The Shapeways' Masks (Polished & Painted)

I’ve finally got Shapeways’ Masks! :blush: :blush:

【The Mask of Creation】
Material:Smoothest Fine Detail Plastic(by Galvanized/@Galva_Nize )
Paints:Surfacer / Mr.Surfacer gray #1000
ㅤㅤㅤColor / PealGold by Gaianotes
ㅤㅤㅤTopcoat / Mr.Color, anti-UV clear(gross) by GSI Creos
ㅤㅤㅤFinishcoat / Mr.Topcoat premium, clear(semi-gross) by GSI Creos

【The Mask of Elemental Energy】
Material:Smooth F.D.Plastic(by Forge of the Mask Makers/@MaskMaker )
Paints:Surfacer / Mr.Surfacer gray #1000
ㅤㅤㅤColor / Mr.Color-Medium blue(No.72) by GSI Creos
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ-※spray it soft and rightly, don’t paint too “clean”!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ-※I didn’t use a peal-color! :wink:
ㅤㅤㅤFinishcoat / Mr.Topcoat-clear(semi-gross) by GSI Creos

Note:I hear that a Acrylic plastic will be crack if it touch with thinner, but I didn’t want to use a waterborne-paint for its fragile.
So I bought and test these to it works with thinner-paint, and at least these has a high durability.
(it has not cracked, I saw it through for its clear-material)
(and I tried with more strong thinner, used as Tool-Washer(Mr.ToolCleaner).
(I soaked these with a bath of Tool-cleaner for few minute, and it turned white, but doesn’t has crack. and I tried 2 more soaking, but these are never broken.)
(and I pulled them out of the bath and immediately washed them with water, and put these for a week, but they didn’t get a later-crack.)
So at least my test, Shapeways’ Acrylic plastic is so tough enogh for thinner-painting!
(Again, this is my testing’s resault. please use as simply refer, and I can’t vouch your painting’s resalt.)

Note2:I first polished these shaft-connector to match with Toa’s head piece.
If you didn’t this, they will may be broken when you connnect or remove them with Toa’s face for Acrylic plastic’s durability.
I Recommend to you for adjust shaft-connector at first.

Thank you for seeing! :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


Wow! You’ve done a fantastic job of painting those, will you use them on any MOCs?


Thank you @Eilrach!
No I won’t, this is just my Kanohi-collections!:wink::revolving_hearts:


The polishing you put on these makes looks perfect. The light bounces on each masks so beautifully. Please do more masks.

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