The toa Hagah (bionicle canon contest #3: Honor Guard, Part 2)

This shield thing is insanity.
Nowhere were the artists told they couldn’t mount the shields on the arms, and previous contests even set a precedent for art modifying entries.

Did ttv DQ Mr N for dropping Helryx’s gauntlets? Did they DQ Perp for turning artakha’s cape into a waist cape?

Are the books not canon because they describe toa using fingers despite the sets not having any?

There is variance in canon and this level of consistency is unnecessarily restrictive on the artists these contests are supposedly meant to inspire.
To be frank moderating the artwork phase this thoroughly only makes this aspect of the contest seem even more tacked on.


The Bomonga thing was because it broke the rules. People weren’t out to get Double for it, he just broke the rules and people were upset that he was allowed to go through even though he broke the rules.


“oh no he made a joke when it comes to the height comparison and he had photos of the shield in hand but also photos where it wasn’t someone call the police right now”


Let’s not turn this into a thread about Double, please. SpecterL doesn’t need that, nor do the auditors who are discussing matters and reviewing these things. It just creates more drama.


Indeed there is no need, if Specter-L pulls out I’m going to hold certain people directly responsible, and Double is not included.

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okay then back to the matter at hand

Seeing as the stance on other art entries is that the shield can be on the back or its existence just ‘hinted at’ how on earth do you justify that literally any positioning of the shields except this one specific one which you’ve already said doesn’t violate the rules is okay? jesus christ

Hey everyone. Thanks for the patience, and here’s the situation.

The auditing group made a mistaken assumption that the rules applied in the MOC contest were to be applied in the art one as well. After TTV was criticized for allowing the winning Bomonga to have an arm-mounted shield, it was thought that the same situation should be avoided here, especially to avoid a precedent of “so anyone can get away with it”.

We were wrong in that assumption, and we apologize. We’re still working out the hiccups in our system, and this was one. The shield-on-arm placement is no longer an issue.

@specterL, Due to the confusion, you can still make changes to the shield placement if you’d like to or already have, but it is no longer required.


I like Specter’s entry a lot, just wish it was bit less dark to make these great desigs to shine.

Maybe this latest “hiccup” was just the boost it needed to overcome that.


my intention was to make this drawing followed by individual renders like this painting below, but unfortunately my time was very short


Yeah I agree with this. It would be different if the shield on the arm wasn’t a Bionicle thing to do, but we have seen this with G2 Ekimu’s Toa of Light form as an example, so I understand why one wouldn’t want this the Hagah specifically, but it’s not something that we haven’t seen done before either.

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This was poorly phrased, on a conceptual level most things in bionicle has inspirations from real life and certainly human history plays a part in making Bionicle, well Bionicle but from an inuniverse perspective the idea of a shield strap may not exist but we don’t know that since we have never been given an example of such in canon. However we can assume since every other media portray shields as hanheld tools the idea of a shield with a strap for wrist wielding has not been thought of yet in the MU and in that sense it does not really matter if we have had shield straps in our history because from an inuniverse perspective as far as we know the MU inhabitants has not thought about such a solution.

Yeah, I think this issue is perhaps something that SHIELDn’t have been brought up.




Congratulation @specterL - I can’t wait to see a digital model cooked up for your Gaaki mask!


Congratulations !

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Glad you made it! :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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Congrats @specterL !

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Congratulations! Really liked your artpiece!

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Well done!

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