdated design.

Aside from that, his original version bore another 3D-printed mask; a movie-style Kiril. I’ve always thought the Kiril to look a bit like a skull, so I went with that and used Hydraxon’s face instead. The jetpack on the original was really flat and wide, with the engines placed absurdly close together, so I overhauled the entire design to just two large boosters protruding from his back. He’s a bit more simplistic than most, comprised almost entirely of CCBS, but I couldn’t really think of that much to do with him.

Original models for comparison

So that does it for Batch 3. This is usually the place where I’d nominate the next batch, but I’ve got an important announcement to make first.


I said early on that I’d keep every Moc assembled and that there’d be a big group shot at the end, but… I don’t think that’s gonna be able to happen. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got a lot of parts, but I haven’t got infinite parts. Some of you may have noticed that a lot of these Mocs use the Uniter torso, and that’s because a lot of these models share the same torso frame, a frame which I can’t really replicate any more since running out of parts. It’s not just the torsos either; I’ve found myself running low on ball joints, armour add-ons, even eyestalks on occasion. I know a lot of you were looking forward to the group shot, but it unfortunately isn’t possible. I’ll still make Mocs for everyone, I just won’t keep them built after. Sorry to anyone who was anticipating this.

With that out of the way, Batch 4 will be:


Nice! They all look pretty good.
I’d like my self moc done too but I haven’t finished him yet. :slightly_smiling_face:


Excellent job with all of Batch 3! I like how you simplified Barafu’s build but still kept the aesthetic.


I’d love to see what you can do with my self MOC. It’s been a few years since I updated it last…

Here’s the best picture I got!



All of them look great, but Tohru is amazing! I love how you were able to simplify him without removing his core aspects, and I love the look of the black cloak!

Keep up the good work!


These look awesome, great job once again.

Dang. Maybe you could still do a groupshot for those that are assembled currently and do some for the next batches. (maybe every third one?)


These are great, Tumeke and Barafu are my particular favourites.

Seconding Senit’s suggestion of the groupshot ever few batches. Then I’m sure some enterprising person will shop the groupshots together.


Wow! I was not expecting a transformation feature. Neat! Thanks a lot!


Wow! What can I say? I like what you’ve done with the place.
I like the mask as an alternate, I’ve been thinking about painting a great huna, but using the von nebula face is a pretty good look. My original design philosophy with the jetpack was non-existent, I had two extra trans orange pieces, and needed somewhere to put them. Not to mention, I had put a mounting point for… something on his back, and needed something to go there. doing the jet boosters like you had isn’t a bad idea, and I’ll have to think about it when I get to working on v4. I tried to use as little ccbs as possible on my original moc, on account of I prefer the boxy technic aesthetic, but I used the armor pieces so I’d have the trans orange that I wanted. I do appreciate how you built up the shins and made them more blocky, they were always intended to be comically large. Overall, a rendition I’m certainly happy with, thank you for your service.

Just noticed all the gunmetal you put on him, I didn’t have any on my original, but a little bit might not be a bad idea either…

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Yoooo Korrix looks great! Along with the rest of them!

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Wow these look fantastic. I love how you’ve been able to get those slizer pieces on Korrixs shoulders.


You even gave him both weapons. Thanks for building Tumeke!


@Monopoly Do I have your permission to make a YouTube video showcasing your Tohru MOV? :wink:

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Good idea, I second this, it means that there would be the potential to make a photoshopped mega group-shot.


Of course, I don’t mind at all.

Also, for everyone asking me to just do a group shot of everyone so far, I’ve, uh… already disassembled them. I’ll be sure to do it for all the upcoming batches, though.