Agori Salvation: Marendar (Legendary Edition)

Released from it’s containment, the Agori’s salvation is on the move: The Marender

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This figure was a long time coming. I initially came up with a basic design all the way back in 2020 when the Helryx contest was going on. Having a prototype built sitting on my shelf for more than a year, before I tore it apart.

A few years later I decided it was a good time to revisit the character. So I began by condensing, as the original build was close to foot and a half tall. Then I pulled all the features of that original prototype and the final version of Marendar slowly came to being!

For this figure I came up with the concept of the character following the idea that the Baterra are an inverse of Bohrok, having Marendar be a similar inverse to the Exo-Toa. This was the basis of most of the features.

Including an electro rocket and an opening chest compartment. I also added in a few other features such as retracting blades and a grappling hook!

I wanted to make sure all the features could be hidden away, to help create a visual that matches the lore of the character. Peaceful robot to the Agori, and violent destructive machine to the Matoran.

Overall I’m super happy with how this figure turned out, especially with how I managed to maintain all the features while making a very detailed, bulky and sturdy. And I mean it, this thing has some heft!
And with that I hope everyone who decides to build this MOC has as much fun building it as I did designing it!

Thanks for taking a look at my MOC!


I like how he’s a “super” version of the Exo-Toa. That’s something I haven’t seen tried before!


Mother of Mayhem, this is beastly!

I’m just a massive fan of everything going on here-- from the brute complexion all the way to the opening ribcage. It’s all around just a cleanly built behemoth :call_me_hand:

That Exo-Toa bit is so uncanny it’s almost creepy, like a monster built to hunt Toa decided to take the form of its prey’s upgraded version. I dig that very, very much. :beers:

I will say though, that the lighting on these photos isn’t doing it justice at all. If you’re underequipped in the photoshoot aspect, may I suggest giving the Photoreal rendering on Studio a try?