The Shadowed One (Legendary Edition)

Ruler of Odina, and leader of the Dark Hunters: The Shadowed One!

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A complete revamp of the original combination model from 2005, I initially had no plans of building this.

But as usual for me, some good parts formations came together while messing around, and eventually the MOC pretty much built itself (for the most part).

I started at the chest, with that knights kingdom shin guard and added the Nuparu armor plates on top. I found those parts created a really nice shape together, and just fit. So using way too many connectors I was able to pull off the angle I wanted to achieve.

From there I moved down and built the legs. The legs I did a few revisions on, as I wanted to keep that similar feel as the original model, making them look muscular and armored, while still being poseable. Also added a piston, as he needed the extra support.

As for the rest of the figure, it came together fairly quickly, just had to organize some of the colours and parts to keep the look tight.
But overall I’m extremely happy with how he turned out, and I might do more Dark Hunter revamps in the future, not putting a big rush on anything.

A little side note, I’m also visiting my first LEGO convention this year: Bricks In The Six! And I’ll be deputing this, and multiple other MOCs at the event. And to celebrate I’m going to releasing a new MOC every day for the next week! So keep your eyes open for the rest that are to come, I’m very excited to share them!

Thanks for taking a look at my MOC!


Most times people remake TSO they tend to really slim his shoulders and remove a lot of the menace the original model was implied to have. Thankfully you didn’t do that here, and as a result this might just be my favorite moc of the leader of the Dark Hunters.

Nice work!


I like how you kept a lot of the details from the original but still upgraded it in just about every way


LOVE the torso armor here. The layering is sick, and it really looks like armor.


Nice moc been working on my own shadowed revamp

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