Table of Kanohi

Fun little project made using 3.5" square Melissa & Doug scratch cards.

These cards were great, except for the annoying dark purple color stripe, which defeated the purpose since it didn’t contrast with the black surface; I had to orient each card to predict and minimize the dark stripe’s impact on each mask drawing. But aside from that issue, the cards were quite nice.

For the G1 Mask of Creation (phenomenally designed by @Perp3tual ), the wooden stylus was not fine enough to capture the subtle detail, so I used a toothpick:

I also used as reference the gorgeous photos by @Bukkey of a polished version of @Galva_Nize’s fantastic 3d print of Perp3tual’s design.

The table includes almost every canon G1 Kanohi. There were a couple of conscious exclusions:

  • Takutanuva’s Mask of Light and Shadows- only ever shown in the movie form, which is inconsistent with the set forms of the Avohkii and Kraakhan.
  • Movie edition Kraakhan - non-canon, I believe.
  • The Ignika on the back of Vezon’s head- it wasn’t fully clear to me where the mask starts and Vezon’s head ends, and depicting Vezon’s entire head attached to it would be overly distracting and out-of-place in my opinion.
  • Bionicle Heroes/Voya Nui Online Game Ignika - on the wiki, the source that it’s a canon form is missing a citation.
  • Bionicle Stars Hau - I drew the Hau from the front since that’s the iconic depiction, and from the front it’s the same shape as the 2001 mask.
  • Miserix’s Mask of Mutation- the wiki considers his shapeshifted dragon form to be a canon form of the mask, but the size/scale of the dragon’s head, as well as not being clear what is the mask versus what is the head (if any of it constitutes a mask- a Makuta could ■■■■■■■■■■ into a maskless creature), made me decide not to do it.
  • The various “unknown Kanohi”. The Mahri Nui Matoran in the Cord were drawn so small that I would not be able to do those mask designs justice, so I decided a good cut-off was to only do the masks with assigned powers.

Anyway, thanks for checking it out. It was fun to make.


That’s looks good, sir, and weird that shape s h i f t is blank out.


Yeah not sure why the word got auto-blacked out.


It’s the blackout bad words out, but some reason it’s blackout words it’s similar, but not bad.


The filter flags any string of text that starts with “s”, ends with “t”, and has “h” and “i” anywhere in between in that order.


Or, you could just spell shapeshift.

my powers are devious in nature :smiling_imp:


This is pretty cool, I forgot scratch cards existed but they look just as fun as ever. The mask designs turned out really well too, toothpick was a good move for MoC, the details came out nice


This is such a unique idea and I love it so much.


Thanks so much!