The Self-Moc Mission


All of them look great, but Tohru is amazing! I love how you were able to simplify him without removing his core aspects, and I love the look of the black cloak!

Keep up the good work!


These look awesome, great job once again.

Dang. Maybe you could still do a groupshot for those that are assembled currently and do some for the next batches. (maybe every third one?)


These are great, Tumeke and Barafu are my particular favourites.

Seconding Senit’s suggestion of the groupshot ever few batches. Then I’m sure some enterprising person will shop the groupshots together.


Wow! I was not expecting a transformation feature. Neat! Thanks a lot!


Wow! What can I say? I like what you’ve done with the place.
I like the mask as an alternate, I’ve been thinking about painting a great huna, but using the von nebula face is a pretty good look. My original design philosophy with the jetpack was non-existent, I had two extra trans orange pieces, and needed somewhere to put them. Not to mention, I had put a mounting point for… something on his back, and needed something to go there. doing the jet boosters like you had isn’t a bad idea, and I’ll have to think about it when I get to working on v4. I tried to use as little ccbs as possible on my original moc, on account of I prefer the boxy technic aesthetic, but I used the armor pieces so I’d have the trans orange that I wanted. I do appreciate how you built up the shins and made them more blocky, they were always intended to be comically large. Overall, a rendition I’m certainly happy with, thank you for your service.

Just noticed all the gunmetal you put on him, I didn’t have any on my original, but a little bit might not be a bad idea either…

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Yoooo Korrix looks great! Along with the rest of them!

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Wow these look fantastic. I love how you’ve been able to get those slizer pieces on Korrixs shoulders.


You even gave him both weapons. Thanks for building Tumeke!


@Monopoly Do I have your permission to make a YouTube video showcasing your Tohru MOV? :wink:

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Good idea, I second this, it means that there would be the potential to make a photoshopped mega group-shot.


Of course, I don’t mind at all.

Also, for everyone asking me to just do a group shot of everyone so far, I’ve, uh… already disassembled them. I’ll be sure to do it for all the upcoming batches, though.


Oh The Horror! Lol. Sounds like we’ll all need to get some revamps done and digitally piece them in.


Let’s do a kick!


It’s been a while since this thread has been active so I just want to check and see how this project is going at the moment?

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Ah, yes. I probably should’ve said this earlier, but this project is currently on hiatus for the time being, simply due to the fact that I don’t have unlimited space. At the moment, my Exo-Force collection is taking up almost my entire floor space for the upcoming reviews, so I can’t continue construction of further Mocs until those reviews are completed.

For an idea of the time this’ll take, here’s a rough outline of the dates the next reviews will be released:

  • 7704 Sonic Phantom - later today
  • 7707 Striking Venom - October 4th
  • 7713 Bridge Walker vs White Lightning - October 9th
  • 7709 Sentai Fortress - October 10th
  • 8102 Blade Titan and 8104 Shadow Crawler - October 15th
  • 8103 Sky Guardian and 8105 Iron Condor - October 16th
  • 7714 Golden Guardian - October 17th
  • 8111 River Dragon and 8112 Arachnoid Stalker - October 22nd
  • 8113 Assault Tiger and 8115 Dark Panther - October 23rd
  • 8117 Storm Lasher - October 24th

So, if everything stays on schedule, the next batch will start production at the end of the month. From now on I’ve got two things going - my 2000’s Lego reviews and this project. As such, they’ll generally take turns over the months; if it’s reviews one month it’ll likely be Mocs the next.


these mocs look nice!
it’s cool to see your take on all these self-mocs!

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So uh, it’s November now. Just curious if you’ve started production on the next batch yet or not.

Now it’s December. Is this thing still going?


Ayo its prolly no easy feat, I’d let him have time


[Checks Pulse]… yep. Still alive.